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What do you use to record your Hearthstone games?

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Level 20
Apr 14, 2012
You might be one of those people who record their games and upload to, let's say, YouTube. If you are, well, I kinda need your help with something. See, I have tried to record my Hearthstone games using 2 different programs, both of which have failed one-by-one:

1.) Fraps - it was recommended by a lot of people, though a 6 minute game takes up a lot of space, so no.
2.) oCam - actually does the job but the problem is, the files it outputs have to be converted in order to be read by Vegas Movie Studio and/or Vegas Studio Pro, so there's that converting thing.

I was wondering if there was anyone here that might use a different program for recording? I sure hope there is.

Thanks for reading.
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
You just need to reencode the output video after you're done playing.
You can play around with fps (25 instead of 60) and resolution (1280x720 instead of 1920x1080).
If I recall correctly, Fraps also works with predefined codecs to encode on the fly but that's shit.
If you want to have smaller files, just use some mediocre One Click h264 encoder like Handbrake, xMedia Recode or Megui, whichever you prefer and your videos will turn out to be a lot smaller (~5-20% of the original size, depending on the parameters. As for that, I'd recommend light filtering, no denoise and maybe crf16 or 17).
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
Depends on what you want, good performance, small filesize, many features ?
Action! is among the best ones, having decent filesize, many options and good quality.
My personal favorite is Bandicam simply because it captures smaller filesizes than the other video capturing softwares and has most of what you need but the quality is worse than most other softwares.
If you have one of the newer Nvidia GPUs Shadowplay is also an option, which has among the best performance but not the best quality.

I wouldn't recommend fraps unless you have a beastly Rig with a beastly HDD and a lot of time to spare encoding its huge files, but as far as quality goes Fraps is possibly the best software to use that is why many big channels still use it despite it being ancient.
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
I wouldn't recommend fraps unless you have a beastly Rig with a beastly HDD and a lot of time to spare encoding its huge files
That also depends on filtering, encoding parameters and the likes.
If you, say, want to do a quick cbr-based video of static content (as opposed to Borderlands 2), h264 will only store the changes between eachframe and thus the video will likely be smaller - especially if you force in a preset such as --veryfast or even --fast.
I, however, only do crf encodes and 'give it the time it needs' with --veryslow or sometimes --slower
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