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UI: Create a TextButton


Warcraft 3 V1.31 provided 3 natives to create Frames.

native BlzCreateFrame takes string name, framehandle owner, integer priority, integer createContext returns framehandle
native BlzCreateSimpleFrame takes string name, framehandle owner, integer createContext returns framehandle
native BlzCreateFrameByType takes string typeName, string name, framehandle owner, string inherits, integer createContext returns framehandle


BlzCreateFrame creates all non SimpleFrames defined in a fdf. Most of this frames allow attaching Frameevents and they can do alot of things. Most times you should use this one.
Lets checkout the arguments
string namethis is the name of the frame you want to create, you have to take it from a fdf. Its the 2.word in "" after Frame
framehandle ownerthe owner becoming the new frames parent
integer priorityNo Idea, should not be negative
createContextwhich index in the frame storage the new Frame and its child will take. The frame storage is accessed with BlzGetFrameByName. Can be any integer.


BlzCreateSimpleFrame is used to create simpleFrames defined in a fdf. SimpleFrames have "SIMPLE" in their type name. Most Simpleframes can not have frameevents registered onto them. Creating them is not much different from creating normal Frames.
Arguments are like in BlzCreateFrame but it misses priority​


BlzCreateFrameByType creates a Frame with a new wanted name. One has to define which Type and from which frame you take data over. The inheriting works for frames beeing createable with BlzCreate(simple)Frame. BlzCreateFrameByType is the best when you want to create an empty frame of type x or want to have frame y (from a fdf) with a different name.
Creates a button that behaves like "ScriptDialogButton" but will be named "MyButton".
call BlzCreateFrameByType("GLUETEXTBUTTON", "MyButton", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), "ScriptDialogButton", 0)
Looks kinda like a frameHead, if one would write INHERITS instead of the parentFrame.
It can be difficult to access the childrens of such created frames.​

One can only create MainFrames. I call frames MainFrames, if they have a FrameHead outside of any other FrameBody.
(Simple)Frames have to be loaded by tocs (fdf) to be createable.​

Creating a Text-Button

In this example we create a clickable button which looks like the buttons ingame when one presses menu. We use for the button this framedefinition. The frame we want to create is loaded in on default.
Its name is "ScriptDialogButton", it takes over data from "EscMenuButtonTemplate".
Frame "GLUETEXTBUTTON" "ScriptDialogButton" INHERITS WITHCHILDREN "EscMenuButtonTemplate" {
    ButtonText "ScriptDialogButtonText",
   Frame "TEXT" "ScriptDialogButtonText" INHERITS "EscMenuButtonTextTemplate" {
       Text "",

Lets start the creation.
We create a frame based on the name "ScriptDialogButton", say ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI is its parent and it uses createcontext 0.
Also we set the size and the position of that new created frame, beeing a button.
function CreateButton1 takes nothing returns nothing
   local framehandle mainButton  = BlzCreateFrame("ScriptDialogButton", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI, 0), 0,0)
   call BlzFrameSetSize(mainButton, 0.12, 0.05)
   call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(mainButton, FRAMEPOINT_CENTER, 0.3,0.3)
MyButton No Text.jpg

Here it is. No Text, has Textures hoverable and clickable.

Lets give that button a text. We access the child-Frame managing the ButtonText "ScriptDialogButtonText".
function CreateButton2 takes nothing returns nothing
   local framehandle mainButton  = BlzCreateFrame("ScriptDialogButton", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI,0), 0,0)
   local framehandle buttonText = BlzGetFrameByName("ScriptDialogButtonText",0)  //Get The buttons textChild
   call BlzFrameSetSize(mainButton, 0.12, 0.05)
   call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(mainButton, FRAMEPOINT_CENTER, 0.3,0.3)
   call BlzFrameSetText(buttonText, "My ButtonText")
MyButton Text.jpg

Better with the text on the button. But we want that some code runs when the button is clicked.

function ButtonCallBack takes nothing returns nothing
   call BJDebugMsg(GetPlayerName(GetTriggerPlayer()) + " pressed: "+ BlzFrameGetText(BlzGetTriggerFrame()))

function CreateButton3 takes nothing returns nothing
   local trigger trig = CreateTrigger() //The Trigger Handling the Frameevent
   local framehandle mainButton  = BlzCreateFrame("ScriptDialogButton", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI,0), 0,0)
   call BlzFrameSetSize(mainButton, 0.12, 0.05)
   call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(mainButton, FRAMEPOINT_CENTER, 0.3,0.3)
  call BlzFrameSetText(mainButton, "My ButtonText") //Cause of a line in scriptDialogButton 'ButtonText "ScriptDialogButtonText",' one can directly read/write text of the button.

   call BlzTriggerRegisterFrameEvent(trig, mainButton, FRAMEEVENT_CONTROL_CLICK)
   call TriggerAddAction(trig, function ButtonCallBack) //Function ButtonCallBack will run when mainButton is clicked

As one might see in this piece of code one does not access the Textchild still it works, the reason for that is a line in the frame definition 'ButtonText "ScriptDialogButtonText",'. It tells the button uses this Text Frame to manages its text, so that we can read/write the text directly over the mainButton. Simelar lines exist in other cases too, they make the usage between child and parent stronger and more dependent.

This is "EscMenuButtonTemplate", "ScriptDialogButton" INHERITS from it, taking over much data.

