W.I.P plox by Mr.Goblin

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Since I'm right now in vacation I will attempt to make a few digital art for my portfolio, because I don't have any and I hardly made any digital art in the past anyway.

So the ''subject'' of this thread will be about my digital art in all their steps of execution, that way this will allow you to see how I work, and to help me out by giving tips and criticisms of my work in progress.

You should note that your tips and your criticism might not be followed since I might not be heading in that direction for the piece of art I'm doing etc. with all my respect although I will try to give my best shot and to improve my skills in digital art.

Please before posting, please consider I'm still learning and I'm very aware of my lacking skills in different drawing areas. So as long as you're respectful and that you follow the rules of this site, I shall listen to your comments.

Let's get started, when how I work, I usually start with a rough sketch I call the basic outline, after that I add more details and make a clearer drawing out of the sketch that I call the ''line art'', after the first two steps are completed, I add color and shading at the same time. Which at the end...makes a complete piece of art.

1# = Faun from Pan's Labyrinth
Fan art of the movie Pan's Labyrinth... a movie that I found artistically outstanding in every aspect, for the concepts, the music, the story and the immersible feeling, etc. Decided to make my favorite character of the movie, the Faun Keeper.

Faun Keeper.
--> W.I.P #1
--> W.I.P #2
--> W.I.P #3
--> W.I.P #4
--> W.I.P #5
--> W.I.P #6
2# = Orc Shaman concept for Art concept competition of Wc4:sc2
The concept of this little beauty, is a shaman warrior (compared to a spell caster), that is using the spirits of the wolves to ingress his strength and agility to become an incredible warrior with incredible speed. Wearing Worg Hide with magic runes, these elite warriors are more than dangerous.

Orc Shaman
--> W.I.P #1
--> W.I.P #2
--> W.I.P #3
--> W.I.P #4
3# = Mok'Notöhr
The concept of these type of humanoid, is that they are warriors and hunters that are raised over traditions, living in cold temperated lands, these beast survives with hunting, a bit based from the Inuit and the Viking society, these beast aren't really developed yet, but it will the more I'm working on them.

Mok'Natih= These live in the warmest side of the land, raised over the knowledge of magic and the spirit world, these Mok'Notöhrs are recognised for having the lightest fur colour, generally in the tons of white/grey/light brown. They are also identified by the painted runes they are covered with, as a way to identify their rank.

Mok'Morosh= They can be found close to massive animal packs. They are travelling hunters that follow the animal’s tracks. Moving from place to place throughout the year, these can be recognized for being the more brutish of the Mok'Notöhrs and the tallest; because hunting animals three times their size, makes them the most ''physically in shape'' of all the Mok'Notöhrs. Their fur’s colour is more into medium tons, so brown and gray.

Mok'Tyria= These Mok'Notöhrs, are the most civilized of the other tribes. They live in the coldest section of the land. Being more easily recognisable, because they wear a lot of cloths, compared to the other tribes, they are more advanced in blacksmithing, they have the most powerful weapons at hands due to the fact they have the minerals of the mountains; in number although, the Mok’Tyria is the smallest clan, due to the cold and the harsh temperature. Their fur is normally darker than the others, so they are normally black/dark brown.

Mok’Notöhr Philosophy Conception.

Philosophy wise, the Mok’Notöhrs think that every living thing has a part in the circle of life. Every animal, people, plants that dies, gets back where it belongs... in the flow of life. The Mok’Notöhrs think that every living things are transformed into a spiritual state when it dies. The spirit is than transformed and is giving another state when resurrected among the earth as a new form of life. It’s also a reason why the Mok’Notöhrs have a very strong respect for the ancestors, because they were part of that flow of life, and they marked the earth with their lives, and it’s because of them that each Mok’notors are alive, and that are once again part of that flow of life.

Following that thought, that’s why they are matriarch. The woman, giving birth to a new a new life, she gave a new form for a spirit, giving birth to another creature in the circle of life. That’s why the spiritual leaders are always female and that’s why the females are the one transmitting the traditions and raising the children.

Compared to the role of the females, Mok’Notöhr males are the protectors of life. They are responsible for building the houses and bringing the food to the people, as a form of gratitude towards the spirits of the ancestors that might be living in their new form. When the sound of drums are heard, they are the one that goes to fight, to protect their village, to protect the life, to protect the living form of every spirits as a gratitude to the ancestors.

