What Character would you want to see make a return?

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
There are a lot of characters in the WarCraft lore that dissapeared and never made it back again. One of those characters is my second favorite character in the lore Valeera Sanguinar. As many of you know Valeera is a character who had no allegiance to ither the Alliance or the Horde but rather one to Varians family. This makes her perfect for many stories like the opening story for MoP where Anduin was kidnapped and another stories where she was overlooked. For those of you who don't know who Valeera Sanguinar is here's a video that might help you out.

Who is the character you want back more than anything else?
I hope to see the old Arthas. The one I've read about in Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. To me he seemed like a great character, full of immense potential. He was kind, generous, understanding with his people. Even when he had to kill his horse Invincible, he did it to put him out of his suffering. I also liked his travels to Dalaran, of course to see Jaina. Or the wolf hunting in Darrowmere Forest. That was a real paladin of his kind. Too bad he was overconfident and hard-headed. So to me he will forever remain Arthas Menethil the paladin of the Silver Hand.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I hope to see the old Arthas. The one I've read about in Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. To me he seemed like a great character, full of immense potential. He was kind, generous, understanding with his people. Even when he had to kill his horse Invincible, he did it to put him out of his suffering. I also liked his travels to Dalaran, of course to see Jaina. Or the wolf hunting in Darrowmere Forest. That was a real paladin of his kind. Too bad he was overconfident and hard-headed. So to me he will forever remain Arthas Menethil the paladin of the Silver Hand.

He's dead so it's unlikely but you never know with Blizzard. Perhaps it's easier to sympathize with Valeera but Arthas is not a bad choice.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Rexxar, my old friend, I want to see him as a major character in the next expansions. And also, Aleria and Turalyon, can't wait to see them again.

Blizzard has said that Turalyon and Alleria will not be in this expansion but there's a good chance we might see Rexxar possible as a teenager considering that he was active during the second war.
Level 2
Feb 19, 2014
I hope to see the old Arthas. The one I've read about in Arthas: Rise of the Lich King. To me he seemed like a great character, full of immense potential. He was kind, generous, understanding with his people. Even when he had to kill his horse Invincible, he did it to put him out of his suffering. I also liked his travels to Dalaran, of course to see Jaina. Or the wolf hunting in Darrowmere Forest. That was a real paladin of his kind. Too bad he was overconfident and hard-headed. So to me he will forever remain Arthas Menethil the paladin of the Silver Hand.

It would be childish for them to bring back Arthas in life. What is dead is gone there is no return. The only choice is to bring him is if he may have escape from the hell which is impossible !
The purpose is to foresee the future based on the rise and the fall of empires !
Level 2
Feb 19, 2014
@EmbraceTheHate, it was just my thought. Of course it's impossible for him to return. I'm not an idiot you know! And whom would you prefer to return?

I don't want to return nobody from the dead unless it will lead me to support the summoning of the dead persons by the scourge. But what i want is for them to develop interesting stories. I think that whole story campaign have fallen into a trap. You cannot return anymore dead Lich or open again the dark portal because it is being opened and closed several times. The era of Lich and Demons have fallen. My idea is to put Horde and Alliance into a another big war which will result into a fatal defeat for the horde due to the increase membership on Alliance :D That's how the Horde will perish and it will be created a unified fraction. Then it will be only a fight for the interest.
what do you think??? :D
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
It's doubtful at best, it took 11 races to lay siege to Orgrimmar and the Alliance alone does not hold the manpower to deal with all 6 Horde races and their capitals. And the idea that Blizzard would remove the Horde from WoW is idiotic.
I fully agree with Razosh. Even though I prefer the Alliance, I cannot imagine Azeroth without the Horde! And even in Pandaria there were races that joined the Horde too you know.
Ahem, as for Durotan had it taken the Blood Pact, I think that things would have been way different for Azeroth now. At least the orcs would have had a harder time to go back to their shamanistic and honorable ways.
Level 2
Feb 19, 2014
I fully agree with Razosh. Even though I prefer the Alliance, I cannot imagine Azeroth without the Horde! And even in Pandaria there were races that joined the Horde too you know.
Ahem, as for Durotan had it taken the Blood Pact, I think that things would have been way different for Azeroth now. At least the orcs would have had a harder time to go back to their shamanistic and honorable ways.

