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Warcraft III - Fall of Draenor

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Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Listen to DaB, he's wise beyond our understanding.

Anyway, Im happy to say that I completed ogre and arakkoa storylines. The funnest part in arakkoa campaign will be the Old Gods and in ogre campaign the Titans!
However I still need to think a bit on the character of Ikiss.

Though orc and draenei storylines are mostly done, I have to adapt them to missions, make the role of Durotan and his personal life have more massive effect for the sake of melee missions in campaign.

However there will be some weakspots:
In draenei campaign some missions will be played by orcs.
In some parts of the campaign heroes will appear that will only be in it for 2-3 missions.
Horde campaign will be quite messy, however I figured a way to make it smooth, so no worries.

As you can see campaign storylines and even the missions are planned already, so we dont have to worry about a thing. Right now I am focusing all my imagination, lore knowledge and playing experience to make the melee races. As you already know FoD wont have flying units, but the melee units will be epic!



Level 10
Oct 30, 2008
Listen to DaB, he's wise beyond our understanding.

Anyway, Im happy to say that I completed ogre and arakkoa storylines. The funnest part in arakkoa campaign will be the Old Gods and in ogre campaign the Titans!
However I still need to think a bit on the character of Ikiss.

Though orc and draenei storylines are mostly done, I have to adapt them to missions, make the role of Durotan and his personal life have more massive effect for the sake of melee missions in campaign.

However there will be some weakspots:
In draenei campaign some missions will be played by orcs.
In some parts of the campaign heroes will appear that will only be in it for 2-3 missions.
Horde campaign will be quite messy, however I figured a way to make it smooth, so no worries.

As you can see campaign storylines and even the missions are planned already, so we dont have to worry about a thing. Right now I am focusing all my imagination, lore knowledge and playing experience to make the melee races. As you already know FoD wont have flying units, but the melee units will be epic!

Sounds good! :D
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
I really like ogre storyline too! Since we know almost nothing of that period and it was even before the Rise of the Horde, I had to think almost everything up, but I was smart so I used everything from WoW ogre lore I could. The good one of course. So we will learn the story of the rise of Bladespire clan and Maulgar, Liberation of ogres, exile of Cho'gal, Dentarg and Blackheart, how Mogor became leader of Laughing Skull clan and much more.

However arakkoa have kaliri, which are one of their most important units, so I think they might get kaliri as some special unit or ultimate unit.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Okay, right now the heroes for melee races are:
Orcs - Elder Shaman, Grand Warlock, Chieftain, Warchief
Ogres - Mage, Champion, Lord, Gronn
Arakkoa - Fanatic, Talonpriest, Shadewalker, Ravengod(?)
Draenei - Harbinger, Exarch, Prophet, Naaru(?)
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Well actually I took the Exarch title from draenei lore. Its a military leader.

Fanatic is strenght based hero. Because all arakkoa are fanatics, they dont really see the difference, so when they see someone more fanatical then usual... well yo ucan understand why he's a hero.

Well Ravengod and Naaru wont be heroes. I put them to fill the space.
I still need to think of those heroes for arakkoa... maybe if I think of campaign chararcters I'll make a hero?
Level 8
Aug 13, 2009
Personally, since Ogre will have a Gronn hero.. A Naaru hero would make sense and be pretty cool.

That's just my opinion, though.
Level 5
May 2, 2009
wonderful wonderful thing your doing here its kinda like Rise of the Horde but playable through the eyes of the other races, man you are my hero..when this is finished lemme know cuz i wanna definately dl it :D it sounds absolutely awesome..+1 rep per day for the next 5 days :D
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Ok people, I have completed the lists of heroes:

Orcs - Elder Shaman, Grand Warlock, Chieftain, Warchief
Ogres - Mage, Champion, Lord, Gronn
Arakkoa - Fanatic, Talonpriest, Shadewalker, Sage
Draenei - Harbinger, Exarch, Prophet, Assassin

Also I updated the site:
I deleted the forum, because it wasnt used and changed the gallery. Now gallery is much more fun!
Im going to add some new pages in Draenor lore and exactly geography, then add unit lists and techtrees.

