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Unknown shaddow

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
"Unknown shadow" is a simple RPG map. First you choose one of the 8 Heros. You start with a villageman named "Nameles". Use his skill "Hero" to choose a hero. Then you go threw the portal to enter the main map. on the map are different areas with different monsters. in every area there is a boss kill the bosses that get special items and EXP. You can only reach lvl.5 by killing monsters. destroy EXP-boxes and read the EXP-books to reach lvl.10. Then complet the quest by killing the last boss. There are different types of heros you can use. Im from germany and my english is not very good, but the map is complet in english. Ill soon upload some pictures.

Undead, Rpg, zombie, Hero, New, Sekte26, sheep

Unknown shaddow (Map)

12:23, 22nd Jan 2011 -Kobas-: Map Status: Rejected Broken Rules: (Map) Credits, (Map) Presentation Comment




12:23, 22nd Jan 2011
Map Status: Rejected
Broken Rules:
(Map) Credits, (Map) Presentation
Level 2
Sep 3, 2010
shaddow = shadow
entre = enter
th = that
complet/compleet = complete
Just fixing some of the words in the sentence. Also remember caps at the beggining of sentences.
But anyways, the definition needs some screenshots, various subjects such as the story of the map and the different heroes. You have peeked my curiosity so I'll try the map.
Rating coming soon
Level 2
Sep 3, 2010
I started playing and decided to try something: lets see if the villager can pass through the portal. So I start walking and *POW* it works. Shouldn't you make it so you have to choose a hero? Also some of the names are misspelled (letters and capitalization). This map does not seem to have any towns or shops of any kind, and those often help in RPGs. Along with quests asides than "Go through killing monsters and leveling up until you get to the final boss" There should be more complex things and maybe a few puzzles and a storyline would help with the RPG concept of the game.
I rate 1/5 and maybe you should try the section that's meant for test maps first.
Level 5
Dec 3, 2009
"Nameles" - Nameless
"Threw" - Maybe through because of sentence
"on the map are different areas" - on the map, there are different areas
If this is so badly like the map some stuff may get confusing also use [url="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/misc.php?do=bbcode]BB Codes[/url] to improve description further and also tell us more about the map like:
The ultimate objective of the map
The features(Like what makes this map unique)
The heroes(if not many describe each)
Credits(Also ingame)
Level 20
Oct 21, 2006
If tested the map before uploading . I said the map is very simple and i dont like puzzles. so id would be very friendly when you dont rate 1/5
But in the Hiveworkshop uploading a low quality map is against the rules... :(

They also need to be in 100% english.
And have no grammar mistakes.
And have a clear map description.
And some other stuff that I can't remember.
Level 12
May 30, 2009
You said:
Im from germany and my english is not very good
I was very understanding of this until..
You said:
If tested the map before uploading . I said the map is very simple and i dont like puzzles. so id would be very friendly when you dont rate 1/5
So if someone rated 1/5 for your map simply out of honesty, you'd be unfriendly against them? Really, I suggest that you go post this in map development and not upload it until you have received positive user feedback.
Super-Sheep said:
And have no grammar mistakes.
I'm pretty sure they don't have to be perfect, just decent. :p
Level 2
Dec 23, 2010
have you played the map and noticed the details? the skills are beautyfull and the map desighn detailed. you should deal with it for a longer time. i know that there are some fails but there are many positive points too. this map should be just entertaining and no nuclear physics!
Level 16
Jan 31, 2009
You need to have good grammar, get someone to translate or ask someone to check the spelling for you. Also improve the description, no one is bothered to read a wall of text; use colours, use tables, add screenshots, etc. Here's a list of BB Codes to help you. Also fix the author name and add suggested players. This map will not be approved anytime soon.
Level 4
Nov 14, 2005
Positive points...

have you played the map and noticed the details? the skills are beautyfull and the map desighn detailed. you should deal with it for a longer time. i know that there are some fails but there are many positive points too. this map should be just entertaining and no nuclear physics!

