What class do you want next?

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Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
We have the Barbarian, Wizard and Witch Doctor. I don't really like any of them, but thats just me. None of those classes are really my style. In all the rpg fantasy games I have always been a knight kind of warrior or a dark looking ranger/assassin type guy. In Diablo I was the warrior and in Diablo 2 I was the Paladin. In games like Oblivion and Morrowind I was a Ranger and Assassin. In Fable I was a knight/ranger. I've never really been into the magic type of stuff. So, I hope they put in a class that I actually like.

The Barbarian is cool, but he just looks like a human version of an orc and orcs are better. What can I say you can't beat them. The wizard is just the same as the sorceress and sorcerer from Diablo 1 and 2. The Witch Doctor is a stretch, but at the same time its too similar to the Necromancer and the Necromancer is better. In fact the Necromancer is the only magic type of character that I've ever played. Besides, after playing WC3 a witch doctor just wouldn't be the same in less it was a troll. So far, the character classes suck! Again thats just me though, so what do you guys think of the classes so far?

What are your ideals for new classes?
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
I'm guessing that they're going for classes which are very similar to the ones in Diablo 2, so expect a holy warrior and a archer or something like that.
Level 5
Jan 8, 2008
what they have:
-heavy melee, tank, perhaps melee damage dealer: barbarian
-elemental caster, spell damage dealer: sorceress
-dark caster, summoner: witch doctor

thinks they dont have:
-holy class either melee: paladin like
-...or ranged: priest like
-archer: amazone, ranger
-fast melee: rouge/assassine
-perhaps a knight...

there are already 2 caster classes o.o
so i think theyll put another melee character in it for sure o.o
and perhaps an hybrid =O
i think blizzard said that there will be no paladin in it o.o

im pretty sure there will be something archer like ô.o
if it would be a ranger it could be the (melee/ranged) hybrid class o.o

i think there will be an assassine again o.o
its always one of the most popular classes in nearly every game o.o
and a fast, agile melee attacker still is missing :3
perhaps it could be combined with a holy class ô.o
not sure about this but it would be interesting =O

the classes could be:
(holy) assassine

what do you think ?_?

i like agile melee the most o.o
so the classes revlealed now are also not for me : /
and i dont really like assassines or rouges >_>
i prefere to fight a more honorable way =D
perhaps a ranger =O
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
Im not sure what diablo 3 would need to be honest as long they dont re-make Sorceress who was about too imba in D II.

Hmm...maybe a Joker, a clown who throws panda dolls and summons marionette armies? :grin:

maybe a...a...hmm...hard question o_O no quesses from me!
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
After reviewing some post about the Witch doctor and other people's observations; I take back what I said about the Witch Doctor. Only about two spells are actually similar to the Necromancer. Other than that the Witch Doctor is completely different.

