UI: Creating a Bar


A SIMPLESTATUSBAR is a simple frame that shows a blp texture partly (from left to right) based on the SIMPLESTATUSBAR current value vs its max value. The blp Texture is stretched to the total frames size. On default the value can be from 0 to 100 (0 beeing empty, 100 full). 40 would show 40% of the blp.
Its also possible to have a border an overlay text and adding a background blp texture. The barTexture is above the background and will hide more of it as nearer the value is to the max value.



This 3 functions are the ones you should use when alterting the bars Value.
native BlzFrameSetValue takes framehandle frame, real value returns nothing
native BlzFrameGetValue takes framehandle frame returns real
native BlzFrameSetMinMaxValue takes framehandle frame, real minValue, real maxValue returns nothing
BlzFrameSetValue sets the current value.
BlzFrameGetValue gets the local current value
BlzFrameSetMinMaxValue sets the min max values of the bar.

You also might use BlzFrameSetTexture takes framehandle frame, string texFile, integer flag, boolean blend to change the used textures during the game.​

The Frame Definition File

There is no mainframe SIMPLESTATUSBAR in the default fdf, aka not createable without unwanted other frames. Therefore one has to write a custom one and load that custom one over a custom written toc.
Thats the fdf text for 3 SIMPLESTATUSBAR all beeing mainFrames. MyBarEx has a border while MyBar does not. The last has no additional features (background, border, text).
Without the border it is more suited for Faces. One could have the idea to hide or destroy the child but that is in that case no good idea, cause it would crash the game (its a String, Texture thing when one deals with simple frames).

String "MyBarTextTemplate" {
   //FontColor 0.99 0.427 0.0705 1.0, //Red Green Blue Alpha 0.0 to 1.0
   FontColor 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0,
   FontShadowColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9,
   FontShadowOffset 0.001 -0.001,
   Font "MasterFont", 0.01, //MasterFont is only valid with "DecorateFileNames,"
   Width 0.07, //Default Width
   Height 0.012, //Default Height
   BarTexture "Replaceabletextures\Teamcolor\Teamcolor00.blp", //Default BarTexture
   Layer "BACKGROUND" { //A simpleFrames thing, where this is placed layer wise
       Texture "MyBarExBackground"{ //the BACKGROUND Texture named "MyBarExBackground" its also a frame and a child
           File "Replaceabletextures\Teamcolor\Teamcolor27.blp", //Default Texture for "MyBarExBackground"
   Frame "SIMPLEFRAME" "MyBarExFrame" { //Child of "MyBarEx"
       DecorateFileNames, //Lookup FileNames in a StringList
       SetAllPoints, //copy "MyBarEx"
       Layer "ARTWORK" {
           Texture "MyBarExBorder" {
               File "SimpleXpBarBorder", //Default Texture for "MyBarExBorder"
           String "MyBarExText" INHERITS "MyBarTextTemplate" {
               Text "MyBarEx", //Default Text for "MyBarExText" which takes over Data from "MyBarTextTemplate"

   Width 0.07,
   Height 0.012,
   BarTexture "Replaceabletextures\Teamcolor\Teamcolor00.blp",
   Layer "BACKGROUND" {
       Texture "MyBarBackground" {
           File "Replaceabletextures\Teamcolor\Teamcolor27.blp",
   Frame "SIMPLEFRAME" "MyBarFrame" {
       Layer "ARTWORK" {
           String "MyBarText" INHERITS "MyBarTextTemplate" {
               Text "MyBar",
Frame "SIMPLESTATUSBAR" "MySimpleBar" {
   Width 0.07,
   Height 0.012,

Example MyBar

This jass code creates 3 simpleStatusBars 2 "MyBarEx" and 1 "MyBar". The "MyBarEx" will show the % life and mana of the unit selected. "MyBar" shows the 2 background bar usage with paladin enabled and paladin disabled icon.
Paladin 35 2 Bars.jpg

