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What is the opposite of the Night Elf Ancient buildings (The evil side)

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Level 4
Sep 19, 2011
I need to know the opposite of the Night Elf buildings. The evil side. I'm having a hard time figuring out what the opposite names could be. So i need your ideas for what can be the opposite names for the Night Elf ANCIENT buildings. For those who can't understand what i mean, here is an example.


Tree of life - Tree of Death
^ ^
Main Name Evil opposite name

There you go. I hope this example makes it clear. I need the opposite names of all the Night Elf ANCIENT buildings. Excluding the non-ancient buildings like the Hunter's Hall and etc.

The opposite Night Elf ancient building names i need are from the following buildings:

- Tree of Ages, Tree of Eternity, Ancient of War & Ancient Protector

That's all the buildings names i need.

Note: For the buildings with "Tree" in their name, there is no need to replace that word. Only the word that comes after the Tree word. And as for the buildings with the ancient word in their name, replace all words. The ancient word and the word that comes after it.

Thank you in advanced for your help and ideas.
I would gladly appreciate it. =)
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Ancient of War.
Evil name: Ancient of Peace
Not really Ancient of War can stay the same it is already evil.
Ancient Protector.
Evil name: Ancient Destructor.
Tree of Ages.
Evil name:Tree of Aging.
Tree of Eternity.
Evil name: Tree of Eternals Evils Souls.
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
Ancient Protector
Ancient Demolisher

Ancient of War:
Ancient of Carnage - Feeds off the blood/life force of those slain in combat?

Tree of Ages:
Tree of Withering - Enemies around it gradually lose HP?

Tree of Eternity:
Tree of Oblivion
Level 4
Sep 19, 2011
@noob, I like the Ancient Destructor and the Tree of Eternal Evil Souls idea. It’s just that I don’t know if i can keep the Ancient name in the word. I can’t seem to make up my mind. And as for the Tree of Eternal Evil Souls idea, I think that’s too long and it might not fit in the buildings name in-game.

As for the other 2. The Ancient of Peace and the Tree of Aging. The Ancient of Peace sounds like it became more of a peaceful, good name. While the Tree of Aging sounds like the name didn’t even change. Just replaced the e with an -ing. =D

Well i know that the ancient of war already sounds evil. I just need a name that’s more evil than war. =)

@Tickles, Ancient Demolisher, not so much. Sounds like a machine cause it reminds me of the Orc Demolisher. ;)

Ancient of Carnage, i like that one. Sounds evil. I like it. Still i can’t make up my mind about that Ancient word. =/

Ancient of Withering, it’s a good idea. It’s just that the first tier the Tree of Life which i changed into the evil name Tree of Death does not fit upgrading it into withering. From death to withering. It’s like it’s going back up to becoming alive again. =D And it was such a good idea too. =(

Lastly the Tree of Oblivion idea, Sounds good to me although i do not know what Oblivion means. I look it up in the dictionary right after this. Or you can tell me instead what it means. =b

Thank you again in advanced for your help and ideas. =)
Level 11
Jun 20, 2009
Tree of Life ---> Tree of Death
Tree of Ages ---> Crimson Tree
Tree of Eternity ---> Tree of Obilivion
Ancient of War ---> Forgotten Tree
Ancient of Wonders ---> Dead Wood
Ancient Protector ---> Tree of Destruction

There's some ideas :p
Level 2
Oct 11, 2011
Tree of Life - Tree of Death
Tree of Ages - Tree of Damnation
Tree of Eternity - Tree of Immortality
Ancient of War - Primordial Carnage
Ancient Protector - Primordial of Bloodlust
Ancient of Wonders - Primordial Conversion

I'unno, I think Tree of Carnage is the best one for war though.
Level 4
Sep 19, 2011
@Tickles, Know i know what Oblivion means. Good idea. Thanks. But it doesn't fit well or blend in if you know what i mean.

@Kala, thanks for the ideas, But none of them fit well. Sorry. And i don't need the ancient of wonders. Thanks. I got that covered up already. =)

@LordCat, I like the Tree of Damnation & Tree of Immortality ideas you have given. But i'll have to think about them first before i accept it. And as for the rest of your ideas, Good. =) But Primordial doesn't fit well into the name and as for the ancient of war i have already accepted Carnage as an idea for the name. It's just that the Ancient word needs to be replaced. I need another name for it instead of Ancient. =)

Thanks again for your help and ideas! I would really appreciate your help. =)
Level 5
Sep 30, 2011
Tree of Ages - Tree of Evil
Tree of Eternity - Tree of Doom
Ancient of War -Shrine of the Death
Ancient of Protector - Evil protector

It's kinda warlock theme for ancient of war
Level 8
Mar 20, 2011
I know you asked for the names of only ancient Night Elven Buildings but here's the names of all the buildings ^^
Night Elf--->Fel Elf

Altar of Elders--->Altar of the Damned/Altar of Damnation/Altar of Death
Ancient of Lore--->Ancient of Beasts/Ancient of Malevolence/Ancient of Shadows
Ancient of War--->Ancient of Battles/Ancient of Corruption/Ancient of Maiming
Ancient of Wind--->Ancient of Snakes/Ancient of Malice/Ancient of Squalls
Ancient of Wonders--->Ancient of Relics/Ancient of Blackening/Death Oak
Ancient Protector--->Corrupted Protector/Ancient Guard(ian)/Ancient of Demons
Chimera Roost--->Chimera Spawn/Possessed Hatchery
Hunter's Hall--->Fel Hall/Hall of Battles/Hall of Reclusion
Tree of Life--->Tree of Death/Tree of Corruption
Tree of Ages--->Tree of Centuries/Tree of Delusion
Tree of Eternity--->Tree of Immortality/Tree of Chaos
Level 13
May 11, 2005
corrupted or undead
tree of pestilence - tree of decay - tree of apocalypse
ancient of war - hollow of slaughter
ancient of lore - hollow of necromancy
ancient of wind -hollow of the vultures
hollow defender
murderers hall
chimera graveyard
altar of plague

tree of exile - tree of enmity - tree of oblivion
ancient of war - forgotten of destruction
ancient of lore - forgotten of the forbidden knowledge
ancient of wind - forgotten of the raptors
forgotten defender
hall of the banished
altar of betrayal
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Isn't night elf already got their opposite?
The corrupted ancient & naga?
The corrupted ancient is a demonic side, and the naga is the neutral side
Corrupted ancient consist reformed night elven to satyrs
Their building got 'corrupted' prefixes
(dunno about the wc lore novel thingy, since i didn't read the novel)
Tree of the damned
Lion of the corrupted
Well of blood
Hall of the dead
Eagle of the fallen
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