Don't take me literally when I say that all the classes suck. They're actually cool and I'm sure once Blizzard releases more info on them than we shall see how much work has actually been put into them and everybody will be happy. Of course none of these classes are my style, so I'll just wait until they release a class that is my style.
Level 9
May 10, 2009
I bought Diablo Battle Chest today - I played Diablo 1 for 10 minutes, it sucked. Played Diablo 2, very, very, good! Really, in WoW - Warlock. Morrowind - Custom class, Warlock. Oblivion, Custom Class - Warlock. WARLOCKS ARE UBER. Get them next! Oh and for D2 I was a necro.
Level 16
Mar 8, 2009
Druid + Necromancer = Witch Doctor
Sorceress + ·· Arcane? = Wizard
Barbarian + 20 years = D3 Barbarian
two more classes.
Blizzard said that the 2 new classes will be totally new. Then, Amazon, paladin and assasin, discarded. mmm.... Lets see.
In Diablo 2 Lod we hav 7 classes:
Barbarian : pure melee.
Paladin : Holy melee :)
Necromancer : Dark mage
Sorceress: Elemental
Assasin : fast
Druid: melee + elemental
Amazon: range
We hav a replace for the Druid and for the Necro, and he is the WD.
We hav a replace for the sorceress, the wizard.
We hav the mitic barbarian.
Then, we need a replace for the Amazon (powerful range) and for the Assasin (fast!) i think that this will be an archer.
What more? a healer! A priest or something will be the fifth.
Thats my opinion.
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
I think an assassin or ranger type of guy will be the next class. The other class will be a Crusader/Templar.
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
Monks are no Warriors. The next class will have to wield a shield and wear heavy armor. A Crusader would be the best fit because a crusade can be good or bad which means they don't have to be a Paladin. I think the Ranger would be the other class as well. My best bet is that the Necro and Assassin will be the two classes added to the expansion.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
About Monk,wasnt the mage in diablo 1 called Monk or was it sorcerer?
The mage was called Sorcerer. However in the Hellfire expansion pack (not made by Blizzard) there was a class called the Monk. They were effective with light armour and fighting unarmed or with a staff.
Level 10
May 3, 2009
I hope they will make templars -.- because i abousletely hated the paladin i hope they will improve the paladin into a badass like the druid and necromacer
Level 8
Nov 29, 2008
Druid would be cool ;) i loved him in Diablo 2 LoD. The Assassin is also a nice class or maybe the amazon. Let´s see what Blizzard will do :D
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
Monks in Dungeons and Dragons are a martial art class just like in Diablo III, so Blizzard didn't necessarily change that or re-invent a monk class. I'm trying to think of other character classes I've played in other games.

Death Knight/Shadow Knight
Demon Hunter

Wouldn't that be cool if they expanded on some of the WC3 hero classes like the demon hunter?

A cleric might be cool and a fitting healer class for diablo, essentially they are a priest that can use shields, were plate armor, and maces. They aren't spectacular in melee but they are sort of a cross between paladins and priests.

I've noticed with Diablo the heroes represent diffrent ethnicities; the Diablo I wizard and Diablo III Witch doctor are from Africa, the Diablo II sorceress from Arabia, the Diablo II Paladin looks Hispanic... Maybe they'll add a sort of native American class like a berserker or something, specializes in throwing weapons and summoning pets?

Death Knights and Warlocks are my favorite classes from WoW, the Witch Doctor looks like it plays relatively similar to the Warlock, maybe they'll add one that plays more like a death knight? Dots are awesome. And evil characters generally have a better chance to get all the imbalanced and cheep spells that piss people off :D
(well, as long as the good and evil characters are on an equal playing field)

Bards are pretty awesome though to, random assortment of party buffs, curses, healing magic, summoning spells, and bowskills :D

Good call on the monk btw.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
A ranged class like the Rogue or Amazon looks like the most obvious choice.

Monks can heal, right?
Why should they be able to heal?

I don't get this obsession people have with Healers in Diablo 3. Diablos have been designed so that you can easily complete them ALONE. This means that all of the classes need to be able to dish out some serious pain. Teamwork and online comes second, so healers aren't essential.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
The most stereotypical thing for a monk is Lay on hands.
Healing powers in *any* universe I know comes from God, just like devastating powers come from demons. It only makes sense that monks can heal. Paladins could heal... (well actually I don't know if they could in D2, but they had this regeneration aura, right?)

Yes i thought that too. But, maybe not with that name. A monk priest-like neither would fit, but Blizzard made them fit making it a xaolin. Its cool. :p
A xaolin is still a monk. A bard is what it is: someone who sings songs and plays an instrument, not someone who handles a sword. Besides, a monk can be defined as:
- Someone who lives his life in poverty
- Someone who devotes his life to God
- Someone who escapes from a violent world.
Chance the last part and people could still recognise him as a monk, because he has a good reason of being violent, namely being violent in the name of God.
But a bard? How exactly is the character going to resemble a bard if he gets violent? You mean like a character that *sings* monsters to death? Sounds like april's fools all over again.
Level 16
Sep 26, 2005
a character that *sings* monsters to death?

Some *stars* do this all the time -.-

I call upon druid/ranger style, as I said before, 3 possible specs:
-ranged-melee combination - perfect against melee classes and melee monsters
-ranged-summoning combo - pure pve since AI will attack your pet, not you
-purge ranged with maybe some spells making it ... idk ... cool to play?
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