Cause a SIMPLESTATUSBAR can only show blp one uses teamcolors to give a bar a color.
function UpdateBars takes nothing returns nothing
   local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
  call BlzFrameSetValue(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarEx",1), GetUnitLifePercent(u)) //Load the Frame at ("MyBarEx",1) and set its value to the %HP
   call BlzFrameSetValue(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarEx",2), GetUnitManaPercent(u))
   set u = null

function MyBarCreate takes nothing returns nothing
  local framehandle bar = BlzCreateSimpleFrame("MyBarEx", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), 1) //Create Bar at createContext 1
   local framehandle bar2 = BlzCreateSimpleFrame("MyBarEx", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), 2) //createContext 2
  local framehandle bar4 = BlzCreateSimpleFrame("MyBar", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), 4) //createContext 4, other names so would not be needed.
   call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(bar, FRAMEPOINT_CENTER, 0.5, 0.3) // pos the bar
   call BlzFrameSetPoint(bar2, FRAMEPOINT_TOP, bar, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOM, 0.0, 0.0) // pos bar2 below bar
   call BlzFrameSetPoint(bar4, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOM, bar, FRAMEPOINT_TOP, 0.0, 0.0) // pos bar4 above bar
   call BlzFrameSetSize(bar4, 0.04, 0.04) //change the size of bar4

   call BlzFrameSetValue(bar4, 35) //Starting value for bar 4.

  call BlzFrameSetTexture(bar, "Replaceabletextures\\Teamcolor\\Teamcolor00.blp", 0, true) //change the BarTexture of bar to color red
   call BlzFrameSetTexture(bar2, "Replaceabletextures\\Teamcolor\\Teamcolor01.blp", 0, true) //color blue for bar2
   call BlzFrameSetTexture(bar4, "Replaceabletextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNHeroPaladin.blp", 0, true) //bar4 to Paladin-Face
  call BlzFrameSetTexture(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarBackground",4), "Replaceabletextures\\CommandButtonsDisabled\\DISBTNHeroPaladin.blp", 0, true) //Change the background to DisabledPaladin-Face. ("MyBarBackground", 4) belongs to Bar4. would Bar4 be a "MyBarEx" one would have to write "MyBarExBackground" cause they are named differently in fdf.

   call BlzFrameSetText(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarExText",1), "Life")
   call BlzFrameSetText(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarExText",2), "Mana")
   call BlzFrameSetText(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarText",4), I2S(R2I(BlzFrameGetValue(bar4)))+"%")

   call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0, 99999, "Select an unit to update the Bars")

function InitTrig_MyBar takes nothing returns nothing
   local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
    set gg_trg_MyBar = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEventSingle( gg_trg_MyBar, 0.00 )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_MyBar, function MyBarCreate )
   call BlzLoadTOCFile("war3mapimported\\mybar.toc")
   call TriggerRegisterPlayerSelectionEventBJ(trig, Player(0), true )
   call TriggerAddAction(trig, function UpdateBars)

There is also the SimpleStatusbar_face2 map which randomly changes the face of arthas between living and deathknight.
function Change takes nothing returns nothing
   local framehandle fh = BlzGetFrameByName("MyBar",0)
   call BlzFrameSetValue(fh, BlzFrameGetValue(fh) + GetRandomReal(-3,3))
   set fh = null
function Trig_Nahkampf_Initialisierung_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
   local framehandle fh = BlzCreateSimpleFrame("MyBar", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), 0)
   call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(fh, FRAMEPOINT_CENTER, 0.5, 0.4)
   call BlzFrameSetValue(fh, 50)
   call BlzFrameSetText(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarText",0), "")
   call BlzFrameSetTexture(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarBackground",0), "Replaceabletextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNHeroDeathKnight.blp", 0,true)
   call BlzFrameSetTexture(fh, "Replaceabletextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNArthas.blp", 0,true)
   call BlzFrameSetSize(fh, 0.08, 0.08)
   call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.08, true, function Change)

function InitTrig_MyBar takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_MyBar = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEventSingle( gg_trg_MyBar, 0.00 )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_MyBar, function Trig_Nahkampf_Initialisierung_Actions )
   call LoadToc("war3mapimported\\mybar.toc")

It is also possible to use a white Texture and change the color of the bar using
BlzFrameSetTexture(bar, "ui\\feedback\\progressbar\\human-statbar-color", 0, true)
BlzFrameSetVertexColor(bar, BlzConvertColor(255, 255, 255, 1))
This lines crashed for me in 1.31.1, but work fine in 1.32.1 (reforged).​

Other UI-Frame Tutorials



  • MyBar.w3x
    19.5 KB · Views: 871
  • SimpleStatusBar_Face2.w3x
    17.7 KB · Views: 532
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Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
Awesome example of how to make hp/mana bars!

