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[Aeon of Strife] WARCRAFT: Collapse

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Level 13
Aug 23, 2011


By Lord Marrowgrath










When Void and Light collapse, Towers becomes unstable and out of control. It turns to Broken Keeper and deals damage to nearby units.
Forces needs to capture or destroy Broken Keeper. If players destroy Broken Keeper, it will remove from the game. If Light or Void
Forces destroy it, they will capture and gain control tower again. Also Towers have regeneration auro for nearby allies and deal
damage over time to enemy units.



In W:C, every 1 minutes unstable light-void and nathrezim forces respawns at random location on the map. They can block minions path and trying to gain
control your Light or Void Keepers (towers) It gives extra experience when killed.



Every 10 minutes, random pillar of avatar vulnerable at south, north or middle of the map. Forces of light and void stop to push standart lanes and they start to invade pillar locations for southern or northern lanes. Nothing changed on middle lane. When pillar destroyed, It summons powerful avatars for team who destroyed pillars. Fallow the Avatar and gain the advantage of the game.

After the earlier game, minibosses of the dark below appears. Every bosses have rewards when they killed. Rewards effective on team and it shares loot.



Every heroes have garrisons from their factions. For Example if you select Baine or Thrall, you automaticly build Horde Garrison at your base location. Each Garrison have unique abilites and upgrades from their factions. Horde summons powerful shamans and cast natural disasters, Alliance summons glorius knights, footmans, riflemans, banners, Scourge raise ghouls and fearless undead army, Legion forces summons Powerful Doomguards and Inquistors and cast demonic portals to reforge the twisting nether.




Every heroes have their unique talent trees to improve their spells or reforge their game-play style. There will be 4 Main Stat talents (Movement speed, range, HP, Damage etc.) and 4+ unique ability talents. Many heroes can forge themself to tank, Damage dealer, Aoe Dealer, Healer, Support, Caster, Carry. (Not all roles avaible for heroes)


In W:C, there are many attack and armor types like Light, Fel, Arcane Void etc. Each heroes and units have special attack. It means Bolvar (Lich King) deals ''death'' type damage, Illidan (Lord of Legion) Deals ''Fel'' type Damage. They have advantages and disadvantages.




Go'el (Thrall) the Lords of the Elementals:
Eventually, the weight of all the wars he had fought began to weigh more heavily upon the former warchief and Thrall's own abilities and resolve eventually began to waver. During the Burning Legion's latest invasion of Azeroth, he passed both the Doomhammer and the mantle of leader of the Earthen Ring down to a shaman adventurer, knowing the future was now in safer hands. After the third sundering. Thrall loses his son at the battle for orgrimmar. Thrall burried his son to orgrimmar then soul of ragnaros whispered. Thrall fallowed whispers, ragnaros helped to him, he forged a powerful hammer with ragnaros soul and claim artifacts of Elemental Lords. Thrall became Lord of the elemental lords.

Role: Melee-offensive/berserker hero also can turn to semi ranged-damage dealer.

Advantages: Can effective on good range abilities. Intrupt casting enemies. Good aganist melee heroes.

Disadvantages: Low Health, cant escape, low mobility and no healing ability.

Turalyon Highlord of the Light:
Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner appearat the homeworld of the Eredar, Argus. Turalyon has the full title of "High Exarch Turalyon" and was leading the assault by the Army of Light. After several years, Turalyon became voice of the light and he blessed by Naaru to become paragon of the light. At the third sundering, rise of the blackempire he leads warriors of the light to face aganist old gods. Now, he reclaim his destiny.

Role: Melee-supportive/tank hero also can turn to offensive melee-damage dealer, crowd control unit or burst based melee-warrior.

Advantages: Toughness, can escape from slow effects, Helpful for allies.

Disadvantages: Low dps, Stun, Slow movement, no offensive ability.

