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What character(s) should Blizzard kill of?

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Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
There are many characters out there who should be killed who do you think they should kill of?

There are really only two characters I want to see dead really badly Jaina and Garrosh. Tal anu'men no Sin'dorei!
Level 14
Jul 27, 2007
Tyrande. Please, god, I hate her. Kill her off, so we can have some night elven drama, and bring back Illidan. I mean, we brought back Medivh, and he's quite alive at the moment (or at least used to be around the Third War). I think Illidan and Medivh are quite the same, and killing off Tyrande to give room for Illidan/Furie drama would be fantastic.

Also, Varian. Not this expansion, but eventually. Though I'd prefer him retired over dead.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
It's strange to see people say we've seen too few druids in the game considering that they have have more factions than any other class.

Cenarion Circle
Cenarion Expedition
Guardians of Hyjal
Avengers of Hyjal

I think it's a good idea to add some Kal'dorei drama however and I hate that Blizzard has from making Tyrande a bad@$$ in WC3 to making her Malfurions eyecandy in WoW. I would like to see her be the bad@$$ she used to be.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Sylvanas betrayed Arthas?
Well Arthas made her into what she is..

I say, let the dead characters be dead and don't bring them back to life with raids, timetravels, etc. Hell, don't do timetravel at all.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I'll have to admit that the idea of time travel was very cool when they introduced it in WarCraft II but in reality it wasn't all that great.

And Sylvanas betrayed Arthas in the same way that Denmark and Poland betrayed Germany during World War 2. If she isn't loyal to someone who desecrated her body and tried to annihilate the world I can't blame her.
Level 14
Jul 27, 2007
I don't really enjoy time travel stuff, but bringing back dead characters - yeah, sure, especially when they do it in both creative AND dramatic way (*cough* *cough* Medivh *cough* *cough*).

Also, stop whining about "but Alliance suffered enough already". It's a game. A fictional story. No pain - no gain. No plot advancement.

If Ned stark didn't lose his head, we would have had a pretty short and boring party of game of thrones.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
If Ned stark didn't lose his head, we would have had a pretty short and boring party of game of thrones.

I'll have to agree everyone at this point is saying stop killing Starks, but George R.R Martin just keeps killing them of. And who knows maybe more Starks will die before then end. I won't tell so don't worry. ;)
Don't bring Game of Thrones into this, it is a terrible piece of literature with a convoluted storyline which, admittedly was good for maybe the first book leading into the second but after that it just went down hill, fast.

I'd like to point out also that Ned Stark is one character where as all the alliance loses could add up to at least thirty Game of Thrones books.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Like the Horde hasn't had its losses. :D No loss will ever match the loss of Cairne Bloodhoof I've loved that Tauren since the day he called my race pinkskins.

Edit: But this isn't the proper topic the question is who would you like to see dead so lets fill out that list. I want to see N'Zoth dead, that way we could hopefully get some Ysera story moving.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2014
Varian, he needs to die a horrible, painful and excruciating death.

I don`t know about the comics or the novels but he is the character who jumps from one stance to the other with no explanation.

Tyrande needs fixing, she is a cunning and ferocious warrior-priest not a f-ing cheerleader.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2014
I do agree about that!
Considering that she fought in the War of the Ancients plus the 3rd War, I think she is the most skilled Alliance commander by far.Varian is a relative newcomer to this hole grand armies battles.

No Varian is just hardheaded sometimes, I also advice you to read the novels and comics in which he is featured. You'll be surprised.
After the Horde was sacrificed on the altar of Alliance awesomeness just to feed their ego because Blizzard made a bit too many homage quests rather than relevant story quests.

We were promised the role of an underdog that fights for it`s very survival, not fodder to fuel the the furnace burning with Alliance awesomeness.

I`m not in the mood to read Varian novels, to say the least. :p
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I would like to some more characters in game who are Jevan Stormsong and Grimtotem who wanted nothing more to Magatha, Rehgar Earthfury, Perith Stormhoof, Palkar, Bovaal Whitehorn, and a few others could appear.

For characters who need to die are Garrosh Hellscream, Moira of the Dark Irons, Magatha Grimtotem, Wrathion (For being a douchbag), and a little more to.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2014
You really need to do that:) Yes he's a new comer compared to other characters and maybe that's why you see him so out of place sometimes.
Not really, I don`t have problems other characters introduced in WoW, the problem is because he is "in your face" kek I R Humankingzor.Romath, Lor'themar etc. aren`t overblown.