Can I just leave this here for people that want the bars to show numbers? :)
function UpdateBars takes nothing returns nothing
   local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
   local string h = I2S(R2I(GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_LIFE, u)))
   local string mh = I2S(BlzGetUnitMaxHP(u))
   local string m = I2S(R2I(GetUnitStateSwap(UNIT_STATE_MANA, u)))
   local string mm = I2S(BlzGetUnitMaxMana(u))
   call BlzFrameSetValue(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarEx",1), GetUnitLifePercent(u))
   call BlzFrameSetValue(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarEx",2), GetUnitManaPercent(u))
   call BlzFrameSetText(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarExText",1), h + "/" + mh)
   call BlzFrameSetText(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarExText",2), m + "/" + mm)
   set u = null
   set h = null
   set mh = null
   set m = null
   set mm = null
p.s I'm not sure if this the best and more efficient way to do it but it gets the job done.

HP Bar Numbers.jpg
When one would add more selection Events, then each selection would overwrite the shown value of the Frame, which is shown to everyone.
To not have this happen one either surrounds the updating of the Frame in GetLocalPlayer so it differs or create 1 Frame for each Player and make them right after the creation invisible for other players which again needs GetLocalPlayer, but only once at the creation, not in the writing.
Level 4
Jul 31, 2019
I attempted to port this over to Lua to no avail. I have it initalize in a map init function and I've tried a very short timer (0.1s and 1s) and nothing makes the bars actually show up.

function MyBarCreate()
    local framehandle bar = BlzCreateSimpleFrame("MyBarEx", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), 1)
    local framehandle bar2 = BlzCreateSimpleFrame("MyBarEx", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), 2)
    local framehandle bar4 = BlzCreateSimpleFrame("MyBar", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI,0), 4)

    BJDebugMsg("Variables created")

    BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(bar, FRAMEPOINT_CENTER, 0.5, 0.3)
    BlzFrameSetPoint(bar2, FRAMEPOINT_TOP, bar, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOM, 0,0, 0.0)
    BlzFrameSetPoint(bar4, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOM, bar, FRAMEPOINT_TOP, 0.0, 0.0)
    BlzFrameSetSize(bar4, 0.04, 0.04)

    BJDebugMsg("Locations assigned")

    BlzFrameSetValue(bar4, 35)
    BJDebugMsg("Values Assigned")

    BlzFrameSetTexture(bar, "Replaceabletextures\\Teamcolor\\Teamcolor00.blp", 0, true)
    BlzFrameSetTexture(bar2, "Replaceabletextures\\Teamcolor\\Teamcolor01.blp", 0, true)
    BlzFrameSetTexture(bar4, "Replaceabletextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNHeroPaladin.blp", 0, true)
    BlzFrameSetTexture(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarBackground", 4), "Replaceabletextures\\CommandButtonsDisabled\\DISBTNHeroPaladin.blp", 0, true)
    local framehandle fh = BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarExText",1)
    BlzFrameSetText(fh, "Life")
    fh = BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarExText",2)
    BlzFrameSetText(fh, "Mana")
    fh = BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarText",4)
    BlzFrameSetText(fh, tostring(R2I(BlzFrameGetValue(bar4))).."%")
    BJDebugMsg("Bars Initialized")

function UpdateBars()
    local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
    BlzFrameSetValue(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarEx", 1), GetUnitLifePercent(u))
    BlzFrameSetValue(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarEx", 2), GetUnitManaPercent(u))
    u = nil

function InitTrig_MyBar()
    local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
    TriggerRegisterPlayerSelectionEventBJ(trig, Player(0), true)
    TriggerAddAction(trig, UpdateBars)

For some reason it was erroring when I wasn't calling the BlzGetFrameByName outside the BlzFrameSetText area...

If you are curious here is the other piece:
function Initialize_Lua()

TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 1.00, false, function()
    BJDebugMsg("Attempting to create bars")

Hey so I found my issue. I was working on my map having it saved as a folder. This seems to have a bug where it can't save properly using the save command and it deletes the contents of said folder and creates a backup file. Saving again saves properly, however it was clearing my war3mapImported folder every time, so imports just weren't happening.

When I no longer use the folder saves it now works fine. Thanks!
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Hello Tasyen,
Annoying you again.

I want create a HP-sphere interface and i was designed it.