Baine the Highchieftain of the Horde:
While bitterness might still linger over Cairne's demise, Baine had remained loyal to the Horde and its Warchief for the good of the tauren race.More recently, he supported the Darkspear Rebellion in ousting the warchief, and eventually pledged his support to Garrosh's successor, Vol'jin. With Vol'jin's passing shortly after the disastrous Battle for Broken Shore, Baine has remained loyal to Sylvanas Windrunner and was present when Vol'jin named her the Warchief with his dying breath. After the reunite Horde again by the thrall and saurfang, Baine became High Chieftain of the Horde.

Role: Melee-offensive/tank hero also can turn to caster-damage dealer, crowd control unit.

Advantages: Toughness, can escape from area, So many Knockback abilites.

Disadvantages: Low attack speed, low movement speed.

Bolvar the Lich King:
Bolvar's body was altered by the dragons' flame, and was taken by the Scourge into Icecrown Citadel, where he was tortured by the Lich King in an attempt to bend him to his will. However, the noble spirit of Bolvar resisted the Lich King's depravations. After the death of Arthas Menethil, Bolvar demanded that Tirion Fordring place the Helm of Domination on Bolvar's head so that he would forever be the Jailer of the Damned - imprisoning the Lich King within the Frozen Throne once more and containing the threat of the Scourge.

Role: Melee-caster/tank hero also can turn to long ranged caster, crowd control unit.

Advantages: Can effective on sustain enemies. Stun enemies, summons hordes of scourge. Good aganist caster heroes.

Disadvantages: No healing ability, low movement speed, low attack speed.

Marrowgar the Thousand Bone Keeper:

Lord Marrowgar, Pieced together by the Lich King from the bones of a thousand vanquished adventurers, he is the guardian of the Frozen Throne within The Spire, and wields the power of the throne itself. Now Bolvar reanimate him to unleash power of the newscourge. Boneeeestooooormmmm!

Role: Melee-berserker/tank hero also can turn to insta killer.

Advantages: Great AoE damage, Immune for spells for seconds, high movement speed.

Disadvantages: Low Healt point, long cooldowns.

Maveloence the Matron Mother:

Matron Mother Malevolence is a shivarra. She is accompanied by Priestesses of Delight, Shivarra Destroyers and Priestesses of Dementia. By her own admission, she joined the Illidari because she considered Sargeras "a bore" and felt that there was no fun in his goal to destroy all life. Now, she returned to serve as illidari again.

Role: Melee-assasin/illusionist hero also can turn to half caster-assasin.

Advantages: Illusionist hero. Deals high damage on less seconds. Can blink to enemies, high movement speed, immune spells for seconds.

Disadvantages: Low Hp, Can killable easly, Low durability for spells.

Khadgar the Guardian of Azeroth:

Though he was unable to stop Gul'dan from opening the Tomb of Sargeras, allowing the Legion to flood into Azeroth once more, Khadgar is determined to find the means to reseal the portal and foil the Legion's invasion. He knows that the combined forces of the greatest champions of Azeroth are necessary to succeed, even as dissenting voices speak against a coalition and risk ultimate destruction by the demons. After Third Sundering, Dalaran destroyed and Kirin'tor Survivors escaped to Lordearon. Khadgar became Guardian of Azeroth and he promise save Azeroth once again.

Role: Ranged/Caster-Burst damage Hero. Also can turn Summoner.

Advantages: Can be effective with long ranged attacks. Many crowd control effects. Can push lanes easly.

Disadvantages: No healing ability, Low hit point, Long casting times.




Each hero have 5 usable slots. 1 for Legendary weapon, 1 for unique enchanted scroll and 3 for Weapon Sockets. And players have 1 empty slot to upgrade their inventory but, if item useless for hero, it will destroy items on 6. slot. Players need to be carefull to not gather useless items for them.