Ok, he is blessed by Logosh,I can even fathom the fact he might be a better warrior than Thrall who was raised from birth to be a warmachine and use his fellow orcs to conquer the Humans for Blackmoore.

Thrall fought up until he was 18 as a gladiator and was shaped to be a terminator in Warcraft.

Ok, Logosh has a funny sense of humor and chose a human.

How on earth is he a better commander then Jaina, Tyrande or Malfurion?Ok Malfurion is neutral because he uses the Cenarion Circle, but Tyrande has a vast experience compared to him.

Tyrande should have been the Supreme Commander of the Alliance, like Lothar, and Varian should be her second in command and act like the political leader, like the kind of Lordaeron acted, at most.

The humans can`t dominate the Alliance like the Orcs are dominating the Horde.

For starters the Dwarves, even without the Dark Irons, outnumber the Humans, the Orcs make up like 60 - 70% since all the other races who joined the Horde faced extinction.
You talk nonesense here! DA HUMANS founded the Alliance, there is no way that it could exist without them. It's just that no other Alliance non human character got the taste for leadership as Varian does. Of course Tyrande has a vast experience (remember the Long Vigil/10.000 years), but she's mainly acting as a Night Elf leader not as an Alliance High King (Queen in her case). Thrall was lucky to bump into Taretha in the first place, don't forget that a HUMAN helped him escape, ok?
It's not about numbers we're talking here, it's just the will to lead an organization as a whole. It's not even about races here anymore just willing characters that would take into consideration the thought of leading it!. Something else?
Level 6
Feb 10, 2014
You talk nonesense here! DA HUMANS founded the Alliance, there is no way that it could exist without them. It's just that no other Alliance non human character got the taste for leadership as Varian does. Of course Tyrande has a vast experience (remember the Long Vigil/10.000 years), but she's mainly acting as a Night Elf leader not as an Alliance High King (Queen in her case). Thrall was lucky to bump into Taretha in the first place, don't forget that a HUMAN helped him escape, ok?
It's not about numbers we're talking here, it's just the will to lead an organization as a whole. It's not even about races here anymore just willing characters that would take into consideration the thought of leading it!. Something else?
I know the Humans created the Alliance but there is only one Human kingdom remaining - Stormwind - and one city-state - Dalaran.

The Alliance of Lordaeron is dead, the Grand Alliance has the Night Elves, Dark Irons and Draenei in etc.

Yes it is about numbers, Blizzard unknowingly used far too many humans thus they took the blunt damage while the strength of Khaz Modan grew with the addition of both the Wildhammer and Dark Iron Clans and with the terms of relative peace.

Varian was shoved on the throat of Alliance players.Is it that hard to dissociate yourself, as a real human, from the virtual humans from Azeroth?

Do you think Tyrande, who led the Night Elf Empire who was vast empire at that time, against millions of Burning Legion can`t lead the Alliance against a Horde made of what? 400.000 entire population?

Varian`s High King title is renamed Supreme Commander title, Metzen confirmed it at blizzcon.

Do you think Tyrande isn`t a better Supreme Military Commander?

I don`t see the relevance of Thrall being helped to escape by a human, he is still a living and breathing individual who was raised since before he could talk to be the ultimate warrior and commander.

OK, you like Varian, he has his merits but I still think Tyrande would be a better Supreme Military Commander.Varian could have been the second-in-command and the leader of the Alliance Council while the Dwarves should be represented as the economic powerhouse of the Alliance.

I am sure you played WC3, did Tyrande seemed unwilling to lead?
I am sure you played WC3, did Tyrande seemed unwilling to lead?
The nigh elf society yes, but the humans? I'm not sure.
OK, you like Varian, he has his merits but I still think Tyrande would be a better Supreme Military Commander.Varian could have been the second-in-command and the leader of the Alliance Council while the Dwarves should be represented as the economic powerhouse of the Alliance.
He has his background, that's all, I haven't said I like him or dislike him. I haven't said that Tyrande wouldn't be a good leader, I said she's not that interested!
On topic: Other characters that would need to be killed are in my opinion sadly Jaina (clouded judgement due to the loss of Theramore), Garosh (again for being a douche-bag), or/and Galen (I don't like reanimated alliance characters!).
Level 6
Feb 10, 2014
The nigh elf society yes, but the humans? I'm not sure.
He has his background, that's all, I haven't said I like him or dislike him. I haven't said that Tyrande wouldn't be a good leader, I said she's not that interested!
On topic: Other characters that would need to be killed are in my opinion are sadly Jaina (clouded judgement due to the loss of Theramore), Garosh (again for being a douche-bag), or/and Galen (I don't like reanimated alliance characters!).
She led a multiracial force in the War of the Ancients - Tauren, Earthen etc., I don`t see how leading the Alliance would be any different.I am talking about military matters not political ones, who, indeed should have been in the hands of a human because of their flexibility that is shown in the Azeroth universe.