But i dont know how to vertically changes the face of arthas between living and deathknight (not horizontally as your demo).

Could you help me guide my problem or other solution if have?
If you don't have time, could you give me some suggestions? Or could you give me any-demo have with that, I will research them by myself.

Thank you
Level 12
Jan 30, 2020
Hello @Tasyen !!!

For a change, I am not posting a request or a question, but I just wanted to thank you a million times for your patience and time.

With your restless advice, I have finally managed to get the custom UI I wanted for my map. Well let's say at least considering there are still things that are impossible until Blizzards fixes some culprits of the API.

This said, reading your tutorials again and again allowed me to understand so much more, and everytime I was lost your advice put me back on track.
Without you, this attempt would have been a failure !

It wasn't an easy task especially while learning Lua and dealing with its strange excessive tolerance with variables, meaning that sometimes a hidden typo somewhere in a small function you had nearly completely forgotten about, renders most of your map buggy and crashing in unexpected ways.

I also wanted to tell you about this HP Bar (same things of course would apply to a Mana Bar or any other Bar based on your nice tutorial).

I have a special trigger that manages all my players selections. And I also consider when a player unit or a creep takes damages (works fine, even without any damage detection system). It also takes into account when a creep (Ball in my map as you know ^^) dies or when a tower is killed by a Ball, or even when a tower is sold.

It works perfectly!!! At least locally, I hope it will in multiplayer because I haven't been able to test it in that context yet, but I am confident, as I use an array to store each player Bar, hide them for other players once created, so all I need to do later on is update the values.

Something nice too I have managed is make the Bar take the color of the owner of the selected unit rather than the color of the owner of the Bar.

To make sure the system works, I also have used an Array of units (again a small array of size the number of players in the game) to store the current Main selected unit by a player. This prevents collisions in case of multiple selections.
Alas, for reasons I have not yet found, when I try to select a unit within a group of selected units, it selects it and deselects the others, instead of just putting this one ahead. God knows what setting I messed up with. I wish I remembered !

So my system has a small drawback, as I have not managed the case of main selected units in a multiple selection, a scenario you warned me about before I started working on the Bars.

Besides thanking you, I also post this to help players that would want to know how I have done it.
Truth is it is very simple, and I don't think I need to post any Lua triggers here as what I have described should be enough for any player with enough base knowledge to start tinkering with the UI API, to find out very easily.

Now here are a couple of screenshots of my UI. The first one is showing the (Self updating) HP Bar on one of the player's towers taking damage :


Notes :
- I am using a custom white teamcolor for tha bar texture as you suggested, a whiter version of the one found in the game data.
- I am using the default tooltip background for the Bar background texture. (both these have been changed in the fdf file)
- Once the tower dies and is removed from the game, the Range Indicator is removed, and the Bar looses its gauge and text.

This one is when you select another player's unit :


There is no Range Indicator for other players units to avoid rendering visuals too messy. Of course the bar also updates itself when the unit looses life.

I have not yet taken into consideration the case when a unit gains HP because it never happens in my map (for the moment at least), but it would be pretty easy to implement.

There you are, there might be small details to improve like making the vertical camera zoom slider (something else I am grateful to you for) have the same height as the Portrait, or improving the background textures for the Infopanel, Resource bar or Command Bar. But I am very satisfied overall with the result.

If anyone else is ready this and needs some advice on achieving something similar, do not hesitate to contact me.

Again, master @Tasyen : THANK YOU !!!

EDIT : Anyone knows when there will be a dedicated UI section in the tutorials section ?
If would be nice to centralize knowledge since the introduction of the API.
And we could also then rate the hard work made here.

EDIT 2 : For those wondering, the reason I do not display Max HP besides HP is not a technical limitation, but just the fact that I would not have enough width to display both as the Balls in my maps can end up with considerable HP.
Last edited:
@bgcy_ro002 : Hello there, it would be nice for other players if you explained how you managed to change the HP / Mana Status vertically ;-)

I just use TexCoord of SIMPLEFRAME but i use more SIMPLEFRAME for each pixel
and I used C/C++ language to generate fdf files

