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Trundle, the Troll King

Some months ago I was trying to make one of my favorite Champions of LoL in WC3, recently this come to my mind.

I present you Trundle, the Troll King!

Trundle is a melee fighter that can take advantage against Physical Damage Dealers and Tanks by lowering down their Attack Damage and Defenses.


Trundle's warband once followed a foolish and cowardly chieftain. Under such a weak leader, Trundle feared he and his kin would fall prey to the other troll hordes scattered across the tundra. When his challenge to the chieftain ended in humiliation, Trundle did something that wasn't very troll-like: instead of his fist, he turned to his wits. Thinking on his hairy feet, he spun a tall tale about the troll leaders of old, claiming they wielded weapons of great power as symbols of their right to rule. Though he'd made up the story on the spot, Trundle wagered that if he could find or steal such a weapon, he would become the rightful leader of the warband. The trolls believed him, but none thought him capable of undertaking such a challenge. Knowing the boastful troll would die trying, the foolish chieftain agreed and Trundle departed to the familiar sound of laughter.

Alone but undaunted, Trundle ventured into the foreboding realm of the dreaded Ice Witch. There, hidden among the many ancient and dangerous secrets, he hoped to find a weapon to prove his elaborate tale. He out-muscled the Ice Witch's guards and outsmarted her dark magic traps, but nothing he scavenged matched the power he'd described to his kin. Finally, he found an unexpected prize: a huge and magical club of never-melting True Ice. Grasping the weapon, he marveled at the cold power that ran through him. But then the wrathful Ice Witch herself appeared. As she summoned her dark magic, Trundle believed he had met his end, but another clever idea struck him. With a knowing grin, he offered the Ice Witch a devious proposition: a troll army, he told her, would be of much more use to her than one troll corpse...

When Trundle returned to the warband, his fellow trolls bowed to his conquest. Calling his weapon "Boneshiver," he took a moment to enjoy the look of numb shock on his chieftain's face before he caved it in. Seizing command, Trundle announced that there would no longer be chieftains - only a Troll King before whom all of his kind would kneel. The trolls rallied behind their brash, new leader and prepared for the coming war. With Trundle leading the charge, the time of the trolls had finally come.

"Outsmart anyone you can't beat, and beat anyone you can't outsmart." - Trundle


- King's Tribute - Passive: Whenever an enemy unit dies nearby Trundle, he gets healed by a % of the unit maximum life.

- Chomp: Trundle bites his enemy in his next basic attack, dealing Physical Damage and increasing his own Attack Damage while decreases the target's Attack Damage.

- Frozen Domain: Trundle bring forth the Freljordian winter to an area, increasing his Attack Speed, Moviment Speed and Regeneration.

- Pillar of Ice: Trundle summons a huge pillar of ice that blocks the path, and reduces nearby enemies Movement Speed.

- Subjulgate: Trundle drains a % of Maximum Life of an Enemy Champion and also drains its Defenses. Half immediatly and half over the duration.

Keywords: Trundle, Troll, King, LoL, League Of Legends, Champion, Boneshiver

  • Pillar of Ice extensions calculated as suggested by HappyCockroach.
  • Now Pillar of Ice does not have a Stand Hit animation anymore.
  • NOTE: The reason the pillar of ice beign unselectable is because in LOL it's unselectable and if you're going to use the model with the same abilities as Trundle have in LoL you wouldn't care about using "Locust" ability.

Frozen Domain (Model)

Pillar of Ice (Model)

Trundle, the Troll King (Model)

Trundle, the Troll King - New (Model)

Trundle, the Troll King - Portrait (Model)

Trundle, the Troll King - Portrait - New (Model)

Very nice. They work fine in-game and look good. One minor issue though - the ice pillar is unselectable. Was that intentional? Selectability is better left to the user, since there's the Locust ability. (To fix it recalculate extents and/or add...
Changes done, approved.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I rather like this. A faithful Wc3-ized rendition of a LoL hero. Pretty much nailed it, insofar as geomerging & in-game texturing allow. : ) I particularly like how you have the complete package uploaded here; the model, it's portrait, and even two fitting spell SFX! Really taking advantage of that 'Bundle' feature.

