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Torment Arena v1.8

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Reactions: Blaxor and Septimus
8 souls of Magtheridon's slaves, each embody one of the 27 legendary champions and face each other in eternal combat. Yet they never die as a punishment due to resurrection powers of Torment Arena. In the end, they must face Magtheridon himself to end this suffering.

---The map is protected.

Torment Arena is a pure-action deathmatch/team deathmatch style custom mod for 8 players. Featuring:

-27 each unique heroes, with their own skill combos, styles and many trigger based abilities.
-More than 100 hero skills and alot more unit skills.
-Balanced items, artifacts with an initial item cooldown system
-Many game mods and gameplay options
-30 Creep waves and 5 Bosses
-Unique Score system with an optional Score balance-system
-A Kill Spree system with custom sounds
-Balanced power-up spawns depending on # of Players
-Many ingame commands
-Capturable Towers and a Fountain
-15 unique game Events
-Computer AI support (3 difficulities)
-Tons of memory leaks
-Very nice custom models (made by others)
-Many, many more...


IMPORTANT NOTE FOR 1.8 : This version was actually completed long time ago, with the exception of a few issues. I wanted this to be perfect and was unable to fix those few issues, thus resulting me stopped mapmaking (also because of the unfixable problems in Unholy Invasion 1.2) and didnt release this version since its not perfect. However, many people asked for it for sometime, and then i decided to release this, but please consider it as a BETA and remind me things that malfunction or balance issues (expect BALANCe problems and i'm sorry for that). You may experience fatal errors and i'm aware that new Berserker Rage spell does not function when used by AI. So anyway, please keep in mind this version is not perfect so keep me informed about your gameplay experiences and ill fix it.

v1.7 - v1.8 changelog:
-Added a new hero; Death Knight.
-Improved hero selection area. Hero infos are now shown by selecting heroes.
-Modified Arena cliff levels for better sight range.
-Added hero glow to all heroes and bosses.
-Overall text color improvements.
-New models for Berserker, Blade Dancer, Druid, Lightning Mage and Ranger. New skin for Crypt Lord.
-New icons for Anti-Magic Shell, Bolt of Chaos, Holy Avenger, Holy Smite, Knockback and Paralyze.
-New effect for Anti-Magic Shell.
-New Incinerate projectile.
-Added a new store area to the south.
-Berserker; reworked Frenzy.
-Crypt Lord; Impale now has a chance to unearth a corpse.
-Dark Elf; replaced Cunning with a new skill; Adrenaline Rush. Reworked Energy Steal.
-Dragon Knight; replaced Dragon Strike with a new skill; Essence of Fire.
-Druid; remade Entangling Roots. Reworked Shapeshift.
-Fire Mage; replaced Flame Strike with a new skill; Inferno.
-Fire Mage; replaced Fire Serpent with a new skill; Fireblast.
-Frost Mage; remade Frost Mastery.
-Ice Horror; remade Frozen Terror.
-Lightning Mage; replaced Lightning Speed with a new skill; Force of Lightning.
-Mage Hunter; replaced Silence with a new skill; Etheral Shield. Reworked Magic Resistance and Soul Burn.
-Morphed Demon; reworked Bolt of Chaos.
-Planetar is no longer an anti-undead hero. All skills reworked.
-Spectral Assassin is no longer an anti-living hero. All skills reworked.
-Storm Lancer; replaced Storm Call with a new skill; Storm Charge. Reworked Vorpal Lance.
-Summoner; replaced Enchant with a new skill; Arcane Aura. Summoner can now only have one Fire Golem at the same time.
-Vengeful Knight; reworked Paralyze.
-Warchief; replaced Pulverize with a new skill; Battle Rage. Reworked Knockback.
-Reworked Scepter of Healing and Tome of Chaos. They are now Intelligence based.
-Added a light effect for Planetar and a special effect for his Holy Aura.
-Bolt of Chaos, Enraged Strike, Soul Burn and Tome of Chaos now shows dealt/bonus dealt damage.
-Treasures in Treasure Hunt Event now shows gained Score when picked up.
-Phantom Cloak can now be used by Dark Elf, Titan's Cleaver can now be used by Dragon Knight.
-Titan's Cleaver can no longer be used by Vengeful Knight.
-Anti-Magic Lance and Venom Blades can no longer be used by Half-Dragon.
-Items can now only be changed in a 90 second period after hero selection and each defeated Boss.
-Improved Magic Pouch.
-Remade all item triggers.
-Balance fixes.
-Lots of bug fixes.

arena, hero, hero arena, torment arena, torment, survival, offense

Torment Arena v1.8 (Map)

12:44, 26th Aug 2008 Septimus: Delete a approve resources and re-upload is consider as rules violation of hiveworkshop. Do it again and more serious punishment would be ment at you. -Neg rep you and re-paste all review by MasterHaosis...