Desperately Wow orchestrates cases where races joins Horde when in fact most of people prefer Alliance. I would not be pro- to wipe Horde out but depending on the members that joins to Alliance the Horde would lose ! I measure the victory of alliance based on people's account. This time the users will have to prove who's the winner not the Blizzard based stories that have given strength to Orcs without significant reason. They have made Orcs with high-physical advantage to Humans and other races. In one way Blizzard have portrait humans & elves same to the image of "faggots" and easy way to break in terms of poor physical appearance. While Orcs as a harsh ,scary ,angry and rebelled. The existence of Alliance is conditioned by the presence threat of the Horde. If you dig through the entire history it was the most of how humans were eating each other such as Arthas once a paladin
and then a traitor slayed his father and many paladins. Simply with the campaign of Undeads they put an end to many Paladins. While the existance of the Orcs was conditioned only because Thrall was a champion of the good will and rest of Orcs were defeated due to the "blood pact" reached.
Later on they made Eleven champions so unimportant and a fraction of this race joined Horde. So always if you notice the game makers always tried to break Alliance up but hopefully the Alliance stood due to request by many folks :)

Regarding to the topic i wish a request that somebody to use the light resurrection spell to bring in life the Paladin lost during the regime of Scourge. For instance the Lord Uther :)
Regarding to the topic i wish a request that somebody to use the light resurrection spell to bring in life the Paladin lost during the regime of Scourge. For instance the Lord Uther :)
A former cleric of Northshire, friend of Alonsus Faol; later on became one of the first paladins of the Silver Hand! Veteran of the Second War, thought under the command of Turalyon. And became Terenas' friend and an adoptive uncle for Prince Arthas Menethil. Killed during the Third War by the misguided Arthas in Andorhal.
Level 2
Feb 19, 2014
A former cleric of Northshire, friend of Alonsus Faol; later on became one of the first paladins of the Silver Hand! Veteran of the Second War, thought under the command of Turalyon. And became Terenas' friend and an adoptive uncle for Prince Arthas Menethil. Killed during the Third War by the misguided Arthas in Andorhal.

So yes? you see it as a wrong return ?
Level 2
Feb 19, 2014
Question to EmbraceTheHate. It sounds like you hate the Horde way too much. Care to explain why exactly anew for me, please?

In short ,Horde was/is hostile to the Alliance and a great to threat all races in the game. Races of the Horde brought nothing but a doom ,destruction ,corruption and invasion with some of minor exception. I don't want to go into deep but into a close analogy to the real world the Horde represents non good will people ,demons as well tribal clans :)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I think you're confusing orcs for the only members of the Horde. The only one we've really had since Thrall took power and formed his Horde is Garrosh and technically the small group that hid in Ragefire Chasm. But if you do want to get really technical we can take members of the Alliance races as well.

Eredar - Kil'Jeaden, Archrimonde & the Eredar lords such as Jaraxxus.
Humans - Arthas, Kel'Thuzad, Edwin and Vanessa Vancleef & Medivh.
Gnomes - Milhouse Manastorm & Sicco Thermaplugg.

And the list goes on, but if you want to make a fair system we should look at the leaders of both factions. Both of them have leaders that are great for their people and strongly supported by the community. So name me one thing that's wrong with Vol'Jin.
Level 11
Nov 24, 2010
In short ,Horde was/is hostile to the Alliance and a great to threat all races in the game. Races of the Horde brought nothing but a doom ,destruction ,corruption and invasion with some of minor exception. I don't want to go into deep but into a close analogy to the real world the Horde represents non good will people ,demons as well tribal clans :)
"After reading a book not related to WoW. He closes it and sighs"

Both Sides:
Horde, Alliance... both are hostile and both have grave past mistakes. Horde is not a great threat to all in game. They are but a family. They were lost and found their path back to redemption. They were evil once, but wait, no, I disagree to myself too. They were just mislead and misguided. The Burning Legion manipulated the orcs into invading Azeroth. It wasn't the Horde who said "Hey, lets invade a world, shall we?!". It was those who failed to lead them and people such as "Gul'dan" that were blind and consumed with power. You see the Horde as devils. But do you look at the Alliance at all? There were many orcs that rebelled against this demonic rule. Just as many humans rebelled in the past against their own human nations and then separated into many kingdoms of their own. It's war, man. Also, there are similarities to both Horde and Alliance.

