In The Wake Of Gods v1.1

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Extraordinary hero survival based on the ideeas of multiple online games.
Defend Holy Spirit from the enemy`s attack.
Win all events in order to aquire various items easing game play.
Upgrade general NPC`s items making them perfect for battle.

There are 15 unique heroes so far:
-Paladin,Na`ix,Warchief,Titan,Blade Dance (strenght race)
-Tyrande,Warrior Princess,Razor,Brewmaster,Dwarf (agility race)
-Muradin,Aiuris,Lich,SpellSinger,Biological Bomb (inteligence race)

Game play:
There are 4 difficulty grade,each grade increase enemies attack,armour and attack rate.
According to difficulty that host chose you will get free items after the pick or random finish.The last grade allow you to use free buffs from NPC.
About the game you must complete the Odin task:
-1st task: you must defend the Holy Spirit centred in middle of arena from the Midgard attack all 30 wave.
-2nd task: you must combine items from vendors then upgrade them up to perfect (+).There are a lot of items combinations acordind to each race or hero.
-3rd task: you must complete challenge arena (an personal area where you can go one time wich spawm one random enemy hero that drop an special random half piece of an item special for your race)
-4th task:Search the 4 Hell Demons spawmed somewhere in the map,defeat them in order to combine your half piece of item.
-5th task:Search all bonus on them (you can found lvl up tomes or stats tome in debris)
-6th task:Defend again Holy Spirit from The attack of Inferno Lord (Kenith of Choas and Lightning,Baium and Valakas).Killing those Lords you will get 100 points to all stats and 10 levels.
The end: Antharas will spawm and will try to destroy everything.Then Odin will come to help you,blessing you with nice skills joining in the fight.

About items:There are multiple combinations and recipes for each race making balance in this way.
Crafter (circle of power) is an system that use an upgradable item and core increasing grade of your item with every upgrade.You cant craft to items at once.You cant use more then 3 upgrade core.
You can use action avaible on crafter (perfect upgrade) that increase grade of you items directly +5 saving money and time.
About special items:
The half pice of items are wonderfull desing artfacts that make life easiest.There are 5 random items for each race that drop in challenge.then you combine with the other half piece of your item droped from Hell Bosses.You cant get other half piece from helll bosses except your piece.If you dont have her you will get an Tome of Power.You can`t steal someone items.
New heroes added
-New upgradable item
-Fixed some multiboard issue
-Fixd some bug (happens only to player 5)
-More balance (heroes,monsters)
-Changed some terrain
-Fixed an event bug
-Custom minimap
-Custom loading screen

her survival,defense,arena

In The Wake Of Gods v1.1 (Map)

17:34, 7th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: Status: Rejected The description is lacking -> Template Fix the description and your map will be approved. I also suggest you find a better preview image, this one has a low quality.




17:34, 7th Sep 2011
Vengeancekael: Status: Rejected
The description is lacking -> Template
Fix the description and your map will be approved.
I also suggest you find a better preview image, this one has a low quality.
Level 6
Jan 12, 2010
*Lacking description = What exactly makes your survival map special?
*Created by Zarike ; Uploaded by: ultimate11, is zarike your other username/do you have his permission to upload it here, if not, you're not allowed to upload it here

And kaching, rejection.

Yes is my other nickname you can check in game at info (F9).

And BTW it`s say what to do in description.Read again.What you expect to wrote a poem?
Level 6
Jan 12, 2010
I played your map and found nothing very special about your map.
I would say this is a normal hero survival.
Hope that you can add more features into this map.
Voted 3/5.

i tryed to make more nice with posiibility to upgrade items.I will soon come with an update to fix some mistake.New heroes will come out.
But tell me what you want to see in next update ?