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UI: Positionate Frames


Frames positions are important and are the key to place frames where one wants them to be.

To positionate frames there exist 4 natives. All 4 have great uses.
native BlzFrameSetPoint takes framehandle frame, framepointtype point, framehandle relative, framepointtype relativePoint, real x, real y returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetAbsPoint takes framehandle frame, framepointtype point, real x, real y returns nothing
native BlzFrameClearAllPoints takes framehandle frame returns nothing
native BlzFrameSetAllPoints takes framehandle frame, framehandle relative returns nothing
To positionate frames one also needs the framepointtype constants.

What the natives do?

BlzFrameSetAbsPoint takes one point of a Frame unbound that point and places it to a specific coordinates on the screen.
BlzFrameSetPoint places a point of FrameA relative to a point of FrameB. When FrameB moves FrameA's point will keep this rule and moves with it.
BlzFrameClearAllPoints removes all curent bound points of that frame.
BlzFrameSetAllPoints FrameA will copy FrameB in size and position. FrameA will update when FrameB is changed later.

Cartesian coordinate system

coordinates and offset are both a factor of the total screen. 0.0/0.0 beeing the bottom left corner of the 4:3 screen. 0.8/0.6 is the top right corner of the 4:3 screen.

Coords Image 56.jpg

warcraft 3 coord system 3.jpg

Positionating requiers the frame one wants to move and the FRAMEPOINT of that frame. One moves only the choosen FRAMEPOINT, if other FRAMEPOINTS are still located somewhere, the frame will be stretched to have both FRAMEPOINTS be filled as good that is possible, for a rectangle. This can (sometimes has to) be used to define size of frames.
Here one should positionate either FRAMEPOINT_TOPRIGHT and FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMLEFT or FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT and FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT of the frame one wants to set its size.

When placing only one FramePoint the choosen FramePoint has a strong impact on the result. It limites the directions size/text can expand.
When using a point containing:
LEFT can only extend to the right x wise.
RIGHT can only extend to the left x wise.
CENTER extends equal in all directions
TOP can only extend downwards y wise
BOTTOM can only extend upwards y wise.​
Extend Frame - Green Arrows.jpg

If one simply wants to move a frame having a size one should first use BlzFrameClearAllPoints to free already placed Points.

SetPoint requires the relative frame to take space on the screen, that relative frame can be set on a later time, but until that happens the moved frame will displayed wierdly or not all.​

Relative Position

Frames that belong logical to some other Frame benefit much when one sets their position relative to that frame they belong to or relative to a frame that is relative to the owner that could be contiuned, but in the end it is relative to the Owner Frame. This relative position is updated when the other Frame is moved. Because of that one only needs to set the position of the not relative posed Frame in that group and everything moves with it. In code the native doing that is BlzFrameSetPoint.
Setting Relative position is a little bit inversed. when one was to place something left to something one needs to place the right side (of the moving) to the left of the target.
Left to Right.jpg
BlzFrameSetPoint(frameLeft, FRAMEPOINT_RIGHT, frameTarget, FRAMEPOINT_LEFT, 0, 0)
BlzFrameSetPoint(frameRight, FRAMEPOINT_LEFT, frameTarget, FRAMEPOINT_RIGHT, 0, 0)
The x and y offset in BlzFrameSetPoint are added to the target Point. with +x the position anchored to is moved further to the right and with +y it is moved higher up.
Relative Offset.jpgRelative Offset - xy.jpg

In Fdf one can only set position relative. But in Code one can also place them to a fixed position.​


Lets move the menu button somewhere else, somewhere to the right top corner.
function ReposMenuButtons takes nothing returns nothing
   local framehandle fh = BlzGetFrameByName("UpperButtonBarMenuButton",0)
   call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(fh, FRAMEPOINT_RIGHT, 0.5, 0.5)
Unwanted Result.jpg

Not what we wanted. The Menu button stretched far to the right, pushed the Allies & Log button to the right and did not move lower. It seems his left side is still connected to the Quest button.

It should work better, if we clear the points of Menu button.
function ReposMenuButtons2 takes nothing returns nothing
   local framehandle fh = BlzGetFrameByName("UpperButtonBarMenuButton",0)
   call BlzFrameClearAllPoints(fh)
   call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(fh, FRAMEPOINT_RIGHT, 0.5, 0.5)
more wanted Result.jpg

Well the Menu button moved, also the Allies & Log buttons, the texts are bit off, but it moved away from the Quest button and is not stretched.

