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Unknown Cinematic



Forum - http://septimus.invisionplus.net
Map Status - Open Sources
Current Version - v1.02
Duration - 3 minutes 43 seconds


A cinematic that nobody know what is the content within it. Are you curious enough to watch it?


1) Open Sources

  • If this map is open sources, it mean this map are free to be view by everybody regardless of age, community, religion and status.
  • Open sources doesn't mean you could edit this map freely without my permission for the sake of fun or various reason, you still got to ask my permission to do so.

2) Protected

  • If this map is protected, it mean there is an content or resources that are deem to be exclusive or specially made for the map that I strictly do not allowed other to use or neiter view it.
  • If you wish to view the map through world editor, kindly ask my permission and I would send the open sources to you if I see your reason to be acceptable.

3) Miscellaneous

  • If you post an comment or review, please set it into hidden tag as not to be spoiler.

  • Tenebrae
  • Callahan
  • Anitarf
  • Bribe
  • -Kobas-
Loading Screen & Images
  • -Kobas-
Version StatusUpdate Information
  • Beta release.
  • Add loading screen and map preview.
  • Fix corpse spawn to avoid excessive lag.
  • Fix subtitle system.
Septimus Map Resources

[THREAD="87433"]Are You A Perfect Idiot ?[/THREAD]
[THREAD="100164"]Are You A Perfect Idiot ? (2)[/THREAD]
[THREAD="106408"]Are You A Perfect Idiot ? (3)[/THREAD]
[THREAD="116973"]Are You A Perfect Idiot ? (4)[/THREAD]
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[THREAD="168596"]Unknown Cinematic[/THREAD]


Unknown Cinematic (Map)

20:41, 31st May 2010 ap0calypse: Reviewed / Approved Entertaining cinematic, can't say anything else or I'll ruin everything. If I had to rate this, probably 3-4/5, though it's very hard to rate this. See post #10 for the review, but I advice...




20:41, 31st May 2010
ap0calypse: Reviewed / Approved

Entertaining cinematic, can't say anything else or I'll ruin everything.
If I had to rate this, probably 3-4/5, though it's very hard to rate this.

See post #10 for the review, but I advice you to see the cinematic first because the review is one huge spoiler!
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I just have to test this >.<
Okay, after all my mod duties (*sigh*), I'll test it and update this post for a review =D
Well, I guess I don't even need to check the code to know that rating, though I will (if possible).

Edit: (sorry for the delay, the server was too busy... again)

I just got Rick Roll'd >.> (I already knew this though xD).
Okay, first of all I'd like to say that I have no idea how to rate or review this, so I'll just say a few things that caught my attention.

This is by far the most random cinematic I've ever seen, and it was done in a pretty funny way.

The intro was slightly too slow: with the 'bada bududu', everyone knows he's been rick roll'd (it's written like this, your only typo as far as I've seen), but the text is still showing "Been".
Everything was built up with random funny scenes (though the peasants were rather creeping me out :X), the FAIL-spell you imported from... yourself really fits in quite well, though the steep walls make the FAIL-spell fail (the letters are rotating).
The paladins were awesome, though I don't know what the background meant (the first red fires are in a traight line, then a blue fire and then a curved line of red fires... not sure what to make out of it).
When the houses started to collapse, I was a bit dissapointed: it was (in my eyes at least) the weakest scene of all.
One of the better scenes was the SPAM (question-mark terrain) scene, especially the end was nice :p
Another favorite is the peasant vs gold thingy vs huge chicken, but the terrain there seems a bit weak as well (and I'm still not sure whether a sky would improve the scene or not).

Great use of animations, timers and a very simple UI (though the best one you could take).
I can't help but notice the simplicity in every scene (probably the point of the entire cinematic).
The terrain... yeah, what can I say about it? If it would be 'ye regular cinematic': a big no, but this is far from a regular cinematic and I honestly don't know what to say about it, so I'll leave this blank (it's not good, but neither is it bad, it just fits the cinematic).

Now we come to the triggers: everything is as simple as it can be, I understood all triggers right at the start (and that's pretty rare, because even the best coders need to get some time to get used to someone else's coding).
I would've done it differently (set up some variables for the subtitles and then made a real timer for it), but yeah... you destroyed the triggers that weren't used.
The JASS-function is also easy enough to understand, though I really wonder where they got all the character width's from.

Replayability value: the same as the original Rick Roll-song: who would want to hear that again right after being Rick Roll'd?
No, really... it's funny and I've seen it 3 times right now (mainly for the review though, not because I loved it so much xD).
If this were the original Rick Roll video, then I don't mind being rick roll'd (for max. 2-3 times, not more).