#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.[code]h"
int main() {
    /* Declare variables */   
    FILE *f;
    f = fopen("HP-sphere.fdf.", "w");
    for(unsigned int i=1; i<128; ++i) {
        fprintf(f, "Frame \"SIMPLEFRAME\" \"HPS%d\" {\n", i);
        fprintf(f, "    Width 0.04,\n");
        fprintf(f, "    Height 0.04,\n");
        fprintf(f, "    Texture \"HPS%dV\" {\n", i);
        fprintf(f, "        TexCoord 0.0, 1.0, %f, 1.0,\n", (float)(128.00F - (float)i) / 128.00F);
        fprintf(f, "    }\n");
        fprintf(f, "}\n\n");
    fprintf(f, "Frame \"SIMPLEFRAME\" \"HPS128\" {\n");
    fprintf(f, "    Width 0.04,\n");
    fprintf(f, "    Height 0.04,\n");
    fprintf(f, "    Texture \"HPS128V\" {\n");
    fprintf(f, "    }\n");
    fprintf(f, "}");
    return 0;

    Width 0.04,
    Height 0.04,
    Texture "HPS1V" {
        TexCoord 0.0, 1.0, 0.992188, 1.0,
    Width 0.04,
    Height 0.04,
    Texture "HPS2V" {
        TexCoord 0.0, 1.0, 0.984375, 1.0,
    Width 0.04,
    Height 0.04,
    Texture "HPS3V" {
        TexCoord 0.0, 1.0, 0.976563, 1.0,
    Width 0.04,
    Height 0.04,
    Texture "HPS4V" {
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    Width 0.04,
    Height 0.04,
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    Width 0.04,
    Height 0.04,
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    Width 0.04,
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    Width 0.04,
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    Width 0.04,
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    Width 0.04,
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Level 12
Jan 30, 2020
Wow great approach I love it, it reminds me what process I went through to conceive the model for my scrolling text panels on the floor, I should have thought about that, I have no excuse :)

Amazing job, and it really looks great. Hats off, and thanks for sharing, much appreciated !!!
Level 12
Jan 30, 2020
Yes, currently battling a couple last bugs and I will release the latest version. It will be quite a leap from the old version.

Still wondering if I should post it in my signature thread in Map Development or submit it in Map Resources as the map seems to reach maturity :)
Level 12
Jan 30, 2020
Well thanks, I hope it will be enjoyable.

So far it seems I got rid of all the remaining bugs - at least all those I could find -
Need to do some multiplayer tests to try to find potential desyncs or other bugs I would have missed,
and also to make sure the balance has not suffered too much from the huge amount of changes I have made since v1.3b.

I don't expect this map to have the most amazing gameplay among TDs, but at least I am sure it will be the only one of its kind in many aspects.

@Tasyen : sorry, I did not intend to hijack this important thread about UI !
Level 4
May 19, 2020


A SIMPLESTATUSBAR is a simple frame that shows a blp texture partly (from left to right) based on the SIMPLESTATUSBAR current value vs its max value. The blp Texture is stretched to the total frames size. On default the value can be from 0 to 100 (0 beeing empty, 100 full). 40 would show 40% of the blp. Its also possible to have a border an overlay text and adding a background blp texture. The barTexture is above the background and will hide more of it as nearer the value is to the max value ...
It is also possible to use a white Texture and change the color of the bar using
BlzFrameSetTexture(bar, "ui\\feedback\\progressbar\\human-statbar-color", 0, true)
BlzFrameSetVertexColor(bar, BlzConvertColor(255, 255, 255, 1))
This lines crashed for me in 1.31.1, but work fine in 1.32.1 (reforged).
It looks very good, but is it my impression or does it not update in real time?
It may only be on your test map, this lack of sync... But it seems that just having the unit selected is not enough.
The bar of "Life" or "Mana" to be updated, it is necessary to always be clicking again on the unit to show the current values.
PS. Forgive me if there is already a code with this verification in real time, but in the test map of topic, the status of the bar is not occurring instantly.

