v1 - Released
v1.1 - Cleaned most leaks (I hope)
- Changed the aggro unit from a single unit to a player specific unit.
- Made it so if the unit has Wind Walk active, the neutral unit will not attack/change. (this is currently only set for the Range Aggro trigger)
- Made it a little more friendly to people who don't have much GUI knowledge. (Like myself
- Added in more variables so the trigger wont bug.
v1.2 - Vastly optimized the triggers.
- Range Aggro trigger actually works... What the hell was I thinking before?
- Attack aggro now works with spells.
- Added a range limit to Click aggro (it some times doesn't function for some reason but it's optional)
- Added four new triggers for making hostile creeps turn to neutral and add the wander ability to them (optional)
- Trigger 1: Setting player groups and a variable.
- Trigger 2: Reverse of Attack Aggro. (Also functions with abilities)
- Trigger 3: Reverse of Click Aggro.
- Trigger 4: Reverse of Range Aggro.
- Removed a few abilities from the paladin and added Healing Wave and Storm Bolt to test on the creeps.
v1.2.5 - Cleaned leaks in the Click and Range triggers.
- Made it so the Range systems detect if the player unit is invisible, not if he has a specific buff.
- Attack systems work with ALL spells now, not just specific spells.
- You can change the range limit with the Range and Click systems by setting the A_Effect_Range variable in the settings trigger.
v1.3 - I didn't have time for this trigger but after a long wait, I managed to fix the mistakes I left behind.
- Fixed all bugs and leaks I could find.
- Clicking and range aggro/neutral are a lot more reliable and consistent.
- Revised Attacking for aggro/neutral, cleaned the leaks and made more efficient.
- Updated triggers on the resource description
- Edited comments on the triggers to be more clear.
Next version:
1.4. If I continue to update this, changing ownership after the effects of a buff wears off is my next priority.
Wolf_Wing - Suggested to make it player specific.
Maker - for being so goddamn helpful.