Scrolls and Sockets


At the begining of game, When your hero lands to Seat of Pantheon, Ethereal races can help you on your battle but not for free. They are collecting Powerful Cosmic Materials for their goals. They sells powerful Gems and Enchanted Scrolls. There are many scrolls to burn, silence, dispell, observe enemies and heal, enchant your allies. Every player can only select 1 scroll. So, you need to be carefull to choose your scroll. You cant replace them after you bought.

Upgrading Socket


Also, you can forge your weapon by Void, Light and Titan Type Gem stones. Gems give minor stats to customize your gamestyle. Players can be off-tank, burst damage dealer, off-tank/off caster or build their own way. Players can upgrade their stones by mining ores on map. It's not easy to upgrade it. Ethereals disturb players while mining and They need to lucky to upgrade stones.

Type of Gem Qualities are = Common > Rare > Epic

There is hidden etheral nethercrafters to upgrade your gem by some Gold. But players need to upgrade your gem first by Mining to get Epic ones.

Legendary Weapons


Every hero has a legendary unique weapon. Thrall wield Sufuras, Bolvar reforge frostmourne, Turalyon blessed alliance hammer by Naaru etc. Each weapon have unique abilites and customization options. Players can forge their weapon by Essences of Cosmos to customize your own game style. But, its not for players. There are alot of Bosses drops cosmic essance. They are powerful and need teamwork for collecting essences. Sometimes you need to fight with enemy team on boss fights.

Forging Legendary Weapons


There are 6 Cosmic Shrines. Players need to kill Bosses at frost, fire, nature, Earth/storm and Fel shires to collect their orbs to upgrade your weapon. When players collect orb of cosmic creatures, their weapons upgrade instantly. But, orb will destroy when players try to collect useless orb for them.


Also some Ethereals try to open rifts to Seat of Pantheon to transfer their loot to K'aaresh their Homeland. Sometimes they aren't succesfull to open portal. Broken rifts creates Creature named Cosmic Anomally. If its not kill for short period, it will split and become much more powerfull. Sometimes you need to avoid them if its too late. It drops random Cosmic Orb. So dont worry if you dont get your orb from shrines. Cosmic Anomally will give it for you.
















Coming Soon

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by lord_Marrowgrath

Last edited:
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011

Here is the first hint of project. There is a map. Each of the opposing bases are connecting by 3(+2) lanes defended by structures. Forces are Light (Naaru) and Shadow (Void Lords) Background story will be avaible (Keywords: Nozdormu, Thrall, Cycle, Madness, Corrupt, Old Gods, Murozond, Alternative Universes). And yes. Players fighting in space (Twisting Nether)
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
Nice project dude you should start in teaming up with other Gaming Companies because you have really good game ideas!

I adore your AoS map's especially for War of Argent!

Ofcourse let me join you

Thank you for your support :) Still, I have many plans for War of Argent. Now, Keep continue to track new project.

Dude where did you get this model's?

Those are World of Warcraft Rips. I requested these models from mdl converters.
Level 14
Jan 7, 2017
Thank you for your support :) Still, I have many plans for War of Argent. Now, Keep continue to track new project.

Those are World of Warcraft Rips. I requested these models from mdl converters.
oewhhh...... Then Good Luck in This project @Lord_Marrowgrath! Warcraft Collapse w0w0w0w00w so awsome REALLY LOKING FORWARD TO PLAY THIS . I mean just looking in the screenshots and the gameplays and this

Really Entertaining!
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011

Nine years after from the Argus Invasion, Bolvar the Lich King raised again and he corrupted by blood of Yoggsaron. Banshee Queen Sylvanas banished from Horde and She went to Northrend with her Winged Harbringers and supporters. Highlord Darion and Sylvanas were united for remove curse from Bolvar. They killed tentacles of Yoggsaron in Depth of Icecrown Citidel and Bolvar saved from Curse. Sylvanas, Darion and Bolvar recreated Scourge and declared war aganist Old Gods and their master Argus the Unmaker.

