[question] Could the tagging system be extended to resources?

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Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
As per title. While resources have a fixed number of categories, there is an easy-to-use and -to-browse tagging system for threads and media that supports author-made tags.
1) Can this tagging system be extended to the resources?
2) (Is it perhaps already usable? Could you explain to me how it works?)
3) Should this tagging system be extended to resources? In other words, would it be a good idea?

I'd find it awesome to be able to tag my stuff how I like, and to search resources by a custom tag that isn't exactly encompassed in one existing category.
Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
Custom tags are a mess. It's better that you just suggest new categories of things and we can consider adding them.

You can currently tag resources by just adding more keywords and if people search for those, they will find your resource.
I see, alright boss. The search engine browses through descriptions as well (correct?) so if enough keywords are added to the description, then there is not really a huge difference from searching by tag.
Adding more categories is nice but honestly there are so many already, I wouldn't really know what to suggest more: it's just that they're very rigid unlike custom tags. On the other hand, as you rightly say, custom tagging has the potential to become a very bad mess if people post shit-tags en masse, so it should be evaluated carefully before it's adopted for critical assets like maps and resources.
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Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
We once had a tag system where people could put whatever and people used synonyms and had tags full of typos. They had to be constantly groomed by merging, renaming and deleting. So yeah, lots of words in the descriptionis a good help.
there is actually a way to do this successfully without spelling errors and such. if you create a word list, and while a person types in their tag it searches the word list to make sure their word is actually a word. then that will prevent spelling mistakes as well as satisfying the users need for an unique tag

speaking of which, I have a 350 000 word list if you need it ^-^
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
That would make some of the way butI'd much rather people just suggest new tags and I add them.
this however could benefit us both

I needed a warcraft only word list for my warcraft map spellIng checker, and you need a system you will never need to configure again once it's made

a tag list of over 350 000 plus wacraft words is just that. you will never personal need to add new tags as well as the fact that users no longer need to sift through unsatisfactory tag options. instead whatever they specify was a tag is their tag^-^

this would be like my suggestion to make your trig error checker look at the conditions of for loops and if statements instead of flagging them all as errors. you will eventually realise my sense

the power of Chaos compels you
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
This is not a slam dunk solution... Tags would be multi word and people would make different combinations of words for the same thing.
hmm I see your point...
have you seen how deviant art does it? they just fully prevent people from making multi word tags.

every space leads to a new tag. meaning individual words make each a single tag
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