Also, I want to ask you people. Bonechewer is going to be the ultimate unit of the ogres, trained at Shrine of Nath. But perhaps you want the ultimate unit to be Champion who will be trained at Arena? Though I like Champion as a hero more.

And no ogre campaign is not finished, but its storyline is.
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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Alagremm, well. I have some stuff to suggest and say. First of all... Warchief and Chieftain are pretty much the same, just that Chieftain is a generic leader while a Warcheif is the leader of a clan. Chieftain is also used for other races like Troll or Tauren more than for Orcs. I would recommend Warlord instead of Warchief, since using leaders as your heroes would be a little pointless, kind of like using Prince as a human hero. Also, Warchief and Chieftain are actually titles and not classes - most likely why Arthas is a Paladin and Thrall is a Far Seer.
My other suggestion is to use water units as a replacement for air units. Just in specific missions and melee maps, in a similar manner of how naval units were handled in Age of Mythology. Some maps would require you to use naval units(islands for example), some would disable you the ability to use them(for example maps without water).
Level 8
Aug 13, 2009
Debode is completely correct.

Plus, Warlord sounds better than Warchief for a hero. For sure.

The idea of using Naval units is a great idea too, it gets boring just having land units, personally.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Yeap. I remember 'Tauren Chieftain'. That's why I said - 'Chieftain is also used for other races like Troll or Tauren more than for Orcs' and 'Warchief and Chieftain are pretty much the same'. Also the only chieftain in the campaign in Carine and he's got lore reasoning for that. The only reason you've got Tauren Cheiftains in melee is Cairne.
Level 9
Mar 16, 2008
I agree with Alagremm, the Warchiefs would make excellent heroes, they would be the best support Hero for the Horde, they were actually going to be Warchief Heroes in WCIII back in beta/alpha days, he had a multitude of "roar" and "Howl of Terror" like spells for supporting allies and demoralizing enemies but they replaced them with Tauren Chieftains

So yeah I vote Warchiefs
Level 9
Mar 16, 2008
I agree with Alagremm, the Warchiefs would make excellent heroes, they would be the best support Hero for the Horde, they were actually going to be Warchief Heroes in WCIII back in beta/alpha days, he had a multitude of "roar" and "Howl of Terror" like spells for supporting allies and demoralizing enemies but they replaced them with Tauren Chieftains

So yeah I vote Warchiefs
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Still Warchiefs are important figures and will be almost all heroes.

Important figures, yes. Character class? No. A warchief is a title given to a leader of the clan, not a class. Thrall IS a warchief, but in WC3, he is called 'Far Seer'. Most likely because having Warchiefs in melee would seem weird. And what would they say? 'Yes Warchief?'
I mean, in WC3, the actual warchief was the player. Plus there weren't really a unique clan\warchief for every battle, you know?
So yeah. Adding warchiefs is of course fine. But why wont you call them by their class\specialty instead? Like they did with Grom, Arthas, Thrall?

I agree with Alagremm, the Warchiefs would make excellent heroes, they would be the best support Hero for the Horde, they were actually going to be Warchief Heroes in WCIII back in beta/alpha days, he had a multitude of "roar" and "Howl of Terror" like spells for supporting allies and demoralizing enemies but they replaced them with Tauren Chieftains

So yeah I vote Warchiefs

They ONCE wanted to add a Warlord hero, but ditched him due to gameplay reasons. Ever saw the 'slave master' unit? Yeah, that's your Warlord.

Ok, what's with all that Off-topic!
Alagremm, good to hear about the Old Ones.

How is discussing gameplay(heroes) off-topic? So you're saying that basically everyone has to shut up and only Alagremm should post stuff, mainly decision he made and that currently the progress is halted due to lack of modelers?
Pfft. At least it seems that Alagremm realized now that just searching for modelers all the time wont do him his project(Triggers, terrain etcetera).
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Sorry, I mean that most of heroes will be Chieftains. However Warchief is really not fitting, since while there may be various chieftains, even self-proclamed ones. So Warlord it is.

By the way, since storyline for the first campaign is already completed, Im considering strating making the campaign itself with placeholder models and the ones we already have.
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