I feel like from behind his 'hair-plates' are really obvious & visible (i.e. leaves him with a few big bald swathes), but otherwise good work!
Level 21
Jan 14, 2014
his face looks kinda dope :xxd: not that its a bad thing ;)
it's a very nice model, although for the club, you might wanna try the 'CrystalOpaque' texture, that's in the texture folder of the war3x.mpq. Probably with no material effects

edit: and wrap the club a lill better

Yeah, I searched for ice textures (Northrend Natural, Underground Natural, even Ice 3B), but the Crystal Opaque has never come into my mind. I shall test it as soon as I can. And his nose is kinda this in LoL.

I rather like this. A faithful Wc3-ized rendition of a LoL hero. Pretty much nailed it, insofar as geomerging & in-game texturing allow. : ) I particularly like how you have the complete package uploaded here; the model, it's portrait, and even two fitting spell SFX! Really taking advantage of that 'Bundle' feature.

I feel like from behind his 'hair-plates' are really obvious & visible (i.e. leaves him with a few big bald swathes), but otherwise good work!

For sure I was wandering about the bald showing. Maybe I can hide these by placing some more hair in his head.

Edit: I even have tried to re-create a "chomp" animation, to complete the full ability recreation (to test in WC3 World Editor) but for some reason when I open his mouth in the half frames of the animation, his mouth is shown wide open in the very beginning of the animation. Them, I replaced Chomp by Boneshiver's Mighty (In his next basic attack Trundle strike with his club, dealing more damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds), instead of draining damage, it would stun. For "Subjulgate" I was planning to do a special effect, but I don't know what should be good.
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
For sure I was wandering about the bald showing. Maybe I can hide these by placing some more hair in his head.

Edit: I even have tried to re-create a "chomp" animation, to complete the full ability recreation (to test in WC3 World Editor) but for some reason when I open his mouth in the half frames of the animation, his mouth is shown wide open in the very beginning of the animation. Them, I replaced Chomp by Boneshiver's Mighty (In his next basic attack Trundle strike with his club, dealing more damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds), instead of draining damage, it would stun. For "Subjulgate" I was planning to do a special effect, but I don't know what should be good.

For Subjugate, it looks like it's a sort of swirly blue "streamers flying from target to Trundle" thing. You could try to rotate & recolor the "gold-get" or "charm" or "invisibility" SFX to achieve that effect. Otherwise, if you want to go for something entirely custom... "Subjugation" makes me think of crushing, domineering oppression of will, a domination over the self. Maybe something like that?
Level 21
Jan 14, 2014

For Subjugate, it looks like it's a sort of swirly blue "streamers flying from target to Trundle" thing. You could try to rotate & recolor the "gold-get" or "charm" or "invisibility" SFX to achieve that effect. Otherwise, if you want to go for something entirely custom... "Subjugation" makes me think of crushing, domineering oppression of will, a domination over the self. Maybe something like that?

For sure, I guess that Subjulgate would be good if based on Howl of Terror, to reduce enemies armor and damage. But it works only with Heroes. It be nice also if its based on a Inner Fire with no toogle.
Level 9
Sep 5, 2015
one of my favorite champs even though he blows ass and always has (basically)
i'd love to see trundle be viable again like the old old days (havent played league in a few years tho btw so maybe he his viable lel)
they need to make his Q give him movement speed when used
Level 21
Jan 14, 2014
one of my favorite champs even though he blows ass and always has (basically)
i'd love to see trundle be viable again like the old old days (havent played league in a few years tho btw so maybe he his viable lel)
they need to make his Q give him movement speed when used
It seems that the new Lethal Tempo keystone buffed him a lot as duelist. But he's still weak in jg or top.