I just use TexCoord of SIMPLEFRAME but i use more SIMPLEFRAME for each pixel
and I used C/C++ language to generate fdf files
. . .
By the way ... your bar designer is great, Congrts.!
Last edited:
It looks very good, but is it my impression or does it not update in real time?
It may only be on your test map, this lack of sync... But it seems that just having the unit selected is not enough.
The bar of "Life" or "Mana" to be updated, it is necessary to always be clicking again on the unit to show the current values.
PS. Forgive me if there is already a code with this verification in real time, but in the test map of topic, the status of the bar is not occurring instantly.
It is like you say the bar only updates on selection. There is no demo code that frequently updates the bars.
Level 4
May 19, 2020
It is like you say the bar only updates on selection. There is no demo code that frequently updates the bars.
I understand.. I thought it already existed as a direct link in sync with the pre-existing values of life and mana.
The ideal would be to auto-update, mainly in UI maps like bgcy_ro002, when they are of the 3rd person/ Dota type, it would be essential.
Just found out one could create a "SIMPLESTATUSBAR" with code only using
BlzCreateFrameByType. I didn't though about that yet because SIMPLEBUTTON didn't work so good when created with BlzCreateFrameByType.

selfexecuting Lua example
    local real = MarkGameStarted

    function MarkGameStarted()
        local frame = BlzCreateFrameByType("SIMPLESTATUSBAR", "", BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUI", 0), "", 0)
        BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(frame, FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, 0.4, 0.3)
        BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(frame, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, 0.47, 0.26)
        BlzFrameSetTexture(frame, "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNPriest", 0, false)
        --BlzFrameSetMinMaxValue(frame, 0, 100)
        TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 1, true, function()
            BlzFrameSetValue(frame, GetRandomInt(0, 100))
This does not have Text-OverLay/Border/Background.
Just a priest icon that is partly shown based on the value.
Level 4
Oct 24, 2021
Hello @Tasyen !!!

For a change, I am not posting a request or a question, but I just wanted to thank you a million times for your patience and time.

With your restless advice, I have finally managed to get the custom UI I wanted for my map. Well let's say at least considering there are still things that are impossible until Blizzards fixes some culprits of the API.

This said, reading your tutorials again and again allowed me to understand so much more, and everytime I was lost your advice put me back on track.
Without you, this attempt would have been a failure !

It wasn't an easy task especially while learning Lua and dealing with its strange excessive tolerance with variables, meaning that sometimes a hidden typo somewhere in a small function you had nearly completely forgotten about, renders most of your map buggy and crashing in unexpected ways.

I also wanted to tell you about this HP Bar (same things of course would apply to a Mana Bar or any other Bar based on your nice tutorial).

I have a special trigger that manages all my players selections. And I also consider when a player unit or a creep takes damages (works fine, even without any damage detection system). It also takes into account when a creep (Ball in my map as you know ^^) dies or when a tower is killed by a Ball, or even when a tower is sold.

It works perfectly!!! At least locally, I hope it will in multiplayer because I haven't been able to test it in that context yet, but I am confident, as I use an array to store each player Bar, hide them for other players once created, so all I need to do later on is update the values.

Something nice too I have managed is make the Bar take the color of the owner of the selected unit rather than the color of the owner of the Bar.

To make sure the system works, I also have used an Array of units (again a small array of size the number of players in the game) to store the current Main selected unit by a player. This prevents collisions in case of multiple selections.
Alas, for reasons I have not yet found, when I try to select a unit within a group of selected units, it selects it and deselects the others, instead of just putting this one ahead. God knows what setting I messed up with. I wish I remembered !

So my system has a small drawback, as I have not managed the case of main selected units in a multiple selection, a scenario you warned me about before I started working on the Bars.

Besides thanking you, I also post this to help players that would want to know how I have done it.
Truth is it is very simple, and I don't think I need to post any Lua triggers here as what I have described should be enough for any player with enough base knowledge to start tinkering with the UI API, to find out very easily.

Now here are a couple of screenshots of my UI. The first one is showing the (Self updating) HP Bar on one of the player's towers taking damage :

View attachment 352548
Notes :
  • I am using a custom white teamcolor for tha bar texture as you suggested, a whiter version of the one found in the game data.
  • I am using the default tooltip background for the Bar background texture. (both these have been changed in the fdf file)
  • Once the tower dies and is removed from the game, the Range Indicator is removed, and the Bar looses its gauge and text.

This one is when you select another player's unit :

View attachment 352549

There is no Range Indicator for other players units to avoid rendering visuals too messy. Of course the bar also updates itself when the unit looses life.

I have not yet taken into consideration the case when a unit gains HP because it never happens in my map (for the moment at least), but it would be pretty easy to implement.

There you are, there might be small details to improve like making the vertical camera zoom slider (something else I am grateful to you for) have the same height as the Portrait, or improving the background textures for the Infopanel, Resource bar or Command Bar. But I am very satisfied overall with the result.