Alliance are Evil too When it Comes to Things Such As:
1. Gilneas sealed themselves off as cowards and abandoned their allies. What kind of people could of done this to their own kind?
2. The Horde were manipulated by demons and lead an invasion to Azeroth. The Alliance were manipulated as well by even Deathwing himself. Sure, the difference is between damage they both caused. But still, if I manipulated the Alliance and caused Azeroth's destruction. Would you still view them as demons as you do the Horde today?
3. When the Kirin Tor found out that they could cure the orcs from what the demons have done to them. Most of the Alliance's leaders then resigned from the Alliance, pulled back their kingdoms, and abandoned their nation due to one idiotic thing? Instead of finding a quicker way to peace. A quicker way to solve issues. They instead enslaved, spat, and broke the spirit of all orcs. Alliance, like the Horde, were filled with hate in the past. The orcs liberated their own kind and even sent a message to the Alliance. Free all the orcs and peace will be between us. Did the Alliance accept? NO! Old hatreds.
4. The High Elves refused to train rangers and allow their allies to be experts as rangers like them. What kind of an Alliance is this?

2. Blood Elves:
And now on to the greater things. In another topic. I saw you say Garithos is a hero? Excuse me!?

Lord Othmar Garithos was an extreme racist. He hated the elves because they failed to defend a town he lived in when he was small. When the time came to restore the Alliance's greatness. The Blood Elves did thirst for magic, but not even for a SECOND, a SECOND did they thing of finding a cure such as fel magic. Lord Othmar Garithos lead them to that dark path when he spat in their faces and pulled back an entire support force. With this, the Blood Elves had every right to leave the Alliance and do as they please. If you were being oppressed. You'd do the same thing. It was Garithos' fault for the Blood Elves' status today, but the Blood Elves that apart of the Horde, if you didn't notice, do not serve Kael'thas. There for they weren't related to the demons destruction any way. Most Horde Blood Elves were those that remained back at Azeroth that joined the Horde. Garithos wasn't a hero. He was a "fool" and he let his hate, his racism, be the doom of the Alliance.

3. Darkspear Tribe:
Now tell me? How exactly are they demonic evil related? I mean, they never battled on the demon side. That were Forest Trolls and if I recall correctly. They battled Garrosh Hellscream when the time was right and took care of their family. In conclusion, how are they evil? Because of one leader's idiocity?

4. Tauren:
How... are... they... evil? Do explain? What have they done wrong? The Grimtotem Tribe have done wrong, but wait! They're not apart of the Horde. The Tauren are peaceful and loving creatures of nature that joined the Horde whey they helped them. They never wanted to cause destruction and they battle only to protect their loved ones. If this is evil and if this is a crime. Then lock me up. I'm evil.

5. Goblins:
Explain how they are evil related? Maybe they are intelligent, filthy, and greedy. But I don't see any evil in them. It was the Alliance that raided their homes and attacked their ships without warning. It was the Goblins of Kezan that joined the Horde because they needed help. So, I ask of you? WHY!? Why are all the Horde evil to your eyes?

6. Forsaken:
Now this band of people were once apart of the Scourge. Garithos was around when they took Lordaeron, yes. It was Sylvanas that said she'd kill him before even the battle over Lordaeron was won, true. But even here Garithos shows hatred to someone and proves that even the Alliance are savages in mind. "Now, get out of my city before I..." His last words and I'm glad they were. He brought shame to the Alliance. The only evil in the Horde AFTER the second war I saw from Sylvanas. And don't say what you will say later. Yes, they invade Gilneas, Andorhal, and more. But in a vision. The Alliance raided Lordaeron and showed no empathy. In war, no sympathy and empathy must be shown in battle.

In conclusion, both sides have their past faults and future faults. But in my opinion. You have no right to call the entire Horde monsters because of the demons that manipulated them and the past orcs that were consumed with power. Goblins, trolls, and blood elves suffered from the Alliance and their betrayal. During Garrosh's rule. Most members of the Horde rebelled against Garrosh and deep down inside even then didn't care for the war because all they wanted was to secure their family first. The Alliance did nothing but hate them during the war, while most members of the Horde tried to forgive (Except for the orcs under the Kor'kron). So, you can take your opinions of hatred and shove them back into your mind. Read about both sides and know that you are just thinking of the Alliance. Think of the Horde as well.