12:44, 26th Aug 2008
Septimus: Delete a approve resources and re-upload is consider as rules violation of hiveworkshop. Do it again and more serious punishment would be ment at you.

-Neg rep you and re-paste all review by MasterHaosis.

MasterHaosis: Hey man this map is really funny to play. Yes nice unique 25 ,,champions'', also nice fight with Booses and creeps. I also respect your hard work there
[ ] Map scanned of viruses
[ ] Map doesnot crash WC3 as far I can see
[ ] Map is yours/seems no edited from other author
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Sorry but in this map, heroes die a bit harder than most other maps. I've killed Planetar a thousand times, he can be killed, but he is one of the hardest heroes to kill
I really don't think this map deserve any lesser than 4.. (2.67 currently, after all those work, all those updates since 2003!)

by the way thank you worms577

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Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Thank you UnholyDobry. Yes, there is an incredible work on it, (2003-2008) ~4500 saves&tests in editor means really a lot. AI is not that good and a bit laggy on some computers, sorry for that (it is really hard to make an AI in GUI) By the way, I'm sorry that I saw 1.5c has a bug with Keep the Flag event, due to Blizzard's 1.22 patch :mad:. I've fixed that, and made improvements on item system. You now start with only 2 basic items and purchase an additional basic item/artifact in arena after each defeated boss. Also you can change your items anytime (since all items of same class are balanced). But what takes my lot of time is; when you purchase an item with a cooldown in arena, you can't use it until it's cooldown is filled. This means you can't change your gloves of haste with a healing potion, use it immediately and change it again with gloves of haste again.
The new version 1.5d will be available in these days, but there is a bug and I really never understand why it's happening. Every line of trigger is just looks perfect, damn it...Hope I can fix that.

EDIT: Fixed all known bugs, TONS of memory leaks (the map is much, much faster now), gameplay updates and balance fixes and so on..
Released 1.6, most stable version after all those day/night work.
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Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
Conlan, have u been working on this behind my back? Shame on you!

I usually dont like hero arenas, but since ur Conlan and awesome, i am going to try it
Level 8
Jul 2, 2008
This map is great and this map has an AI player!!!! :infl_thumbs_up:
Please make Planetar weaker, he is to strong for me.
I rate it 5/5, Good job, man!!!!! :grin:
Level 4
Jun 4, 2006
This is a very well made arena. It was a little irritating at times though. since most of the time it was all about ganking heroes that was fighitng creeps and bosses. I only tried it FFA though, might be different when playing with teams.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
i played this map sometimes and its pretty nice !
it only has one big problem: if 1 player leaves in a team match the whole game is probably ruined.
please make it like leavers will be replaced by AI so that team has a chance to win...
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
I have some suggestions on nerfing and buffing.
First of all Templar of Elune (at least I think it was named that) is really weak, it has no survivability, the less damage debuff that also disables range attacks is useless since it has no duration at all, the stab spell is only usable against slow enemies (aka tanks with really much hp), the templar blade spell was the best spell in my opinion since it did something, the ultimate was kinda lame low amount of +agi compared to what you could get in str with the berserkers ultimate (40% chance to get +1 str permanetly when killing another hero + mega bonus to attack AND movement speed!) when I'm still on the berserker I should say it's pretty overpowered with it's ulti, critical hit that has a 15% chance to do 4x normal attack damage, strenghten that gave a pretty big hp bonus + and a small bonus damage, lastly we have the -damage debuff that is aoe (note that the templars debuff is not aoe)
We have now come to the Necroknight another really strong hero, first of all summon skeletons that can be used with deathpact and as blockers to surround enemies, the DoT that creates skeletons if unit dies with the DoT buff on, an attack that does pretty much damage + extra damage if the target unit has the DoT on it (extra damage based on str and int) and the ultimate that gives permanent bonus str and int, all in all an overpowered hero.
Note that these are the heroes I have found to be unbalanced compared to other heroes I have tried.
Still this map is really great and I would like to see this as balanced as possible since I really love this map
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
I have started working on 1.8 again. I actually mean 1.8 was already about to be finished long time ago (about 90% completed), but i was tired and had collage projects... I'm graduated now and wanted to finish this map cause i've done a lot of things and bug fixes in 1.8 (a really major update). I'm about to finish the map with even additional updates but there will be only 1 new hero. But dont worry. A lot of heroes have some major skill changes with greater synergy and balance. Some of them can be considered as a "remake". Also the new hero is quite fun and have 4 unique and 100% trigger based skills. Some new features also made the map much more fun and logical :). Gonna release it soon, but this time, i'll be greatly in need of your balance suggestions... 1.8 will be followed by a balance patch (1.8b) depending on your comments :)
See you soon!
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
This map ll be relaesed next year?Man this was best hero arena ever,but now creator dont want 2 make any more ver.Hate him!
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
uhh. didnt know that you guys are still playing this and waiting for new version. I thought WC3 is dying, and stopped working on this months ago. Actually a few bugs made me mad. I'm a bit confused right now. 1.8 is a major upgrade and much better than 1.7, so part of me want it to finish as 99% of the work is done (1% is fckng bugs). But on the other hand, dont really know how to fix those things. And to be honest, i forgot some of this bugs and also forgot which stuff was working 100% correctly lol, need to check again. As i said before new version only has 1 new hero, but most of the other heroes have lots of skills remade, especially non-triggered ones. So for now at least let me show current changelog, but i cant promise im gonna finish this:

