Unit - Remove (Random unit from (Units owned by (Owner of (Random unit from (Units of type Warrior/Guerreiro))) of type Modo Agressivo)) from the game
Set a variable for the unit group.
Set TempGroup = (Units owned by (Owner of (Random unit from (Units of type Warrior/Guerreiro))) of type Modo Agressivo)
Then destroy the group once finished with it.
Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_TempGroup)
Also you seemed to keep leaking locations
Unit - Create 1 Modo Agressivo for (Owner of (Random unit from (Units of type Warrior/Guerreiro))) at (Center of RgModoEscondido <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
Unit - Create 1 Modo Balanceado for (Owner of (Random unit from (Units of type Warrior/Guerreiro))) at (Center of RgModoEscondido <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
Unit - Create 1 Modo Defensivo for (Owner of (Random unit from (Units of type Warrior/Guerreiro))) at (Center of RgModoEscondido <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
You should try adding variables in to your triggers, it will speed things up and make them leak free.
Set TemPoint = (Center of RGModoEscondido <gen>)
Then once again remove the location.
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_TempPoint)