About their belief, Mok’Notöhrs think every living things has its place on the earth, everything serves a unique goal, being part of the circle of life, and helping it by any means. That’s why Mok’Notöhrs also eat meat and uses trees to build their houses, because they are meant to give strength and protect the new body of the ancestors.


Like explained earlier, the Mok’Notöhrs think that there’s an infinite loop of force and magic called the Circle of life (Moh'at). Moh'at makes that everything on earth isn’t lost, that nothing is created, everything just transforms into something else... but to be able to do that, there’s 2 state of life, the Spirit state, and the living state. When dead, the spirit of the creatures rise in the sky and join the other spirits to watch over the living, until they find themselves a new body to live in. These spirits can be seen during the nights, they have the shape of small shiny sphere flying in places in the sky. The Mok’Notöhrs don’t believe in a god, like said below, they believe in Mo'hat, the universal, the circle of life.

The Sun and the Moon
Has being part of Mo’hat, these two entity are known as being the balancers of the flow.

The Sun (Ta’liän) is the caller of spirits, when something dies, the spirits relay on the presents of the sun to find their way back into the flow. In the Mok’Notöhr’s religion, the sun is the ‘’lighthouse’’ of the spirits that guides them back into the flow. That’s also why Ta’liän is so bright and warm, it’s because it’s covered of millions of spirits. (For the Mok’Notöhrs, spirits are related to warmness, because when something dies, it spirit leaves the body, and so is the warmness of it). That’s also why, the living things lives during the day, it’s because even tough in a new body, the spirits are still attracted to Ta’liän when it comes by.

The Moon (Tak’liön) is the distributer of spirits, he’s the one that takes the spirits from the flow and redistribute them back on earth, to their new body. The night is also the time for resting, for the living things and the spirits within the bodies. It is also when the spirits get into their new body and comprehend it during the night to get themselves ready for their new life.

The way they respect this flow, for giving them the opportunity to live, is by making a prayer each morning, when the sun sets. They bend on their knees, touch the ground with their forehead, than raise their forehead up to the sky, and do this action 10 times. Every time, they do this action, they thank Moh’at for what it gives to them: a body, the strength, the wisdom, the protection, the food, the family, the land, the past, the present and the future. They think the spirit of things remain in the head, because it's closer to the sky, so by touching the earth with their forehead, it represents the spirit that came back on earth to be reborn, and the raising up, is the turning back into the flow. This action is a reproduction of the circle of life itself.

--> W.I.P #1
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--> W.I.P #4


--> Beast concept1
--> Beast concept2

-->BONUS 2<--
4# = Leviathan concept for Concept-art competition #5
Yeah well, I'm basing myself from the Leviathan how it's described in the Bible, so that's how it looks like to me :D

--> W.I.P #1
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--> W.I.P #4

5# = Goblin Berserker
It's basically how the goblin berserker would look like in Goblin's Tale if warcraft3 could support HD models. (don't insinuate anything from this :\)

Goblin Berserker
--> W.I.P #1
--> W.I.P #2
--> W.I.P #3
--> W.I.P #4
--> W.I.P #5
--> W.I.P #6
6# = Scars of Conflict Banner
First Landscape done yeah!<3 Please don' forget to check the thread of Scars of Conflict Because We've been working on it for the past year and a half, and it's near being completed. So please, comments and suggest stuff etc.

Free cookies <3

Scars of Conflict Banner
--> W.I.P #1
7# = Grommash Hellscream (sculpture)
Always wanted to do this... Here's the second full body sculpture I'm making... More than 11 hours have been took so far to make it up to this level, it's still far to be finish, there's still lots of stuff to improve etc. But anyway, lot's of fun still ahead of me.