In a nutshell
Entertaining video, some minor adjustements are in order, though not necessary.
Everything is very simple, which only makes it funnier.
Terrain, story and atmosphere are something that shouldn't be discussed here.

~Approved (no rating, as I said in the introduction: there's no way I can rate this).
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Level 8
Oct 4, 2009
I dont know - I dont wanna read those reviews - but I just think the song is missing. Would be much better in my op.with sound.
But its my op. and nobody cares.
But - its called "you have been Rick Rolled"

I also dont really enjoyed the whole cinematic... kinda lame. Also the terrain could be better - way to simple.

But - for not beeing an ass - Ill give 5/5 - simply for the idea.
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Level 31
May 3, 2008
I dont know - I dont wanna read those reviews - but I just think the song is missing. Would be much better in my op.with sound.

Using sound rather than music was rather an terrible idea, people often import and play music files as music rather than sound cause there is a couple of problem with sounds (Cannot recall the problem issues :=/)

I also dont really enjoyed the whole cinematic... kinda lame.

It is suppose to fit the theme of the map, what do you expect?

Also the terrain could be better - way to simple.

Yes, it could be better.. but we are making a map that full of.. (cannot reveal it as it could be a spoiler) so it isn't entirely necessary to have a uber god like terrain.

1st of all: If you don't like terrain bother me not Septimus...
2nd: I get blank map with triggers and imported stuff, placed units :D
Lol I watched cinematic more than 10 times to find some way to create all that, fail spell was fail I created high walls to hide scenes below.
Fire mean -.^, and about sky, well I forget to add that (damn so unprofessional).
3th: All was created fast, Septimus didn't asked for fix or improving, because his net was terrible in last few days so we done this in lightning speed...
4th and last: Terrain can be fixed easily so just tell us what is bothering you!
Now about cinematic:
*I created explosive barrels so you can blow up that villager :xxd:
*Waterfall need to be show in last scene with workers, you can also shake camera a little and kill them as well ^^
*About fail you can change region size and camera (easy to fix)
*You can maybe find disco ball and add that trigger (every 0.05 sec change fog to random numbers in scene when 100 gold coins dance)

I can remember all so here it is this for now :thumbs_up:
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Level 8
Oct 4, 2009
Using sound rather than music was rather an terrible idea, people often import and play music files as music rather than sound cause there is a couple of problem with sounds (Cannot recall the problem issues :=/)

It is suppose to fit the theme of the map, what do you expect?

Yes, it could be better.. but we are making a map that full of.. (cannot reveal it as it could be a spoiler) so it isn't entirely necessary to have a uber god like terrain.

Yeah - As I said - its just my opinion - but as I can see people like it - So it would be assless to give you a bad rating - I would actualy give 3/5

-1 for no music
-1 for terrain

But the idea was good so...

just improve it as far as its beta
Level 31
May 3, 2008
-1 for no music

You obviously have your music off cause there is indeed an music in it.

Check your warcraft 3 audio setting.

if you still cannot hear it, try to crank up the volume.

-1 for terrain

this map are suppose to be full of random stuff that doesn't make sense and i do not care less about the terrain as long as it reach the min quota needed for map approval cause i am currently focusing on my much bigger project.

anyway, the terrain was done by -kobas- and he already request that any issues regarding about terrain should be refer to him.

in addition to that, i do not planned to use custom model of tree or destructible/doodad as the size of the map are quite high and with the constant connection issues at hive, it isn't entirely necessary to add it.

to top up with, you would have notice the camera position and everything else being set are more like a stage style show, adding an excessive amount of destructible/doodad might end up clogged and hinder the audience from viewing what actually happen (I hope I explain well about this :p)

you're of course welcome to help me if you too irritate about it.

nothing personal, hope you understand.
Level 7
Jan 10, 2009

Hmm . . . this was something new what I have ever seen in wc3 cinematics, but I liked it. It looked like a music video, only that the song and video didn't match (but thats okay, cause it is meant to be like that, yes?)

Animations, spells, abilities and all other stuff were used in a good way.

Looking at this cinematic, I remember a time when I got spam mail, opened it and then this song with the video started to play. And when I wanted to close the page it just didnt let me. Showed me questions like "Don't you like it?" etc :eekani:

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Level 12
Oct 16, 2008

Uhm... lol, not what i expected/hoped for.
But i guess it's funny, maybe i was just not in the mood for it lol. Or i don't like being rickrolled :/ .
3/5 because i didn't really laugh while watching it. Maybe it was lacking some sounds from the scenes (like, instead of only music, chicken sounds when they're running around, peasant scream when he's chased, something... ).
Also, it got really laggy towards the end of the cinematic, the fps drop was pretty big (yeah my comp sucks).