Apologizes to Sir Razosh. I know you probably didn't want this topic to turn into a flaming war one. But defending is my thing. Also, this topic has gone WAY OFF-TOPIC.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2014
In short ,Horde was/is hostile to the Alliance and a great to threat all races in the game. Races of the Horde brought nothing but a doom ,destruction ,corruption and invasion with some of minor exception. I don't want to go into deep but into a close analogy to the real world the Horde represents non good will people ,demons as well tribal clans :)
I wanted to say no, that the Horde doesn`t represent thus but it is harder for me to say that the Horde isn`t exactly that because of the hole Mists of Pandaria story...DAMN YOU BLIZZARD.

What I can say is that the a considerable part of the Orcs and the Forsaken do fall in those categories.

The Horde Trolls had done no harm to others, the Tauren are treehuggers, the Blood Elves are trying to reassert themselves and build Quel`Thalas up to it`s former strength.The Goblins damage the environment and exploit the land, not the evil bastards you would imagine.

As for the character I would like to see return, I pick Nazgrim.A well written character, the Horde players remember him as one of the characters that made us proud.Lok'tar Ogar brother!
Level 2
Feb 19, 2014
"After reading a book not related to WoW. He closes it and sighs"

Both Sides:
Horde, Alliance... both are hostile and both have grave past mistakes. Horde is not a great threat to all in game. They are but a family. They were lost and found their path back to redemption. They were evil once, but wait, no, I disagree to myself too. They were just mislead and misguided. The Burning Legion manipulated the orcs into invading Azeroth. It wasn't the Horde who said "Hey, lets invade a world, shall we?!". It was those who failed to lead them and people such as "Gul'dan" that were blind and consumed with power. You see the Horde as devils. But do you look at the Alliance at all? There were many orcs that rebelled against this demonic rule. Just as many humans rebelled in the past against their own human nations and then separated into many kingdoms of their own. It's war, man. Also, there are similarities to both Horde and Alliance.

I wrote the minor exception of the Thrall Orcish Horde. But to write that there is an equalization between the fractions that's totally wrong.

Alliance are Evil too When it Comes to Things Such As:
1. Gilneas sealed themselves off as cowards and abandoned their allies. What kind of people could of done this to their own kind?
2. The Horde were manipulated by demons and lead an invasion to Azeroth. The Alliance were manipulated as well by even Deathwing himself. Sure, the difference is between damage they both caused. But still, if I manipulated the Alliance and caused Azeroth's destruction. Would you still view them as demons as you do the Horde today?
3. When the Kirin Tor found out that they could cure the orcs from what the demons have done to them. Most of the Alliance's leaders then resigned from the Alliance, pulled back their kingdoms, and abandoned their nation due to one idiotic thing? Instead of finding a quicker way to peace. A quicker way to solve issues. They instead enslaved, spat, and broke the spirit of all orcs. Alliance, like the Horde, were filled with hate in the past. The orcs liberated their own kind and even sent a message to the Alliance. Free all the orcs and peace will be between us. Did the Alliance accept? NO! Old hatreds.
4. The High Elves refused to train rangers and allow their allies to be experts as rangers like them. What kind of an Alliance is this?

1) Do not confuse treason act with destructive and abusive acts.
2) My view on demons is more Hordish. I would write nearly 70% of Hordish race contributed to the strength of Demons. Who else from the Horde except Thrall fought to prevent demonic invasion? The point is that races of the Horde have fallen easily into a trap of corruption than the races from Alliance.
It would be better that the goals of Alliance to be achieved than opening dark portals to cause a massive invasions from the outlands. And remember Azeroth is the birthplace of Alliance and Humans while Orcs were brought by Outland. Nobody would like to settle home in places such as Outland ,while many of races settled home and conquered Azeroth due to the geographical conditions and environment.

2. Blood Elves:
And now on to the greater things. In another topic. I saw you say Garithos is a hero? Excuse me!?

Lord Othmar Garithos was an extreme racist. He hated the elves because they failed to defend a town he lived in when he was small. When the time came to restore the Alliance's greatness. The Blood Elves did thirst for magic, but not even for a SECOND, a SECOND did they thing of finding a cure such as fel magic. Lord Othmar Garithos lead them to that dark path when he spat in their faces and pulled back an entire support force. With this, the Blood Elves had every right to leave the Alliance and do as they please. If you were being oppressed. You'd do the same thing. It was Garithos' fault for the Blood Elves' status today, but the Blood Elves that apart of the Horde, if you didn't notice, do not serve Kael'thas. There for they weren't related to the demons destruction any way. Most Horde Blood Elves were those that remained back at Azeroth that joined the Horde. Garithos wasn't a hero. He was a "fool" and he let his hate, his racism, be the doom of the Alliance.