Grom Hellscream
--> W.I.P #1
7# = Castle Crasher
Long Story short, I played that game, even tough this might looks strange, but I actually felt in love with these awesome knights look... than Ike_Ike decided to start a 3D model about those knights, I tough his model WIP was brilliant, so I got inspired and I started to make an art piece. This might and up as being a wallpaper or something... <3

Castle Crasher
--> W.I.P #1
--> W.I.P #2
--> W.I.P #3
8# = Goblin Proportions
I'm working on making the proportions of goblins and at the same time to create a static pose that I could use to design armors etc. I'll use this art for a personnal project of mine that has to do about Goblin's Tale.... even tough that project is dead for warcraft3, I'm still working on it, and I'm having fun actually doing all the art/concept art for that ''game'', wishing that SOMEDAY!, I will create a small REAL game out of it. The type of game you buy at 15$ on PS3 or something... Will see.... on the same time, I'm working on my portfolio with it. (P.S = that Goblin Berserker is also part of this ''project'')

Goblin Proportions
--> W.I.P #1
--> W.I.P #2
--> W.I.P #3
--> W.I.P #4
--> W.I.P #5 (bonus)

8# = Sci-Fi Soldier
I need to train my proportion, my perspective, my atmosphere and my landscape.. sooo.. why not making a piece of art with everything? That's my project with this one, I can't tell if I'll ever finish it, or not, only futur will tell, I'll start with the soldier, and see if I'm up for the landscape after that. Anyhow for the SCI-FI LOVERS!, I invite you to give ideas, before the surrounding of the drawing is definetive...

Sci-Fi Soldier
--> W.I.P #1
--> W.I.P #2
--> W.I.P #3
--> W.I.P #4

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will see what I can do, but maybe your opinion will change after this.. new WIP PLOX!

has you can see.. that's why I always make a Basic outlines before starting the real stuff.. helps me visualize the drawing before even doing it. Indeed, there will always be some stuff I will change (arm angle/position) etc.. but that's why the Basic outlines is always important, helps you see the mistakes.


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Thanks alot for your comments.. note, this is simply the line art and none of the details will be made in the line art.. it's simply the shape of the Faun that I'm making and a few details just to place them at their right respective place.

Even tough I'm basing myself a lot from pictures found on google, there's a few aspect I can't reproduce and that I have to imagine, for example, the faun's legs... the book cover (can't remember how it was in the movie and can't find any pictures of it)

anyway.. small update.. fixed the legs, made the book, made the dagger, made the Sting insect, and fixed a few stuff here and there..

If I see from pictures I think the end of the legs are much bigger with more branches so I will try to fix that...

I can't find any good lute pictures.. perhaps you could help me?


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Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
http://www.daniellarson.com/lutes/venere/1.JPG http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/19000/19094/lute_19094_lg.gif http://www.tielke-hamburg.de/images/laute-beides-termini.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Laute.png

I think these pictures are actually a good summary.
Oh and it really looks good so far. I'm only complaining about the fact that you draw him actually pretty small. Personally I would like a more central position much better, but that's just a small thing that does not have something to do with the quality of the work and it will not even affect the outcome, I guess.
Thanks a lot DonDustin for the pic.. and what do you mean by the position? you mean that the character should be more in the middle of the artwork? or it's simply the position of the Faun that is bugging you?..

lot's of question.

Also, I'm was wondering if there was any slice things I should change so far.
for example = I've realized the ears were too small compared to the faun in Pan's Labyrinth, and I realized the box where he keeps the fairys was much longer and the design was different from what I remembered.

if you want to help me out simply type ''Pan's Labyrinth Faun'' on google image.

thanks a lot for those who are going to help me.
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New wip.. changed again a few stuff.. fixed the ears, fixed the left hand, fixed the hooves, added a bag.. blablabla.. see by yourself..

I posted that last wip on conceptart.org for better advice. will see what I get from these professional guys.

so far I'm happy because 2 of my drawing contacts (guys that I've worked with as a concept artist) said they didn't see anything wrong.

so.. :thumbs_up:

but anyway, I shall still wait for the conceptart.org comments.


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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

The last WIP doesn't load for me.

Anyway, it looks great so far, there's one thing though, about his left leg - it looks like the third joint is doing an impossible bend, but I'm not sure how those legs are supposed to be, it just seems natural for me that the joints in the legs can only bend in one path, like our legs - not like our shoulders. I'll do a quick demonstration of what I mean.

The last WIP doesn't load for me.

