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Warcraft III Map making contest 2006

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Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
Soultaker said:
Ralle said:
if you want your map to be in this contest you may not publish it before the contest is over else you are disqualified.. I think that's the rule

Oh.. that sucks for me..

Then I can't use 2/3 of my maps because I showed them to the people of WC3Campaigns..

Really hope this can be solved somehow :cry:


well you said you showed 2/3 of your maps. What about the other 1/3? As long as there not completly finished.

asasin850 said:
**Idea**I could always just add an extra unit and then since i havnt released it it would technically be legal!!***

Damnit i love loopholes...

Well didn't I say that there had to be a considerable amount of work done on the map? Not just a few new units. Well I will only accept maps that are in the alpha stage. Yours would be counted as the beta stage.
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
heres an idea. maybe you could have it like a normel AOS were you have to destroy the other teams main building, and then once a main building is destroyed you move to other battlefield. And so on. Also try and maybe make things like obstacles of traps you might find somewhere in each battlefield.
Level 2
Mar 6, 2006
Bob27 said:
Soultaker said:
Ralle said:
if you want your map to be in this contest you may not publish it before the contest is over else you are disqualified.. I think that's the rule

Oh.. that sucks for me..

Then I can't use 2/3 of my maps because I showed them to the people of WC3Campaigns..

Really hope this can be solved somehow :cry:


well you said you showed 2/3 of your maps. What about the other 1/3? As long as there not completly finished.

Well, I got a third map which I have showed none yet, but I don't think it'll do very well as it is in the early beta state and just playable.

About the other two maps, one of them has been hosted like 5 times on B-Net and the other has been showed to the folks on WC3Campaigns and that's it...

I can remove the thread on WC3 Campaigns if that's neccesary, but that would be quite annoying since I proberly wouldn't be able to get a new one there then.

Level 2
Mar 6, 2006
Bob27 said:
when you mean "showed" does that mean people have played it? Or you have just shown screenshots or sumthing like that.

That means that people were able to read some stuff about it and download the map protected.

It's like 3 days since I posted the post, and only 4 people have download the map...

Level 2
Mar 6, 2006
Bob27 said:
Well if its already been played by people like that then i'm sorry but I can not accept that map. Maybe try making a simply fast map such as a some simple minigames or some other map that can be made fast?

Well... I don't want to enter with some map... I want to enter with MY map.. I don't got any new original ideas nor the energy to create a new map as I already got three projects.

I'm really sorry to hear that as that would mean that I can only enter the contest with my weakest map =(

If there is no chance for me to enter with those two maps, then delete me as a participant in the "Other" and "Minigame" catagory.

Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
well 2 people can work at a map but all entie team must be told to me when the map is sent to me or before. When I mean testing with friends I mean that i'm not just going to create a game, let anyone join and dl. I will only be play with Jury members.
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
yes you can have cinematic campaigns. I'll add you under campaigns then. And also it depends. If the Jury likes it it'll get a good score. If its just some pointless thing with no comedy at all then I doubt you will get a good score.
Level 2
Feb 1, 2006
I want to join competition too! But I dunno if it is still possible to join? Anyway, I want to ask, can I compete with Sheep Tag map? This map's main idea isn't mine... I think that this map goes to category "Other"... Anyway... after couple of day's it will be ready!
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
I want to join competition too! But I dunno if it is still possible to join? Anyway, I want to ask, can I compete with Sheep Tag map? This map's main idea isn't mine... I think that this map goes to category "Other"... Anyway... after couple of day's it will be ready!

You can enter the contest as long as the map was made by you from scratch.

Can i be one of the jury members for other catorgarys?

I've got enough Jury members for now but if I need one I will ask you first.
Level 3
Jun 16, 2004
Hey, guys.

I'm dropping out of the AoS category. I don't really care enough about my map to finish it. I rather work more on my campaign, which is the only category I'm interested in right now.

So, I'm out of the AoS category but still in the Campaign category.
Level 1
Jan 30, 2006
hehe, if I manages to finish my map before the 20.02 ir will probably be full of bugs, etc. As I cant beta-test it for real :/, maybe a few times, if I can find someone I trust enough. I am finished with the coast-line, added some units, and its already 1,5mb.. I also got some problems, as I'm a bit new to map-making :?

two weeks left. I think I should be able to finish most of it, I though I should finish most of the terrain, and then make it playable for like, 6-8 of the 10players, just to make it playable at all.

well, anyways, gl ;)
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