I repeat once again. The dispute between Garithos and Blood Elves (Kael) meant little for their statues today. Even if Garithos would had accepted blood elves into alliance then they could stay for a short term. Blood Elves once High Elves suffered the worst destiny by the Horde Undead. Their dwell was destroyed and they have grown ill and thirst for magic. With Garithos or without Garithos the only cure for them was to be addicted in the fel magic because there was no choice. Was it possible to create a new fountain ? Of course not. And i see somewhat reasonable the idea of Garithos ,they failed to defend the homeland and they could fail to defend the entrance of Dalaran if was not for Naga's aid.

3. Darkspear Tribe:
Now tell me? How exactly are they demonic evil related? I mean, they never battled on the demon side. That were Forest Trolls and if I recall correctly. They battled Garrosh Hellscream when the time was right and took care of their family. In conclusion, how are they evil? Because of one leader's idiocity?

This makes exception too.

4. Tauren:
How... are... they... evil? Do explain? What have they done wrong? The Grimtotem Tribe have done wrong, but wait! They're not apart of the Horde. The Tauren are peaceful and loving creatures of nature that joined the Horde whey they helped them. They never wanted to cause destruction and they battle only to protect their loved ones. If this is evil and if this is a crime. Then lock me up. I'm evil.

My judgement on the Horde does not involve only the ties to the demons. There are many of the characteristics are pretty different to the soldiers of Alliance. For instance Tauren's spell have to do with earth quakes and their intelligence is not to be admitted. When talking about Horde "peace loving" creatures several analyses are made on their spell casts and behavior. Soldiers of Alliance are soldiers of the light and not some dumb half-cow with big muscles.

5. Goblins:
Explain how they are evil related? Maybe they are intelligent, filthy, and greedy. But I don't see any evil in them. It was the Alliance that raided their homes and attacked their ships without warning. It was the Goblins of Kezan that joined the Horde because they needed help. So, I ask of you? WHY!? Why are all the Horde evil to your eyes?

Yes they are greedy indeed. They are gold lovers and good mechanics. I agree with you on Imperialism of Admiral in Barrens to conquer Durotar. However he paid it with life. At least his expedition was not same as scourging the land. :)

6. Forsaken:
Now this band of people were once apart of the Scourge. Garithos was around when they took Lordaeron, yes. It was Sylvanas that said she'd kill him before even the battle over Lordaeron was won, true. But even here Garithos shows hatred to someone and proves that even the Alliance are savages in mind. "Now, get out of my city before I..." His last words and I'm glad they were. He brought shame to the Alliance. The only evil in the Horde AFTER the second war I saw from Sylvanas. And don't say what you will say later. Yes, they invade Gilneas, Andorhal, and more. But in a vision. The Alliance raided Lordaeron and showed no empathy. In war, no sympathy and empathy must be shown in battle.

It is worthy to mention the collaboration of Sylvanas with one of the Dreadlord. She is one dead-elf corrupted mind she rule to keep parts of Lordareon scourged and her hate for humans is endless. Why not calling her a racist?
Level 11
Nov 24, 2010
I will not argue with your so called "logic". Because you are not accepting the "Conclusion fact" yet, my friend. But, the Horde did cause more damage in the past and that I surely agree. But it's the Alliance that still haven't learned to forgive. The Horde maybe still struggle, but at least they're being more of a family instead of hating most of the times.

1. Sylvanas' hatred for humans ain't endless, but as I said. I agreed she was evil and the only one I saw of the New Horde to be evil. She ain't a racist. She just wanted to claim a home for her people and the only human she killed at that time and hated most of all was Garithos.

2. War scourges the lands. Whether Horde or Alliance who were charging. Shredding trees, seeding corruption, and you name it. In conclusion, both sides can spread corruption, ill disease, and scar the land due to their wars.

3. At least those dumb-ass cows are not using their power of nature to hate and spread violence, while the Alliance did due to old hatreds.