Anyway, it looks great so far, there's one thing though, about his left leg - it looks like the third joint is doing an impossible bend, but I'm not sure how those legs are supposed to be, it just seems natural for me that the joints in the legs can only bend in one path, like our legs - not like our shoulders. I'll do a quick demonstration of what I mean.


hum I see what you mean, but it's damn hard to draw these kind of legs, that's exactly why I needed feedback... I'm glad you took a look at this thread Shiik. Hum.. so basicly the right leg of the faun (the one on the left of the picture) is good, but not the left leg (the crouched one, holding the lute), so If I wanted a good looking leg, the hooves should be suspended in the air right?

Edit = that's the best I manage to make so far..


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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Yes, that is much, much better, V. Perhaps only a bit longer, I'm not sure, I'm very bad at perspective so it could be I'm misjudging the length a bit. Glad I could help! I'll keep an eye out for this thread. ;)
I wanna cry when I see how beautifully you can draw. That link's pic is great!

hum... thanks? D:

Well well done. I would love to see it painted too.

(P.S. For the conceptart.org's User Title of yours: It's an "upcoming artist", not a "becoming artist" ;))

Me too, and thanks I fixed the typo error..

oh well here's an other update... lowered the leg, made him more comfortable, his chest is less static.


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after a short talk with a teacher I've decided to change a few stuff..

first, the legs, after that will replace the arms and the Lute, just have no idea yet how he could be holding it.


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liking the new pose :D

Thanks mate.. here's an upgrade, I've added the Faun features of the movie with the new pose.. indeed it looks 3 times better..


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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Looks like a much more natural and comfortable pose, indeed.
Bump! same concept different position now more have been done..

Edit = new wip! :D

Edit2 = Color test! :D


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I better not try to create concept art ever in my life :eek: looks too hard.

it's hard to get started when you lack of creativity but more you come with ideas and more you will easily come with idea, the brain is a muscle you just need to train it.

Took me awhile before getting good at concepting, like a year... but now it's like second nature to me.

but! I'm good for concepting stuff related to fantasy games.. but not for science-fiction.. funny Uh?!
New Wip! manage to work on it abit more.. not as much as I wanted to.. but anyway... got myself into an awesome book trilogy soo :p

Added the
-chain holding the fur
-a few leaves for the armor


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New concept I'm working on.. :goblin_good_job:

Basically = These are humanoid living in cold temperate weathers, see them as being badass Viking hunters... that doesn't know how to sail, basically, I'll further develop their concept later on. :p

The THird Image (the one with the ram horns) is the final concept of the look of their face.


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Bloody hell! I don't recommend anyone to draw furry dudes. D:

Second WIP = I'm basicly doing all the fur before doing the lightning..


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Speed painting, I was abit bored of only making fur for 4 ours D:

anyway, made this drawing in about 30 minutes, this is basically to show you the ''size'' of the Mok'Notöhr compared to the humans, as you can see, they are pretty damn big, and what they hunt, is 3 times their size.. soo... these are pretty epic dudes :p :goblin_wtf:

now... back to ''making fur'' D:


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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Fur is tedious to draw, indeed. Looking good, though!
Level 6
Mar 19, 2010
Wow man..I can't wait to see this finished..I mean wow, you should make concept arts for gaming industry...U have great ideeas, and great imaginative skills...
Wow man..I can't wait to see this finished..I mean wow, you should make concept arts for gaming industry...U have great ideeas, and great imaginative skills...

Thanks mate, this is really warming my heart:goblin_good_job:

on that, new wip. Made the Horns, what do you think? (btw, the fur isn't finished yet, the shadows haven't been added. I made an example with the nose, although, this won't be the last version of the nose, because I was trying a tutorial of making fur, so I tried with the nose, and changed the tutorial a tad with my own skills and it gave the nose, so the nose have been made before I even decided for the fur's colour.)


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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Can't to wait to see this guy finished!
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Thanks mate, this is really warming my heart:goblin_good_job:

on that, new wip. Made the Horns, what do you think? (btw, the fur isn't finished yet, the shadows haven't been added. I made an example with the nose, although, this won't be the last version of the nose, because I was trying a tutorial of making fur, so I tried with the nose, and changed the tutorial a tad with my own skills and it gave the nose, so the nose have been made before I even decided for the fur's colour.)

the nose is awsome :goblin_yeah:
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