1) Terrain - Good (4)
2) Ingenuity - Horrible (1)
3) Minor Error - Bad (2)
4) Replay Value - Horrible (1)
5) Fun factor/gameplay - Bad (2)
6) Use of imported material - Excellent (5)
7) Single player - Average (3)
8) AI support - Horrible (1)
9) Camera - Not Available
10) Originality - Average (3)
11) File Size - Good (4)
12) Balancing - Not Available
13) Packaging - Good (4)
14) Credits - Excellent (5)
15) Storyline - Average (3)
16) Theme - Good (4)
17) Protection - Excellent (5)
18) Quality - Horrible (1)
19) Description/Information - Excellent (5)
20) Hiveworkshop rules & regulation - Excellent (5)
Total Accumulation Point : 58/90 * 100 + (-28) (Review) = 36
[+] -
[!] -
[-] - Leak and poorly develop Trigger
[-] - Some trigger could constantly repeat over and over again.
[-] - Hotkey error, Machine Gun and Mortar "M" hotkey clash with one another.
[-] - A lot of fire at those ruin building, it cause a major lag. Reduce the amount of fire.
[-] - Some dummy unit can be selected, give them locust ability instead.
[-] - Reduce the size of aircraft.
Review : First of all, I would like to state the trigger are poorly develop. It have a serious leak which could eventually make this game lag if been played for a period of time.
There is no single variable used to fix those leak. No local variable and no global variable had ever been used either.
And some trigger could repeat over and over again, such as this trigger.
Unit - A unit enters Regen <gen>
Environment - Create at Ganze Karte <gen> the weather effect Ashenvale Rain (Heavy)
Environment - Turn (Last created weather effect) On
Wait 80.00 seconds
Environment - Turn (Last created weather effect) Off
And here is part of the minor leak trigger that I found in this map.
Unit - A unit owned by Player 1 (Red) Dies
((Triggering unit) is A peon-type unit) Equal to True
Unit - Create 1 Engineer [U.S.M.C.] for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of Arbeiter Flugzeugtraeger <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
I did not post major leak cause the list is kinda long, the rest of the fellow can check his map and would notice that most of the trigger have such a poor condition. Which eventually I had to give Ingenuity - Horrible (1).
In addition, this trigger I do not think it is suitable to be used shall it been played at Lan/Internet.
Win Jap
Time - Elapsed game time is 2701.00 seconds
Game - Victory Player 7 (Green) (Show dialogs, Show scores)
Game - Victory Player 8 (Pink) (Show dialogs, Show scores)
Game - Victory Player 9 (Gray) (Show dialogs, Show scores)
Game - Victory Player 10 (Light Blue) (Show dialogs, Show scores)
Game - Victory Player 11 (Dark Green) (Show dialogs, Show scores)
Game - Victory Player 12 (Brown) (Show dialogs, Show scores)
Game - Defeat Player 1 (Red) with the message: |cffff0303 The Jap...
Game - Defeat Player 2 (Blue) with the message: |cffff0303 The Jap...
Game - Defeat Player 3 (Teal) with the message: |cffff0303 The Jap...
Game - Defeat Player 4 (Purple) with the message: |cffff0303 The Jap...
Game - Defeat Player 5 (Yellow) with the message: |cffff0303 The Jap...
Game - Defeat Player 6 (Orange) with the message: |cffff0303 The Jap...
Another -28 points for this map.
Off-Topic : Actually I would reduce 41 point based on the trigger condition.