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Unhelpful Tag Spamming

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Level 12
May 9, 2009
Hello, I am tired of icon bundles having every single tag in existence spammed so that they appear in every single search I carry out in the icon section. It's like the icon is literally supposed to be a highbourne elf and it's marked with the tags of ALL races so you will be seeing his ugly mug even if you're only looking for dwarves.

I tried mass reporting but it keeps on giving me an error so I will post the links to the icons here instead.

Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
Perhaps tagging should not be in [full] control of creators, if they keep abusing it over the years. Just saying.

You can look at what other sites do. Tagging tends to be a community thing, where users tag other user's stuff, not their own (if 20 people tagged a resource as Human, then it's probably Human!)
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