If anyone else is ready this and needs some advice on achieving something similar, do not hesitate to contact me.

Again, master @Tasyen : THANK YOU !!!

EDIT : Anyone knows when there will be a dedicated UI section in the tutorials section ?
If would be nice to centralize knowledge since the introduction of the API.
And we could also then rate the hard work made here.

EDIT 2 : For those wondering, the reason I do not display Max HP besides HP is not a technical limitation, but just the fact that I would not have enough width to display both as the Balls in my maps can end up with considerable HP.
And the map
I've been trying this out.
I want 3 layers in my UI (maybe 4). One bottom layer for background, one for an empty bar and finally a full SIMPLESTATUSBAR. (maybe a text on top).

The code places
Background: BACKDROP with parent: BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0)
Empty Bar: BACKDROP with parent: BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0)
Full Bar: SIMPLESTATUSBAR with parent: BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUI", 0)

The background and the empty bar is visible, but the SIMPLESTATUSBAR is not and I don't understand why. It should be in front of the 2 BACKDROPs, right?

Code in spoiler and 1.31 test-map attached.

    framehandle ui_mainBackDrop = null

    framehandle ui_hpBarFull = null
    framehandle ui_hpBarEmpty = null
    framehandle ui_hpBarText = null

    framehandle ui_energyBarFull = null
    framehandle ui_energyBarEmpty = null
    framehandle ui_energyBarText = null

    constant real UI_MAIN_LEFT = 0.25
    constant real UI_MAIN_RIGHT = 0.55
    constant real UI_MAIN_TOP = 0.11
    constant real UI_MAIN_BOT = 0.0
    constant real UI_MAIN_INSET = 0.009
    constant real UI_MAIN_PADDING = 0.001

    constant real UI_BAR_ICON_SIZE_W = 0.0182
    constant real UI_BAR_ICON_SIZE_H = 0.0208
    constant real UI_BAR_ENERGY_BOT = UI_MAIN_INSET * 0.8
    constant real UI_BAR_HP_TOP = UI_BAR_HP_BOT + UI_BAR_ICON_SIZE_H

function hideBaseGui takes nothing returns nothing
    call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUI", 0), FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOM, 0.4, -0.18)
    call BlzFrameSetAllPoints(BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_WORLD_FRAME, 0), BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0))
    call BlzEnableUIAutoPosition(false)
    call BlzHideOriginFrames(true)

function uiInit takes nothing returns nothing
    set ui_mainBackDrop = BlzCreateFrameByType("BACKDROP", "ui_mainBackDrop", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), "", 0)
    call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(ui_mainBackDrop, FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, UI_MAIN_LEFT, UI_MAIN_TOP)
    call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(ui_mainBackDrop, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, UI_MAIN_RIGHT, UI_MAIN_BOT)
    call BlzFrameSetTexture(ui_mainBackDrop, "UI\\ScifiCardX2Rot.blp", 0, true)

    set ui_hpBarEmpty = BlzCreateFrameByType("BACKDROP", "hpEmpty", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), "", 0)
    call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(ui_hpBarEmpty, FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, UI_BAR_LEFT, UI_BAR_HP_TOP)
    call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(ui_hpBarEmpty, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, UI_BAR_RIGHT, UI_BAR_HP_BOT)
    call BlzFrameSetTexture(ui_hpBarEmpty, "UI\\ScifiBarEmpty.blp", 0, true)
    set ui_hpBarFull = BlzCreateFrameByType("SIMPLESTATUSBAR", "hpFull", BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUI", 0), "", 0)
    call BlzFrameSetTexture(ui_hpBarFull, "UI\\ScifiBarFull.blp", 0, true)
    call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(ui_hpBarFull, FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, UI_BAR_LEFT, UI_BAR_HP_TOP)
    call BlzFrameSetValue(ui_hpBarFull, 65)


  • UITestMap.w3x
    115.8 KB · Views: 40
Level 18
Oct 17, 2012
ConsoleUIBackdrop is layered below ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, so any frame with it as parent will always be below the ones that have the latter as parent.
ConsoleUIBackdrop is not accessible on 1.31, so BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUIBackdrop", 0) should not even return a valid frame.

After some testing, if you use ORIGIN_FRAME_WORLD_FRAME as the parent for all three frames, your bar will show up on top.
Last edited:
ConsoleUIBackdrop is layered below ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, so any frame with it as parent will always be below the ones that have the latter as parent.
ConsoleUIBackdrop is not accessible on 1.31, so BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUIBackdrop", 0) should not even return a valid frame.