-Added a new hero; Death Knight.
-Improved hero selection area. Hero infos are now shown by selecting heroes.
-Modified Arena cliff levels for better sight range.
-Added hero glow to all heroes and bosses.
-Overall text color improvements.
-New models for Berserker, Blade Dancer, Druid, Lightning Mage and Ranger. New skin for Crypt Lord.
-New icons for Anti-Magic Shell, Bolt of Chaos, Holy Avenger, Holy Smite, Knockback and Paralyze.
-New effect for Anti-Magic Shell.
-New Incinerate projectile.
-Added a new store area to the south.
-Berserker; reworked Frenzy.
-Crypt Lord; Impale now has a chance to unearth a corpse.
-Dark Elf; replaced Cunning with a new skill; Adrenaline Rush. Reworked Energy Steal.
-Dragon Knight; replaced Dragon Strike with a new skill; Essence of Fire.
-Druid; remade Entangling Roots. Reworked Shapeshift.
-Fire Mage; replaced Flame Strike with a new skill; Inferno.
-Fire Mage; replaced Fire Serpent with a new skill; Fireblast.
-Frost Mage; remade Frost Mastery.
-Ice Horror; remade Frozen Terror.
-Lightning Mage; replaced Lightning Speed with a new skill; Force of Lightning.
-Mage Hunter; replaced Silence with a new skill; Etheral Shield. Reworked Magic Resistance and Soul Burn.
-Morphed Demon; reworked Bolt of Chaos.
-Planetar is no longer an anti-undead hero. All skills reworked.
-Spectral Assassin is no longer an anti-living hero. All skills reworked.
-Storm Lancer; replaced Storm Call with a new skill; Storm Charge. Reworked Vorpal Lance.
-Summoner; replaced Enchant with a new skill; Arcane Aura. Summoner can now only have one Fire Golem at the same time.
-Vengeful Knight; reworked Paralyze.
-Warchief; replaced Pulverize with a new skill; Battle Rage. Reworked Knockback.
-Reworked Scepter of Healing and Tome of Chaos. They are now Intelligence based.
-Added a light effect for Planetar and a special effect for his Holy Aura.
-Bolt of Chaos, Enraged Strike, Soul Burn and Tome of Chaos now shows dealt/bonus dealt damage.
-Treasures in Treasure Hunt Event now shows gained Score when picked up.
-Phantom Cloak can now be used by Dark Elf, Titan's Cleaver can now be used by Dragon Knight.
-Titan's Cleaver can no longer be used by Vengeful Knight.
-Anti-Magic Lance and Venom Blades can no longer be used by Half-Dragon.
-Items can now only be changed in a 90 second period after hero selection and each defeated Boss.
-Improved Magic Pouch.
-Remade all item triggers.
-Balance fixes.
-Lots of bug fixes.
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
Man wc3 is dying!!!!!!!!Omg u are crazy.I played all new games and all sucks,but when i play DOTA i am in haven.Death Knight ll be new model(pls make new model,i hate Arthas on horse model).And i want new ver before new year!!!!PLSSS
Level 19
Feb 25, 2009
- Map lags after several time, and yes I've tested this with 5 different heroes, 5 times, and after the 10th minute lag increases periodically dropping my FPS to 15 at the 30th wave of creeps.