Lets move the Allies button below the Menu button and the Log button below the Allies button.
function ReposMenuButtons3 takes nothing returns nothing
   local framehandle allies = BlzGetFrameByName("UpperButtonBarAlliesButton",0)
   local framehandle menu = BlzGetFrameByName("UpperButtonBarMenuButton",0)
   local framehandle log = BlzGetFrameByName("UpperButtonBarChatButton",0)
   call BlzFrameClearAllPoints(allies)
   call BlzFrameClearAllPoints(log)
   call BlzFrameClearAllPoints(menu)
   call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(menu, FRAMEPOINT_RIGHT, 0.5, 0.5) //Pos Menu
   call BlzFrameSetPoint(allies, FRAMEPOINT_TOP, menu, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOM, 0.0, 0.0) //Pos allies below menu
   call BlzFrameSetPoint(log, FRAMEPOINT_TOP, allies, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOM, 0.0, 0.0) //Pos log below allies
wanted Result.jpg

Menu Allies and Log in a col, text is where it should be, I like it.

They are to much in the center, but that is cause we moved menu with FRAMEPOINT_RIGHT. And cause of the wrong information of the total x size, the missinformation was 0.6 as max of the 4:3, but 0.8 is the right end of the 4:3 Screen not 0.6. 0.5 is much nearer to 0.4 then to 0.8 why it is more centered.​

Frame Pos in FDF

When one creates frames in fdf one can also set the position of frames. Here one has 3 options:
SetPoint FramePoint-Own, FrameName, FramePoint-FrameName, xOffset , yOffset,
Anchor FramePoint, x, y, (only Texture/String)​
SetPoint can be seen as BlzFrameSetPoint(self, FramePoint-Own, BlzGetFrameByName(FrameName, 0), FramePoint-FrameName, x, y). With UseActiveContext, the Frame will connect to the relative Frame with the same CreateContext the current Frame is created with.
Frame "BACKDROP" "Test" {
    Width 0.1,
    Height 0.1,
    SetPoint TOPLEFT, "ConsoleUI", TOPLEFT, 0, 0,
    BackdropBackground "ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNHeroPaladin",
That Frame of type BACKDROP with Name Test displays, after it's loading & creation, a Paladin-Icon at the Top Left of the screen (Would have to be loaded over a TOC first).
SetAllPoints is equal to BlzFrameSetAllPoints(self, parent).
Anchor is BlzFrameSetPoint(self, point, parent, point, x, y).​

Other UI-Frame Tutorials



  • Repos Menu Buttons.w3x
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Yes, but that is only partly connceted to the positionate Frames tutorial.

What you would have to do is creating an image and a text frame. You could either use simpleFrames or Frames.
In simpleFrames you would give the simpleFrame an texture and a String child. The Texture would be the icon and the String the shown text. resourcebar.fdf shows that, although they did not gave the textures names which disallows changing the icon later on.
With Frames you would need a Frame of Type "BACKDROP" and one of Type "TEXT".
It it possible to move stuff outside of the 4:3 area?
It is possible for simpleFrames by using x values above 0.8 or below 0.0 . One has to consider that models are not simpleframes. Moving them outside of 4:3 will break shown cooldowns for item/command buttons. Also for the same reason one can not move out the 3d Face nor the minimap.

Moves the MenuButton into the 16:9 top left corner.
call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_SYSTEM_BUTTON, 3), FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, -0.14, 0.6)

To move the minimap one has to define/move 2 points either BOTTOMLEFT and TOPRIGHT, or BOTTOMRIGHT and TOPLEFT. The rect they enclose is the clickable space of the minimap, its not the size of the minimap-model displayed.
Level 3
Mar 11, 2019
1) Is there a way to fix the broken cooldowns?

2) How can I stretch a frame after having it positioned? I want to stretch the HP/Mana bars on the hero frame.
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1) Is there a way to fix the broken cooldowns?
Do not move them into 16:9, No Idea.

2) How can I stretch a frame after having it positioned? I want to stretch the HP/Mana bars on the hero frame.
You can try out call BlzFrameSetSize(frame, x, y) often that works sometimes it does not. For some frames it works better by positionating BOTTOMLEFT and TOPRIGHT or BOTTOMRIGHT and TOPLEFT.

One can stretch that bar with call BlzFrameSetSize(BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_HERO_HP_BAR,0), 0.2, 0.01)
Level 8
Jun 16, 2008
The only issue I have with the -0.1 is that if you change the window size of Warcraft III as small as the ConsoleUI, then what is in the -0.1 is hidden. Anything that is not a child of ConsoleUI, when you put 0.0, 0.0 it snaps to the corner of the Window and moves when the Window is resized.

I can't figure out how to make children of ConsoleUI child of the window ratio.
What Frame does that can you show a small example. I only know of some Frames following the WindowSize. Portrait somehow uses a different coord system, but it keeps at bottomLeft when posed at 0,0. Multiboard, LeaderBoard, HeroButtons (but only on init), TimerDialog are others I know of (they keep at top right/left), but I think there is game code doing that in the background and not really a frame api feature.

