What Character would you want to see make a return?

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Level 10
May 3, 2009
I have a list XD
Calia Menethil - Arthas's Sister to lead the people of Lordaeron, and have a sort of redemption of her brother's madness.
Danath Trollbane to retake Stromguarde and give it back to the people of StromGuarde, so they are not stuck in that dang hole!
Glenn Greymane to be more involved! (Any of the Worgen leaders to be really)
Darion Mograine to be involved again with his Ebon Blade and showing his guarding the remaining peoples of lordaeron left in the plague lands.
Tirion Fordring negotating with Sylvanas to be given any prisoners of former lordaeron.
Teron Gorefiend to return!
Aethas Sunreaver to get more jobs!
Bane Bloodhoof to get those dang Grimtotems back in line.
Some Alliance Victories for once....

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Well then, that rules out every single female ever in the history of WoW. :D

Don't even get me started on blizzard's character design. The team of 12-year-olds who designed them are probably ashamed of it . . . .

As for characters. I wouldn't necessarily want my favorites to return cause the new expansion would probably just ruin everything I liked about them.
Level 2
Apr 5, 2014
Rokhan has been in the game btw. He's a quest giver in Northrend. I think he wants you to bring down a frostwyrm in Dragonblight. Unless that was another Rokhan :p
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I think they wanted Rokhan to make an actual appearance in the important lore and make a big difference.
The Twin Blades of Azzinoth are a pair of weapons wielded by Illidan Stormrage. Azzinoth was a doom guard commander whom Illidan slew 10,000 years ago. Illidan took Azzinoth's twin warglaives and trained himself to use them. He has become exceedingly efficient with the weapons. When Illidan used the twin warglaives they were usually connected, but could be disconnected to form separate weapons. Once disconnected they could be reconnected to form a single weapon once more. The pit lord Magtheridon proved to be no match for the wielder of the Twin Blades of Azzinoth.
More exactly that^
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
We could argue all day of characters they should and shouldn't have killed. :D Maybe I should make a thread about it... just did. Link.


Also please make Sylvanas a big part of the lore again Blizzard.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Sylvanas did end up playing a role in the latest novel but the question is will she actually do anything in WoW? Please Blizzard just add some resorses there that she needs and make her be an active member that would be so fun. Even better since you're going to have your own garisson that will eventually be turned into a castle it would be great if I could interact with all the leaders of the Horde, Sylvanas being one of them. That way we could get back all the leaders.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Looks like this topic died long ago so lets make it alive again.
I think they should bring back Orgrim Doomhammer, because he got killed too fast in WoD which is total crap. I mean seriously Blackhand onehit him and that is dumb. Orgrim should have kicked Blackhands ass again. Also i want to see Kael'Thas and Illidan. They should do something with kil'Jaeden too.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Dafuq. I'm no longer playing WoW or tried WoD alpha, is there any official cutscenes of this?
Not a cutscene, but Orgrim Doomhammer starts arguing with Blackhand when they are sieging Shattarath City and then Blackhand onehits Orgrim and Blackhand also kills Maraad check this video for more info:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1RjvsUc1VI if you want to see Orgrim death skip to 4:43 it is there where he is arguing with Blackhand and gets killed.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Not a cutscene, but Orgrim Doomhammer starts arguing with Blackhand when they are sieging Shattarath City and then Blackhand onehits Orgrim and Blackhand also kills Maraad check this video for more info:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1RjvsUc1VI if you want to see Orgrim death skip to 4:43 it is there where he is arguing with Blackhand and gets killed.

Let Doomhammy be killed, he's not the ogriginal Doomhammer anyway. R.I.P Maraad.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Yog Saron and Yasharaj...

It's been so long since I visited any WoW site so pardon muh spelling.

Yeah, Yogg-Saron had the most dread inspiring model I've ever seen, as far as Y'Shaarj goes I doubt he'll be back both since he appeared so resently and second because I don't think Blizzard wants to revisit Pandaria due to the complains. We might see C'Thun though.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Azshara must reappear to consume the world with the Tides of DooM. HaHa
Maiev Shadowsong must return too and have her Vengeance upon the Kal'dorei or make the Kal'dorei heal her and she becomes good girl again.
Well after WoD there will still be alot of villains to deal with, but i doubt that we will deal with Kil'Jaeden or N'Zoth yet. I have a feeling that Azshara and naga or will be the next ones we need to kill. Also i have heard that Blizzard wants to bring back Illidan so who knows what will happen after WoD.
Level 12
Nov 29, 2010
You can't beat the classics! What if they accidentally made a mistake when opening the portal to Azeroth (from WoD), and opened to the one where Lothar and the classic gang were alive. If so, Lothar, Turalyon, Alleria, Khadgar, Kurdran, and Danath would then make an epic BIG return all of a sudden :D but then they start to think that the people from the future are bad and have this epic war
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
You can't beat the classics! What if they accidentally made a mistake when opening the portal to Azeroth (from WoD), and opened to the one where Lothar and the classic gang were alive. If so, Lothar, Turalyon, Alleria, Khadgar, Kurdran, and Danath would then make an epic BIG return all of a sudden :D but then they start to think that the people from the future are bad and have this epic war
Those dead characters will stay dead. Btw isnt Khadgar already alive and Alleria is unkown if shes alive or dead.
Level 12
Nov 29, 2010
Since y'know there's been a gap in the timeways and while they're in the past Draenor, which is set 2-4 years prior to the First War, it's actually possible to go to the past Azeroth. They could open up a portal leading to it and we could see history repeat itself again xD but it's a bad idea

After WoD, I wonder what kind of crazy scheme Blizzard is planning I mean I never expected the shifts from Cataclysm to MoP to WoD. They're so different as individuals and even worse when you put them together xD Who expected Deathwing to return? Who expected a sudden re-discovery of Pandaria? Who expected a cyborg Blackhand and a metalhead Kargath Bladefist?
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
Let's get some more action from each of the racial leaders - I mean, it's been a while since we heard from the Council of Three Hammers, Genn Greymane, Lor'themar Theron, Gelbin Mekkatorque, and that goblin dude .. see I can't even remember his name - oh, and give some of them some proper models too!
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Let's get some more action from each of the racial leaders - I mean, it's been a while since we heard from the Council of Three Hammers, Genn Greymane, Lor'themar Theron, Gelbin Mekkatorque, and that goblin dude .. see I can't even remember his name - oh, and give some of them some proper models too!

Yeah, Seeing Genn with own model would be great. I wanted to see this as Jastor Gallywix's model actually: http://handclaw.deviantart.com/art/Trade-Prince-Jastor-Gallywix-427965738?offset=10#comments
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Lilian Voss would be an awesome character to have back, she has been confirmed to be alive so I'm just waiting to see what she's going to do. Maybe she'll be the one who frees Koltira from the hands of Sylvanas.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
One character I think everyone wants to see make a return is Queen Azshara she has not made a single move since patch 4.0 this despite the fact that she has the aid of an Old God and has captured the elemental lord of water. Now on top of that both the Alliance and the Horde has moved the majority of their troops to Draenor which leaves them exposed to an attack. Does Azshara who's intent on conquering the world spy on the Horde and the Alliance to know when it is a good time to invade?

Mannoroth also revealed that not even Kil'Jaiden could defeat Azshara and this was prior to her being fed the Old Gods powers. This alone makes her more powerful than any member of the Alliance or the Horde and considering the history of the dragons she doesn't really need to worry about them aiding. Including the fact that the naga live under water and water covers the majority of Azeroths surface and that the naga has had 10 000 years without war to reproduce they should have the numbers to outmatch all other races.
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