The only positive points I see in this RPG are the skills/spells models... gotta say I liked em. But the game is boring and easy... and lets not talk about the grammar issues :D ...
Level 12
May 30, 2009
have you played the map and noticed the details? the skills are beautyfull and the map desighn detailed. you should deal with it for a longer time. i know that there are some fails but there are many positive points too. this map should be just entertaining and no nuclear physics!
You really wanna list the positive points and fails? Here's my list:

- Decent terrain

- Melee init trigger with a few modifications
- 2 triggers of the utmost simplicity
- Spells are Blizzard spells that are modified to display horribly unprofessional descriptions and have their icons changed
- Extremely dull gameplay (kill kill kill)
- Lacks originality in the sense of abilities, heroes, and game concept

I see that it is 1 to 5, so basically it's not gonna get approved anytime soon.
spam spam spam spam put your head between your legs and kiss your err... goodbye!
you realy need a hobby! go out, nobody likes know-it-all nerds like you!
I will come back tomorrow and moderate your map, I will be nice now but if I see any more comments like this one I will give you -1 rep for each bad word, hurry now and fix that.

Be nice to users ok, don't flame/troll/insult and so on, you already have some neg rep and I still go easy on you.
If you have problem in map section contact us map moderators.

Did I make myself clear. I warned you first and last time.
Take care.
Level 5
Dec 3, 2009
People here are trying to help improving the map by pointing the bad aspects so you can improve and you still insult everyone who talks bad about you, seriously...
Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
Excuse me!
You're already violating the rules on Hive by uploading a map with a description a 7 year old can make. Just because the map might be good inside, it's still violating the rules. You need to have proper grammar too. Hive isn't "German" has you have said in your previous post. It doesn't need German humor.

Other than that, light bolt 30 was being nice to you. Don't swear or I'll report. If you don't think the Hive is good enough for your maps, then you can post on Epicwar if you'd like to.


Unknown shaddow
Created by Unbekannt ; Uploaded by: sekte26
Hmmm... Map presentation is really bad, you didn't described heroes, abilities, areas, monsters, quests and so on, there are no pictures or any other way to show your work. You didn't even listed witch systems you use and so on. You don't give credits for imported resources.

But then when I opened map I was able to see only 2 triggers.

RPG map can't be good with 2 triggers:
  • Nahkampf-Initialisierung
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Quest - Create a Required quest titled kill unknown! with the description (Name of Unknown (last boss) 0471 <gen>), using icon path ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNAmbush.blp
      • Melee Game - Use melee time of day (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Remove creeps and critters from used start locations (for all players)
      • Melee Game - Run melee AI scripts (for computer players)
      • Quest - Display to (All players) the Quest Discovered message: Kill the last boss ...
  • Unbezeichneter Auslöser 001
    • Events
      • Unit - Unknown (last boss) 0471 <gen> Dies
    • Conditions
      • ((This trigger) is on) Equal to True
    • Actions
      • Quest - Mark (Last created quest) as Completed
      • Quest - Display to (All players) the Quest Completed message: You haf killed him!...
Hero pick system is ok but you should add more things, like floating text above heroes and so on...

I picked hero and move on, grrr items on the ground, why?
You can create them and give to hero instead?

Way Gate to connect areas, ok...

Terrain isn't something special, average and sometimes poor...
I won't explain terrain because I can write 2 times more only about it than whole this review. Point is that you miss large number of special effect and lightning like effect doodads. Low number of environment doodads and so on...

Gameplay is well balanced but polishing is horrible, no any kind of score to display current status, no active quests no nothing... Active abilities use PAS icons and vice verse, English descriptions are very bad...

No modes, no difficulties, no special events and so on.

I will rate your map with 1/5 unacceptable mark and set map status to Rejected!

Broken Rules:
(Map) Credits, (Map) Presentation
Thread Cleaned:
Status: Rejected