Instead of using this -values one could create a fullscreen Frame and pos all your Frames relative to that Frame. The fullscreen would have to be frequently updated to be fullscreen with a fast running timer and be posed at the beginning to center so it expands in both directions equaly: Inside that Timer one updates the Size; the formular is not from me.
BlzFrameSetSize(fullscreenFrame, BlzGetLocalClientWidth()/BlzGetLocalClientHeight()*0.6, 0.6)
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Level 8
Jun 16, 2008
What Frame does that can you show a small example. I only know of some Frames following the WindowSize. Portrait somehow uses a different coord system, but it keeps at bottomLeft when posed at 0,0. Multiboard, LeaderBoard, HeroButtons (but only on init), TimerDialog are others I know of (they keep at top right/left), but I think there is game code doing that in the background and not really a frame api feature.

Instead of using this -values one could create a fullscreen Frame and pos all your Frames relative to that Frame. The fullscreen would have to be frequently updated to be fullscreen with a fast running timer and be posed at the beginning to center so it expands in both directions equaly: Inside that Timer one updates the Size; the formular is not from me.
BlzFrameSetSize(fullscreenFrame, BlzGetLocalClientWidth()/BlzGetLocalClientHeight()*0.6, 0.6)

I'll make a video tomorrow
Level 19
Jan 1, 2018
Not sure if anyone cares but since it's related I'll post some research I did here that hasn't been mentioned yet. I only used abs points for my tests.

When you set multiple points that 'conflict' with each other, there is a certain priority in which points are used for further calculations.
This order is the same as in common.j, meaning that a lower index in ConvertFramePointType has a higher priority:
TopLeft > Left > BottomLeft (left)
Top > Center > Bottom (center X)
TopRight > Right > BottomRight (right)
TopLeft > Top > TopRight (top)
Left > Center > Right (center Y)
BottomLeft > Bottom > BottomRight (bottom)

If at least two of the three horizontal or vertical points are set, the width or height is calculated based on these points, otherwise the width and height from BlzFrameSetSize is used.
If all three are set (for horizontal: left, center, and right; for vertical: top, center, and bottom), the center point is ignored in width/height calculation.
how can i position a frame in front of another one without making it a child of the other frame?
If both Frames are non-SimpleFrames: then you need to find the first shared ancestor and give the starter of this branch/Layer(a child of that shared ancestor) a higher Level than the other starter of the other one.
Or if they both children of the same Parent you can increase the Level of one or create them in a different order.

UI - The concept of Parent-Frames

For Frames:
FrameLevel define the order in which child-Frames are above their Parent. Frames only compete with their siblings. They are ordered descending. The childFrame with the highest Level is onTop. the one with the lowest Level is directly above the parent but below it's brothers and sisters. A Frame's children are below a sibling with a higher level.

For SimpleFrames:
The one with the highest Level is on Top parentship does not matter.
BlzFrameSetLevel(frame, level) is used to change the Level.
I assume you mean the button to open the questdialog which would be: BlzGetFrameByName("UpperButtonBarQuestsButton",0). Then use this frame for the moving shown in the tutorial snippets.

One can also access all of the QuestDialog.

But general you need to somehow get a access to the framehandle.
Either by knowing its name and number than one uses BlzGetFrameByName(name, createContext)
or for some there is BlzGetOriginFrame(frameType, index). Origin Frames is a special access to some frames blizzard provided.
or moving down/up in the frame family tree using BlzFrameGetParent(frame)/BlzFrameGetChild(frame, index)

The moving part should be explained in this tutorial, but you can ask again if it is unclear, good luck.
Was trying some fdf stuff and found this:

Purpose: Limits the visuals of the Layer & SubLayers started by this frame to this frames taken space. The children are still interactive, even when not seeable at a spot.

(The buttons are childs in fdf while the paladin backdrop is a map script added child.) (Bearbeitet)

LayerStyle SETSVIEWPORT2.jpg
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"CommandBarFrame",0 (Reforged) is a simpleframe, the map script api only allows to choose a simpleframe as a new parent for such.
You choose your other simpleframe and set the new parent and it is done.

V1.31.1 example code makes CommandBar a child of ResourceBar and hide ResourceBar. ResourceBar is just some other default simpleframe. You could use any other simpleframe instead.
BlzFrameSetParent(BlzFrameGetParent(BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_COMMAND_BUTTON, 0)), BlzGetFrameByName("ResourceBarFrame", 0))
BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("ResourceBarFrame", 0), false)

Same for Reforged but using the name version as that is less like fail because of cirumstances( with the V1.31.1 apporach it fails when the parent of Command Button 0 is not the CommandBarFrame).
BlzFrameSetParent(BlzGetFrameByName("CommandBarFrame", 0), BlzGetFrameByName("ResourceBarFrame", 0))
BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("ResourceBarFrame", 0), false)