- Ranger's ultimate is bugged on level 2 and 3.. it never fires additional arrows

- Change the map-file name, because its too long and it won't show into the game, thus making the map unplayable
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
O happy day o happy day.finally new version!
EDIT:Omg man i test it,and its sucks for some heroes.Pls back Lightning Mage (Jaina) cuz this new model sucks (not wc3 model and shes very ugly), crypt lord have very bad skin cuz in-game crypt lord is not nerubianish(not nerubian like) hes more like some beast,pls back old model(wc3 model) or find some good nerubianish skin and death knight model is very bad cuz she have really long sword and i dont like it.Hes better model then she is. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...nted-48977/?prev=search=arthas%20unmounted&d=
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Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
I need suggestions about gameplay and i need bug reports, not model opinions


Are u sure about those things? I can play without a fps drop and i dont have any problems about map name-size :O . Rangers ultimate was working on previous versions and ive never changed it... I use 1.24 of course. Strange... that's why i stopped mapmaking, every new patch comes with a thousand bugs.
Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
This map was fun at the start, but the more I played it, the worse it seemed. The objective of the map is so unclear, as players will kill each other to keep their opponents from killing the boss. The bosses also seem to sometimes promote players chickening out until the last second to KS the boss. Also, when the final battle rolls around, the only players willing to fight the giant pit lord are usually the one in first place. The other players are more focused on killing whoever the boss is attacking, fighting to get more points. Maybe my friends and I aren't understanding how this map is supposed to be played.

I do love the collection of models though, combined with the fact that the map loads very fast for my laptop.

There is a bug I found that allows players to get two potions in the start of the game. Say I'm standing at the left of the "pick two items" area. If I buy a potion, queue a move command to the right and queue a "drop the potion" command towards the left, yes. The item drops and is picked up right after. However, during that moment where the item is not in the inventory, the player can buy a second potion before the first is returned to his inventory. Will this bug be fixed? or is it too hard for players to abuse? I can perform it with around a 25% success rate.

Maybe when this map is developed more, my friends and I will grow to like it, but until then, we hope you continue to develop this map. I think there's a lot of potential.
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Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
Im sorry about the bug you mentoined Ochibi, and im really confused now cause i never know that :S
When you drop an item, it immediately returns to your inventory, so theres actually no time to buy - at least as i know and in my experiences. Now i have to think a way to fix it.
Sorry :S first time i hear that
Level 19
Feb 25, 2009
Im absolutely sure, if you want I can make screenshots..

Dunno why, but I saw the FPS starts to drop each time a new wave of creeps is spawned, and the more waves are spawned, the more my FPS drops.. So around 6-7th wave im playing with like 20 FPS.

Im 100% sure my computer is enough good to hold the graphics of the map, since there is alot of models, SFX.

By the way, if you are going to release an unprotected version, let me know.
Level 6
Feb 6, 2008
Well, Conlan, the trigger works - the item does return to the inventory very, very fast. If you pay close attention though, there is a fraction of a second in which it is not in your inventory. I'm guessing those who are skilled at timing or rhythm games would find it easier to get the extra potion. If you want, I can get you a screenshot or a super short replay of me doing it.

Although the bug isn't that easy to perform, I still pointed this bug out in the first place because having two potions seemed to give me a pretty strong advantage early game. By alternating the "hp potion" and the "hp and mp potion" (my WC3 isn't open right now and it's 3 in the morning), I could approximately "halve" the wait time between healing, and I could squeeze in mana for another skill or two. Very deadly when I was using the... Spectral Assassin(?) and came up short on mana for Assassinate. We all know a well fed Spectral Assassin (especially with Mass Curse) isn't someone you want to cuddle with late game. :gg:
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
Now u ruined the game with this fucking models and skins!I dont want 2 host it any more!Wardancer(i think,he was fel orc blademaster in last version) isnt in wc3 style this new model.Pls change him with normal blademaster model.
And where can i find this imba model dragon knight?I kno for generals frank but i want this with his imba green eyes,not portrait like arthas with blood elf mask?
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009
Man i loved your map with a lot new models and skins(in wc3 style).But now u runied whole map.I tested all heroes and i think that BERSERKER RULZ!Crit omg 4.0x as 225%, hes is THE BEST.
PLS change this 3 models and 1 skind this ll be best hero arena AGAIN!
Models: Lightning Mage - old model ( Jaina), Wardancer - normal blademaster ( not chaos), Death Knight - unmounted Arthas model is better ( i gived u a link)
Skins: Crypt Lord - new skin sucks, pls change back old wc3 model !
And u didnt tell me where did u find this great dragon knight model, with cool portrait?
Level 10
Feb 18, 2008
The dragon knight model is General Frank's, but he updated it and the new one does not look better in my opinion, im using the previous. But its not only about the model itself, the skin of the Fire Mage also applies for many parts on Planetar and Dragon Knight (as you may notice similiarities). Thus, making it amazing i think.
About models, to be honest, i only agree with Crypt Lord skin, i was never sure about that, and yes, i can reduce the size of Death Knight's sword.