Sir_Raziel said:he masturbated for all that time, without stopping because he sensed tyrande coming so he thought he'd impress her with being able to screw for a long tim.
Or is that just whats I'd do...
either that or like.... counted bacteria with ultravision.
U.V said:well, personally i think he used one of his chaos blades to scrape the metal bars and then he sniffed the powder.
other than that, he must have made some indecent offers to Maiev while she was guarding him. i think that's why she'd put the KotG to guard his prison and wasn't there when Tyrande rescued him.
Joey. said:You can hire meh, I'm expensive though... But, i'm the best there ever is and ever will be...
If you want high quality computer kicking hire me!
Why put a puppy inside of the computer (Not that a puppy could fit in one...) What are you? Some kinda puppy beater who thinks of evil and twisted ways of killing puppies?!?
Sigh... I fear you BENNY, may budha, and Lucifer have pitty on your Demented soul...
[EDIT:] And yes Benny, I always have my eye open for your posts and immediately click (Find BennyWongs post) Just so I can either prove you wrong or make fun of you... Beware... :twisted:
Sigh.... so many twisted minds. Now I shall smack you with the broom of purity untill you go straight..porndirector said:he pretended he was in a porn film, and i was directing it. he said i was a good director. and i should get an oscar for best director and he should get one for most erotic actor.