Frame "GLUETEXTBUTTON" "EscMenuButtonTemplate" {
    Width 0.228,
    Height 0.035,
    ButtonPushedTextOffset 0.002f -0.002f,

    ControlBackdrop "ButtonBackdropTemplate",
    Frame "BACKDROP" "ButtonBackdropTemplate" INHERITS "EscMenuButtonBackdropTemplate" {

    ControlPushedBackdrop "ButtonPushedBackdropTemplate",
    Frame "BACKDROP" "ButtonPushedBackdropTemplate" INHERITS "EscMenuButtonPushedBackdropTemplate" {

    ControlDisabledBackdrop "ButtonDisabledBackdropTemplate",
    Frame "BACKDROP" "ButtonDisabledBackdropTemplate" INHERITS "EscMenuButtonDisabledBackdropTemplate" {

    ControlDisabledPushedBackdrop "ButtonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate",
    Frame "BACKDROP" "ButtonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate" INHERITS "EscMenuButtonDisabledPushedBackdropTemplate" {

    ControlMouseOverHighlight "ButtonMouseOverHighlightTemplate",
    Frame "HIGHLIGHT" "ButtonMouseOverHighlightTemplate" INHERITS "EscMenuButtonMouseOverHighlightTemplate" {

Keyboard Focus

TextButtons have the habit to take control of the keyboard focus as soon they are pressed. When such a button got the keyboard focus hotkeys won't work anymore and pressing return/space will do another control-click. The user can give the focus back to the game by left clicking on the playable world.
As mapper you also have the power to shift the focus. CanFight found a nice, easy way to solve the keyboard focus problem: inside the buttons pressed callback one disables and enables the button, then it counts as clicked and the button loses focus.
call BlzFrameSetEnable(BlzGetTriggerFrame(), false) //disable the clicked button
call BlzFrameSetEnable(BlzGetTriggerFrame(), true) //enable it again.

Edit: Attached the map with the demo code.
Edit: Added Keyboard Focus.​

Other UI-Frame Tutorials



  • MyButton.w3x
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Level 9
Jul 30, 2018
Could you possibly post an example map for study for someone who doesn't know JASS that well? Looking at the code, it doesn't seem too complicated, but I'm not very familiar with JASS and how it should be implemented in a map. Would be very, very grateful.

Actually, never mind. I got it working!

Edit: Further questions: is there a way to temporarily hide or disable the button? And can this be done to a certain player only? (Does this button appear to all players?)

Edit2: I see there are natives for it: BlzFrameSetEnable and BlzFrameSetVisible, but how do I transfer the framehandle to the ButtonCallBack function?

Edit3: Sorry for all the mess, but I found this approach to work. Any thoughts? Is this viable or is there a better way to do this?

library TurnButton
    private framehandle turnButton

function ButtonClick takes nothing returns nothing
    if (udg_TurnCurrentIs == 1 and GetTriggerPlayer() == Player(0)) or (udg_TurnCurrentIs == 2 and GetTriggerPlayer() == Player(1)) then
        call TriggerExecute( gg_trg_Turn_Start )
        call BlzFrameSetEnable(turnButton, false)
        call DisplayTextToPlayer(GetTriggerPlayer(), 0, 0, "It's not your turn.")

function ButtonReEnable takes nothing returns nothing
    call BlzFrameSetEnable(turnButton, true)

function CreateEndTurnButton takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
    set turnButton = BlzCreateFrame("ScriptDialogButton", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI,0), 0,0)
    call BlzFrameSetSize(turnButton, 0.11, 0.04)
    call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(turnButton, FRAMEPOINT_CENTER, 0.26,0.164)
    call BlzFrameSetText(turnButton, "End Turn")
    call BlzTriggerRegisterFrameEvent(t, turnButton, FRAMEEVENT_CONTROL_CLICK)
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function ButtonClick)
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Edit: Further questions: is there a way to temporarily hide or disable the button? And can this be done to a certain player only? (Does this button appear to all players?)
A frame uses the default handlepool, hence it should be created for all players. A Frameevent is a synced event, if a player presses the button and evokes the event, it will be sent to/happen for all players with TriggerPlayer beeing the player pressing the button.
The frame state is not synced; you can change the text, value, position, visibility or usability (SetEnable) localy without having to fear any direct desync. It still can desync, if you changed something localy and use that changed thing for something game relevant. But that is quite unlikely to happen for a button.
Level 4
Jun 4, 2019
First, I want to say thank you for your awesome Tutorials!

I have question about the Button: Is it possible to detect which player has pressed the button?
I want that a player can open a menu over the button for example but I want to recognize which player has pressed the button,
so that the menu only appears for the Player, who has pressed the button.

I hopy my question is clear, my english is not that good :)

Thanks and regards
Level 9
Jul 30, 2018

I'd like to mention, that the Blizzard Dialog Buttons actually use the same "ScriptDialogButton" and thus take into use the context integers. set turnButton = BlzCreateFrame("ScriptDialogButton", BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_GAME_UI,0), 0,0) the last 0 on this, for example. So you could mention this in case people want to make more custom buttons and use the dialog windows at the same time.

I'm not sure by which logic the integers for the dialog buttons are chosen. I have 13 custom buttons in total and they are all created at map initialization. At elapsed time 1.00 I create the dialog, but its buttons still take integers 1 and 2.

Edit: Yep, the Blizzard Dialog Buttons will automatically take up the integers from 1 on (i.e. first created always takes integer 1, second one takes integer 2, third one takes integer 3 and so on, even if there was already a custom button with the said integer). Doesn't matter if they were made later than the custom buttons.
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