Herolist: Deathlord Nazgrim, Highlord Darion, Lord Marrowgar, Bolvar the Lich King, Amal'thazad the Lich, Banshee Queen Sylvanas and Nerubian King Anub'Setath.
Special Thanks @stein123 for models.

More Information come soon
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011

Illidan became Lord of Legion after Sargeras prisoned. Many years after, Argus the Unmaker attacked to Seat of Pantheon. Illidan and Titans lose battle aganist death and they returned to Azeroth. Argus drained power of Sargeras and chained him to Ruins of Pantheon. Illidan the Lord of Legion went to Twisting Nether and gathered powerful demons from the Shattered Abyss, Mardumt to defeat void.

Heroes: Vindicator Archimonde, Mother Matron Maveloance, Fel Lord Zakkun, Lord of Legion Illidan, Pit Commander Destromath, Right Hand Kil'jaiden, Dreadlord Draconus.

More information come soon.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
That is some BEAUTIFUL terrain there buddy, but I hope you can make the heroes's abilites as good as it?
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
New info:




When Void and Light collapse, Towers becomes unstable and out of control. It turns to Broken Keeper and deals damage to nearby units.
Forces needs to capture or destroy Broken Keeper. If players destroy Broken Keeper, it will remove from the game. If Light or Void
Forces destroy it, they will capture and gain control tower again. Also Towers have regeneration auro for nearby allies and deal
damage over time to enemy units.



In W:C, every 1 minutes unstable light-void and nathrezim forces respawns at random location on the map. They can block minions path and trying to gain
control your Light or Void Keepers (towers) It gives extra experience when killed.



In W:C, there are many attack and armor types like Light, Fel, Arcane Void etc. Each heroes and units have special attack. It means Bolvar (Lich King) deals ''death'' type damage, Illidan (Lord of Legion) Deals ''Fel'' type Damage. They have advantages and disadvantages.

Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Please let this map be playable on the old 1.27 patch....... since not everyone can acess the newest PTR patch.
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
Project progress: (80%)

-Spells IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Some Abilites deals attribute points)
-Talents IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Talent system reworked)
-Heroes IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Every hero done, At first release there will be only 6 hero. I want to release asap. Dont worry I have 40+ heroes to release)
-Terrain IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (I just modify terrain by my taste)
-In Game Events IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Avatar and Miniboss system work in progress)
-Lore IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Writing alternative stories for future of warcraft to make gameplay deep)
-Items IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Every hero have their own Unique legendary weapon. It can be forge by blacksmith to customize stats)
-Custom Hero Sound Sets IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Replacing and editing sound sets from World of Warcraft to get better quality of voice acting for heroes, Only 1 Hero left)
-Garrisons IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Adding abilities)
-Rune Systems IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Work in Progress)

There is some screenshots from map



Level 2
Jun 30, 2013
Cool concept! I wonder why there isn't "Life/Nature" damage type as opposed to "Death" damage type? (I assume you building this around the Warcraft Cosmology)
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
Cool concept! I wonder why there isn't "Life/Nature" damage type as opposed to "Death" damage type? (I assume you building this around the Warcraft Cosmology)

Thank you for your comment! Yea, damage types based on cosmology. I decided to convert Nature damage to elemental. No more room left for another attack type. Maybe I will change humanoid type to nature.
Level 2
Jun 30, 2013
Thank you for your comment! Yea, damage types based on cosmology. I decided to convert Nature damage to elemental. No more room left for another attack type. Maybe I will change humanoid type to nature.
Anyway, looking forward to your project! Do you intend to have AI in future release?
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011

Matron Mother Rework & Khadgar Gameplay

Also minor info about Patch 1.1 Details

FPS increased
All hero Hp increased by 2000.
All hero stats reworked.
ALL Hero MS increased by 50.
Thrall Q ability tooltip hotkey fixed.
Marrowgar ability hotkey positions fixed.
Matron Mother Creating Item bug fixed.
Matron Mother Blink Strike Ability cooldown reduced to 6 from 9.
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