This is a skin texture overrides the Sentry's, a Night Elf campaign unit. This skin can also replace the Night Elf Runner's, which is under the path Textures/Watcher.blp .The weapon and scroll are alphaed out in both cases, allowing you to attach any weapon to the Valkyrie. Both models also look exactly the same with this skin, their portrait, animations, everything.
Updated the skin + stuff I changed for the better (reasons you should download the updated version
Added gold trim
Re-skinned the entire face, added pupils and fuller lips, fixed eyebrow
Re-difined the top of the helmet
Changed the G-String to have chain elements
Moved the boot up to cover the kneecap
changed the shinguard
increased the size of the shoe to fit the foot wrap
made the armor a little more shinny
Alphaed out part of the helmet wings
re-defined the left gauntlet to show all four fingers on the wrap
Re-drew scales on the front boot to create a more uniform mesh
Sharpened TC part of shoulderpad
Removed 3-D rotating skull that hung from the loincloth
- Update
Changed screenshot preview/moved screenshot to skin description
Added by67chrome suffix to skin name
Vlakyrie, Night, Elf, Human, Female, Watcher, Runner, Sentery, Sentinel, Gold, Silver, Chrome, 67chrome