Nevertheless, i could learn some interesting things from the way it was triggered.
By the way, wasn't it supposed to be protected? I think the hive's description said so. Thought i'd let you know.
Level 3
May 19, 2010
Haha a good idea. Not perfect but I still chuckled to myself ocne it started :p.

K onto the finer details. Obviously terrain and stuff wasn't crazy overdone, I think it was fine for a cinematic like this so no real complaints there. Good stuff

I just felt the cinematic kind of dragged, several times I found myself sitting there waiting for the next clip to play cos one had just been repeated or one wasn't too entertaining. I mean all in all besdies the idea I didn't really find most of the clips funny but that's more cos of my sense of humour. I don't think I would call the map 'lame' or anything though, I can definitely appreciate the humour in it :D. In terms of atmosphere and humour I'd probably give it 4/5 speaking with regards to a general consensus

Overall it's probably a 3/5 from me, but if there weren't any repeated clips and you made some of them a little more crazy (like the paladin one was an interesting idea, but when watching it in this video it was just boring lol. The ones like the head-turning peasant clips and coin/peasant/chicken ones more suit the tone of the cinematic :p.) then I'd give a 4/5

Good stuff!!
Well I was disappointed from this cinematic. Everybody has a different sense of humor and this is definitely not my type. The cinematic ain't nothing much looks like its done in a couple of hours. The terrain was lacking and "You have been rick rolled" come on :hohum: I also think the music was crap but thats really not important cause like the sense of humor music tastes are very specific. When I listen to this I imagine how I'm right next to the singer doing a face like this :confused: or maybe this :bored: and I bury my aXe in his face ... right so yeah I don't like the music. It was pretty random tho but still lame. Overall watching this I felt my soul got raped :xxd: o yeah and it tends to cause some graphic lag at the end maybe cause my machine is weak :con: Also this map is overrated in my opinion, anyway I wont give a real rating just will write it here 2/5
Nice job, Septimus and -Kobas-.

I noticed that some posts that said 'Spoiler' didn't contain spoilers at all... Just their ratings...

My post doesn't contain any spoilers, and I don't want it to. So I'll just give my rating:

Non Spoiler - A couple of parts were just bland.

Edit: Dammit, fine. I'll give my full review.

Well, I must say, that some parts were a bit bland.

- The OMG and the House being destroyed were kinda... Out of place.
- The Peasant's head spinning around was priceless.
- The 'YOU.... HAVE.... BEEN.... RICK ROLL(ed)' was epic enough... But the ROLL part ruined it.
- Gold coins dissapate?! :smile:
- The huge chicken was really funny!!!!

Still a 4.9/5.
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Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
xD WIN!:)
Your's was the second best here though :)
+rep for trying :)

I win.
All multi-hidden tags removed (only my double spoiler remains, and that's the biggest multi-poiler in the entire thread for the rest of it's existance, I hereby warn everyone who dares to add more multi-hidden tags).
Now please stay on-topic and have a good time watching this cinematic!

Edit: oh yeah, only the "I win."-part was meant towards you, Cweener - all the rest was just to everybody/nobody in general :D
Level 31
May 3, 2008
I win.
All multi-hidden tags removed (only my double spoiler remains, and that's the biggest multi-poiler in the entire thread for the rest of it's existance, I hereby warn everyone who dares to add more multi-hidden tags).
Now please stay on-topic and have a good time watching this cinematic!

thanks for clearing up the multi hidden tag, i notice it been a little abusive lately.
Level 5
Nov 30, 2008
sure.. as long as you did not remove the crediting, the crediting are to thanks to those who made this cinematic an success.

You could change the author name to Edit by Link2006155 to let every1 know you are merely editing the map.

im not a credit hog like 7828592756235256349524321347219 people im nice i give credit would u like to test with me on saturday maybe? when i have time to play i play on west (lordaeron) and is this protected
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Level 31
May 3, 2008
im not a credit hog like 7828592756235256349524321347219 people im nice i give credit would u like to test with me on saturday maybe? when i have time to play i play on west (lordaeron) and is this protected

It is open sources as it was mention at the thread.

Forum - http://septimus.invisionplus.net
Map Status - Open Sources
Current Version - v1.02
Duration - 3 minutes 43 seconds

would u like to test with me on saturday

I am not battlenet user and I am working on other project.