4. Whatever you say about the Blood Elves and your theory that Garithos was a hero. Fine, let it be. But I view him as a oppressor and I dislike your theory.

5. During the Mount Hyjal. All the people under the command of Thrall within the Horde fought against demons and their corruption. They redeemed themselves. That was the point of the Horde then. Also, Outland wasn't always Outland. It was once Draenor. You can blame Ner'zhul, the foul Lich King.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
2. It's an idiotic theory since the naga only appeared once Kael'Thas had no other chooise but to accept their help, why? Because they knew he would not have accepted otherwise. You should play through WarCraft III before making these theories.

4. You're absolutly correct, no member of the Alliance would ever do something evil. *cough* Jaina, Garithos, Arthas, Godfrey, Kel'Thuzad, Medivh & Perenolde.*cough*

And you think the Horde races contribute more than the Alliance races to the burning Legion, how little do you know? Kil'Jaeden or Archrimonde who pretty much lead the Burning Legion, you don't think that is relevant?
For instance Tauren's spell have to do with earth quakes and their intelligence is not to be admitted. When talking about Horde "peace loving" creatures several analyses are made on their spell casts and behavior. Soldiers of Alliance are soldiers of the light and not some dumb half-cow with big muscles.
Excuse me? As far as I know the Tauren were driven to total annihilation by the centaurs were it not for the orcs to save them. They are described as gentle giants, with honorable hearts (exception being the Grimtotem tribe, but that's not a Horde clan).
They venerate nature not war.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Yeah, I remember an Alliance member trying to convince me that all Horde races were evil on the WoW forum and he tried to use Gammon as an example but even criminals in the Tauren community have less evil in them than the characters in My Little Pony. :D
The dispute between Garithos and Blood Elves (Kael) meant little for their statues today. Even if Garithos would had accepted blood elves into alliance then they could stay for a short term. Blood Elves once High Elves suffered the worst destiny by the Horde Undead. Their dwell was destroyed and they have grown ill and thirst for magic.
Please. Let's just admit he was a complete idiotic racist who saw no further than his own eyes!
And what did he done when the Blood Elves needed help in Dalaran to defend it? He just called all his forces except the Elves and left them there to fend for themselves! He knew that the Naga will come and saw that as the perfect excuse to execute them without letting them to breathe!
Level 24
May 15, 2013
So this is what happens when too much vengeance and hatred.

In the first-third war, Gilneas was coward. yeah, because they don't want to be killed (in my opinion)

But in WoW, the Forsaken invaded Gilneas, and with also the Worgen Curse, this force Genn to join the Alliance (with the help of the Night Elves by controlling the worgen inside them.)

dumb-ass cows

I do hate Garithos due to his mad hatred. An idiotic racist, just as Heinvers said. And a very good evidence Heinvers.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
There is no doubt we will see Cho'gall and we'll hopefully see Gronn as a real boss and not the bad attempt we got in TBC.
I would like to point out Cairne helped Thrall slaughter Jaina's forces when all Jaina wanted to do was meet the Prophet.

You should play Warcraft 3 turns out all Cairne cares about is helping his friends kill people because they stopped him being killed and because they're different.

"pink-skins" - I find that offensive.

As for the Darkspears? They're cannibalistic sexists.

So the Horde are a lot of the evil put into one basket and suger coated into being kinda good with the chance of doing a tiny little 'evil' thing once in a while.

Characters I would like to see return in both opinion and likelihood other than the first ones:
1. Medivh, Lothar or that Paladin guy from the manga comics who throughout it tries to find his will to fight for good again and the Alliance before becoming neutral in WoW doing nothing but standing around, the best good in the world.
2. Grom, Turalyon, Lord Lothar, Uther, Durotan
3. Orgrim Doomhammer (because he's a jerk and I would like to kill him in-game)
4. Antonidas
5. Little Timmy (of course)
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
We're going to see Durotan and Lothar in the Warcraft movie and both Grommash and Durotan in WoD and most likely also Orgrim.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
After 2 Expanasions, I think "too much" has changed its meaning. Not to mention the Undead army dudes got reduced by the WotLK Expanasion.
If Bolvar Fendragon aka Jailer of the Dammed decide to make a return, I'd gladly paid for 10 years to play this game. I still want Rexxar, though.
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