What backround? He has a story of being a gladiator, that at best qualifies him as an outstanding warrior, I am talking about leading armies.

I guess that now after the war in Northrend and the 4th War he could take the rank.

For all intents and purposes he never commanded any troops in a real war and he was given the control of all the armed forces of the Alliance when he made his debut in WoW - Wrath of the Lich King.

He should have at least spent the time and prove himself in the war in Northrend like Garrosh did.

What is done is done, the Alliance has to suffer because of the monolithic human-centric story telling.


Heyyy leave Jaina alone ! She has a reason to be pissed. :D

Garrosh and Zaela have to die.Time for the Horde to tie all the loose ends.
I'll make another time a thread about Varian. Da subject is too huge to be debated here!
Garrosh and Zaela have to die.Time for the Horde to tie all the loose ends.
Yeah, because of that
ogre headed buffoon
the Horde lost a great deal of trust from the whole of Azeroth and even inside the Horde some would mistrust that DICK! Zaela has just picked the wrong side there, her fault.
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
I think that i am the only one who liked what Jaina have become LOL, i think that she was better before mist of Pandaria, but now, she is a truth Alliance Leader. And she has thats "why" she have became this( I just don't liked what she mades with the Blood Elves, but in the rest)
Also, if Varian come to die( i don't like him so much, and this is my choice) i think who will become the new King, in the case now, Queen, would be Jaina, for be ones of the older leaders who remained. And have none that wants this position. Tyrande, she don't, a dwarven, never (eeerg), Velen, no, maybe Genn Greymane. And gnome, i don't think they won't, also, they don't have an good story.

Oh yea, and Garrosh, i have him! I still hope Jaina kills him!
Velen, no, maybe Genn Greymane. And gnome, i don't think they won't, also, they don't have an good story.
The gnomes have too much loose ends, not quite a story that I would like. Greymane? hmm, wasn't he the one who left the Alliance after Lordaeron decided to fund the internment camps? Only with a change of hearts he could be an Alliance supreme leader now.
Garrosh and Zaela have to die.Time for the Horde to tie all the loose ends.
Indeed, those 2 are a shame on the Horde's face right now.
Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
The gnomes have too much loose ends, not quite a story that I would like. Greymane? hmm, wasn't he the one who left the Alliance after Lordaeron decided to fund the internment camps? Only with a change of hearts he could be an Alliance supreme leader now.
Indeed, those 2 are a shame on the Horde's face right now.

Yea, that why i believe to be Jaina, Greymane maybe wants, but the rest of the Alliance don't. He want to retake all Gilneas, and being the King, would be easily.
Level 6
Feb 10, 2014
Indeed, but don't forget that Jaina is after all the heir princess of Kul'Tiras too. So it wouldn't be strange at all.
So, other characters that should be dead?

Well the inheritance law says that the closest relatives take their place.

Even if the House of Proudmoore is related to the House of Wrynn there is no way for Jaina would become Queen before Anduin becomes King.

I am sure that the Kingdom of Stormwind has more than a handful of noble houses that would like the throne in the event House Wrynn is extinguished.

One more for my list: Anduin Wrynn :p
Hey! Leave that kid alone, he lost his mom after all. Yeah, you like to kill a lot I see:)
I am sure that the Kingdom of Stormwind has more than a handful of noble houses that would like the throne in the event House Wrynn is extinguished.
Not before Jaina comes and burns them into flames! Don't forget that she's quite crazy lately.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Aren't you forgetting Taran Zhu and Lorewalker Cho? Even though Taran Zhu may have had his clear flaws I liked that character and I would morn his loss.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Less of this.


And more of this.


And make wounds look like this when you're ahead Blizzard.


Would that satisfy your needs?
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