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Diablo III "Game play, Character Classes" ALL INFO

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Level 4
Feb 10, 2009
What do you think will be better for Game play in Diablo III.
So far in the demo it looks pritty sweet but let's get more
into the Classes what class do you think is better.

All info from the Diablo III web
sight but all this info is here for you.

The Wizard:

Owing to my lack of tolerance for those who would use magic towards their own nefarious ends, many have assumed that I am averse to the practice of the magical arts on a philosophical level. Nothing could be farther from the truth. My quarrel is with those sorcerers who dismiss the ancient traditions and teachings – teachings that have been honed over millennia in order to preserve respect for authority and the rule of law.

Recently the youth of Caldeum have fallen prey to the overblown stories of just such a delinquent wizard. That is correct: I used the uncouth term wizard, not sorcerer. It seems that even the title of a civilized magic wielder is too restrictive for this young upstart. Through my contacts at the Yshari Sanctum of the mage clans, I am one of the few who actually know the truth behind the rumors now sweeping our streets regarding this hellion who flaunts her magic irresponsibly.

Spells and game play "Wizard"
YouTube - Wizard skills high quality
YouTube - Diablo 3 - WIZARD gameplay part 1
YouTube - Diablo 3 - WIZARD gameplay part 2
YouTube - Diablo III Trailer: Wizard

The Barbarian:

In my journey to catalogue the various denizens, civilizations, and fauna of our world, I have traveled far and wide, but never before have I been struck with such dismay as when standing upon the ramparts of the ancient fortress of Bastion's Keep. I came to see firsthand the barbarians, those near-legendary, immense, relentless, dual-wielding furies of combat dwelling upon their sacred Mount Arreat.

Instead, I stand here looking at a mountain that has been torn asunder by some extraordinary force. The sight, I must confess, is incomprehensible. Yet what I see before me cannot be denied.

Spells and game play "Barbarian:"
YouTube - Diablo 3 - Barbarian Gameplay Footage (Part 1 of 2) (HD)
YouTube - Diablo 3 - Barbarian Gameplay Footage (Part 2 of 2) (HD)
Diablo III - Barbarian

The Witch Doctor:

Most believe the fearsome witch doctor of the umbaru race a legend, but I have seen one in battle with my own eyes. And it was difficult to believe, even then. He dispatched his opponent with terrifying precision, assaulting his victim's mind and body with elixirs and powders that evoked fires, explosions, and poisonous spirits. As if these assaults were not enough, the witch doctor also had at his command the ability to summon undead creatures from the netherworld to rend the flesh from his enemy's body.

I came upon this rare display as I ventured deep into the interior of the dense Torajan jungles that cover the southern tip of the great eastern continent, in the vast area known as the Teganze, with the goal of seeking out the tribes that reside there. This area is extremely secluded, and heretofore unseen by foreign eyes. I was fortunate to befriend the witch doctor I saw in battle, and, through him, his tribe: the Tribe of the Five Hills.

Spells and game play "Witch Doctor:"
YouTube - Diablo 3 Witchdoctor Attacks. Diablo 3 Officially Announced!

Diablo III
Here is the fight where you can watch the makers of Diablo III fight a "Big Boss" hope you like
YouTube - Diablo 3 High Quality Boss Fight
Diablo III Cinimatic YouTube - Diablo 3 - Cinematic Trailer

Diablo III - Scavenger
Diablo III - Dune Thresher
Diablo III - Undead
Diablo III - Khazra
Diablo III - Gnarled Walker
Diablo III - Dark Cultist

Diablo III - New Tristram
Diablo III - Caldeum
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I hate how slowly Blizzard reveals stuff. I've already lost my hype for this game. Hopefully I'll get it back upon release. In five years.
Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
Its same with SC, then are updating web, but they will upload it when big update will be made... probbly coz they are working on it at the time.
Release date is somting around from 9th till 2nd(2010.) month.
They probbly finished all cahracters, since they showed 3, and 4th was also finished then but they didnt want to show it.

My thinking.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
go to blizzard.com
On the main page they showd what they have done with SC.
They have revamped ALOT of zerglings to look even better then befor. =)
They also said "We hope & think that a beta of Starcraft II will be out this year (2009)"
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I am sure that they said "We hope & think that a beta of Starcraft II will be out this year (2009)" somewhere, i just dont remember where.
And Alpha was released in blizzcon. Its not even near beta. maybe in a couple of months if we are lucky, otherwise next year. But that just mean that the game will be even more awesome when it comes out, right?
Level 4
Feb 10, 2009
Hmm well i guess so it better be a good game.

Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Diablo is not suppost to be a scary game, its a game that contains devil monsters such as diablo but not scary, if you want a scary game go and buy a first person shooter PS3 game with truly awesome graphic and play it with high volume and in the middle of the night and it MAYBE will be scary.

And why is the screenshot of SC2 terrible? The game looks like that so your telling me the game looks terrible? :/
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
The game wasnt ment to be scary but it was ment to contain things like bloody bodies and stuff like that so it give you the feeling of a Horror game since the main point is a devil beast breathing fire and has armys of Skeletons and zombies :p

Atleast it wasnt suppost to be a hardcore Horror Game :O If it was, they did something entirly wrong in the games development :p
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