Turalyon Hero Concept




Turalyon, Lord commander of the Alliance and High Exarch of the Grand Army of the Light. Turalyon, in this Hero Concept, is a main Melee Support specialized in area of effect heals. Thanks to all that have been credited for their awesome work on models, effects, icons and code libraries, and please, if you find that no credit was given to you for your work here or credit were given by mistake, let me know, so I can fix it. Enjoy!

Light Infusion

Divine Smite

Holy Link

Light Burst

Blessed Field

Holy Strike

Holy Unity














  • Henry (Warcraft Underground)
  • AZ
  • Mythic
  • NO-Bloody-Name
  • Pyritie
  • JetFangInferno
  • AbstractCreativity
  • Metal_Sonic
  • Redeemer59
  • Darkfang
  • KelThuzad
  • Magtheridon96
  • Bribe
  • Blizzard

  • Requirement Systems updated to their latest versions.
  • Requirement Systems updated to their latest versions.
  • Concept ported to LUA
  • Drastically reduced the Turalyon model size
  • Updated the required systems to their latest versions
  • Updated to use the latest version of the requirement libraries
  • Adjust the starting height of abilities that use Missiles
  • Updated to use the latest version of the requirement libraries
  • Updated to use the latest version of the requirement libraries
  • Light Burst v1.3
    • Updated to use the new CrowdControl system

For those who cant open the map due to a problem in the editor when trying to load Object Data, get the Object Data here.

Hero Concept (Map)

Hero Concept (Map)

There must be some sort of hero concept competition in Warcraft Undergrounds. In any case, this feels like a labor done with love, something I can appreciate in any endeavor. Spell: Conceptually, the spells presented tell a lot about who Turalyon...
There must be some sort of hero concept competition in Warcraft Undergrounds. In any case, this feels like a labor done with love, something I can appreciate in any endeavor.


Conceptually, the spells presented tell a lot about who Turalyon is, and it does so clearly.
Based on their aesthetic, I can guess that Turalyon is someone who can both heal and harm efficiently.

Spell Mechanics:

There isn't much to say about the spells regarding their memory management and performance,
so listed below are some suggestions instead:
  • In the trigger "Holy Link", it was indicated in HolyLink.onPeriod that lightnings don't persist visually in Reforged. A possible solution to this is tantamount to immediately changing the vertex color (alpha) of the lightning object at the given tick (it was 28) and reverting it back to its original alpha value.

  • Add a cooldown reduction mechanism for Light Infusion. Such mechanism is based on the following:
    Every time Turalyon gains 5 levels (starting at level 1), the cooldown for Light Infusion is permanently reduced
    by n seconds.

    In terms of lists:
    • heroLevel = {1, 5, 10, 15, 20}
    • cooldown = {20, 19, 18, 17, 16}
  • In the trigger "Light Infusion", arc calculation appears to be a bit confusing. You can simplify it from 360/charges[i]*0.017453 to 2/charges[i]*bj_PI

Spell Rating: 4.8/5

0.2 points were deducted because of the presence of magic numbers (numbers that should be stored as constants for readability).
Hero Concept Approved
Level 21
May 16, 2012
There must be some sort of hero concept competition in Warcraft Undergrounds. In any case, this feels like a labor done with love, something I can appreciate in any endeavor.

Actually I'm the only one who posts at Warcraft Underground Spell/System section, so no competition in place, but this is my favorite thing to do when I have free time to do whatever i want, so yeah, i put a lot of love into it :).

Spell Mechanics:

I'll try to implement the changes you suggested, Thanks!
Level 21
May 16, 2012
In the trigger "Holy Link", it was indicated in
HolyLink.[COLOR=color: #666666]onPeriod[/COLOR]
that lightnings don't persist visually in Reforged. A possible solution to this is tantamount to immediately changing the vertex color (alpha) of the lightning object at the given tick (it was 28) and reverting it back to its original alpha value.

Tried and resetting the lightning alpha or color do not work, so I'm keeping the original approach for now.

Add a cooldown reduction mechanism for Light Infusion. Such mechanism is based on the following:
Every time Turalyon gains 5 levels (starting at level 1), the cooldown for Light Infusion is permanently reduced
by n seconds.

In terms of lists:
  • heroLevel = {1, 5, 10, 15, 20}
  • cooldown = {20, 19, 18, 17, 16}


In the trigger "Light Infusion", arc calculation appears to be a bit confusing. You can simplify it from

Level 9
Jun 13, 2008
This gotta be your best work so far imo. Good thing is this can be used for many holy based heroes as well such as Anduin, Yrel and Velen etc.

Do you have any plans to make a Khadgar concept? We lack some nice arcane based spellpacks here:)
Level 1
Jun 15, 2021
If your world editor cant open the map because of an Object Data error, here is the Object Data for you to import
Sorry to bother you, I'm a newbie and I don't know where ObjectData is used (I don't know English very well, here I use google translate, hope you can understand)
Level 10
May 25, 2021
For the HolyStrike aura, I think it could use % chance for units in his vicinity to be healed. So that this ability could be different from the Vampiric Aura. I hope you get what I mean.

Or maybe on a reversed mechanism: An Aura offers Turalyon and his ally units % chance to be healed when being damaged.
Level 44
Feb 27, 2007
For the HolyStrike aura, I think it could use % chance for units in his vicinity to be healed. So that this ability could be different from the Vampiric Aura. I hope you get what I mean.

Or maybe on a reversed mechanism: An Aura offers Turalyon and his ally units % chance to be healed when being damaged.
Again, these things can be easily done using very similar code to what I showed in the other thread. This is a good opportunity for you to learn and explore; it is very unlikely that any resource will be modified by its original creator with changes you suggest in a comment.
Level 10
May 25, 2021
After using these abilities for awhile, I found that they are not tactical at all. We just have to use them / turn them on without any consequences. Like Light Infusion and Holy Link - using other abilities to consume light orb, and changing target or increasing distance are so easy for player to keep them available on battlefields. Meaning, Player don't have to worry about them at all. What a pity! No worry = No fun.

I can make Light infusion costs mana per charge. But I don't know how to create a button to manually break all of them so that can stop draining mana from my caster.

Holy Link could use some timer too. What is the point of letting 2 units continuously gain additional HP regeneration for free FOREVER ingame?


These are some of my opinions, hope can help anyone who come across this thread some practical exp which is useful for creating future hero concepts.
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Hey Chompinski, this hero concept is fabulous, just like all your others. I hope one day you make Light Unity (the STR passive one) able to have multiple levels to it, instead of it just being a single level spell.