After some testing, if you use ORIGIN_FRAME_WORLD_FRAME as the parent for all three frames, your bar will show up on top.
It thought it should. But it don't for some unknown reason...

My result when changing BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUI", 0) -> BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0)...
Also: I didn't realize that "ConsoleUI" didn't exist in 1.31, I thought that only the "ConsoleUIBackdrop" was new for later versions.
Edit2: barFull should look like:

(as seen if switching the empty <-> full images in the code)
Level 18
Oct 17, 2012
Currently in your test map, you have the bar value set to 65: call BlzFrameSetValue(ui_hpBarFull, 65)
You would set the value to 100 to get the full bar.

ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI did not work for me either, but ORIGIN_FRAME_WORLD_FRAME did.
Typically, if you want a frame to be above another, you would set the latter as the parent of the former.

So, I would set the background BACKDROP as the parent of the empty bar, and then set the empty bar as the parent of the full bar.
However, setting the empty bar as the parent of the full bar is not necessary as long as the full bar's parent is above the background BACKDROP.
It also helps that the empty bar only has an outline and nothing in the middle.
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Currently in your test map, you have the bar value set to 65: call BlzFrameSetValue(ui_hpBarFull, 65)
You would set the value to 100 to get the full bar.

ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI did not work for me either, but ORIGIN_FRAME_WORLD_FRAME did.
Typically, if you want a frame to be above another, you would set the latter as the parent of the former.

So, I would set the background BACKDROP as the parent of the empty bar, and then set the empty bar as the parent of the full bar.
However, setting the empty bar as the parent of the full bar is not necessary as long as the full bar's parent is above the background BACKDROP.
It also helps that the empty bar only has an outline and nothing in the middle.
I'm aware that I set it to 65%. It's a good idea because I want to ensure that I can see both "empty" and "full" with a minimal code in this example.
I will try the ORIGIN_FRAME_WORLD_FRAME instead of ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI later today (hopefully). Thanks!
SIMPLESTATUSBAR can be rotated by placing it with Topleft and BottomRight. Revert the expected coords, so TopLeft is lower and further right than BottomRight.
This also works with Texture
bar = BlzCreateFrameByType("SIMPLESTATUSBAR", "", BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUI", 0), "", 0)
BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(bar, FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, 0.5, 0.2)
BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(bar, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOMRIGHT, 0.3, 0.3)
BlzFrameSetTexture(bar, "ReplaceableTextures\\CommandButtons\\BTNPriest", 0, false)
BlzFrameSetValue(bar, 60)
SimpleBar Rotate.jpg
Level 4
Jun 4, 2019
Hey Tasyen, I was wondering if it is possible to attach a Tooltip to the bar? I tried this and I can see the bar but no tooltip:

local framehandle bar
local framehandle tooltip

set bar = BlzCreateSimpleFrame("MyBarEx", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), i)
call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(bar, FRAMEPOINT_CENTER, 0.235, 0.09) 
call BlzFrameSetTexture(bar, "Replaceabletextures\\Teamcolor\\Teamcolor03.blp", 0, true) 
call BlzFrameSetText(BlzGetFrameByName("MyBarExText", i), "Evade")

set tooltip = BlzCreateSimpleFrame("MyBarTooltip", bar, 0)        
call BlzFrameSetPoint(tooltip, FRAMEPOINT_TOP, bar, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOM, 0, -0.01) 
call BlzFrameSetText(tooltip, "Just a tooltip")   // 
call BlzFrameSetTooltip(bar, tooltip)

Thanks for your work!
The bar created does not take mouse control, therefore it can not have a tooltip. I dont know how to make the bar take control by itself. So I suggest to create a simplebutton ontop of the bar and make the simplebutton have the tooltip.

sButton =  BlzCreateFrameByType("SIMPLEBUTTON", "", bar, "", 0)
BlzFrameSetAllPoints(sButton, bar)
BlzFrameSetTooltip(sButton, yourTooltip)
BlzFrameSetVisible(yourTooltip, false)
Level 4
Jun 4, 2019
Ah, the issue with the missing mouse control explains everything. Thanks a lot for the tip!

I’ve now created an invisible button on the bar and attached the tooltip to it. Works perfectly!
