I used hald Devil May Cry and half Warcraft scenarios. I added music to last two main bosses that's because size is 10mb.But it has a good game-playing and trigger system.Map might be boring and hard at first but it will be really enjoyable then.You can understand the story from description and the books I put on the map.I took all the models, spells and icons from hiveworkshop I gave credits in the end but I want to thanks all the owners.All credit is theirs.
Update: my world editor was old wc3 data and it wasn't fixed completely new map is totally made with 1,22 patch-many spells fixed-bosses are edited.
head character tenris is given "devil trigger" spell, critical strike and evasion merged
death knight has been strengthened, spells edited.
"lichborne" given to death knight with many buffes game become more fun.buff efects are changed.
boss drop spell are strenghthened and increased (carrion swarm, whirlwind, siphon mana, void shield and magical blade darksword).
boss fight musics changed, in-game music changed, loading screen added.
not:I changed camera to rpg camera system but because of the map's design camera didn't fit.especially in boss fights I had to make it normal again.
not 2:use devil trigger and nalfemaht state(darksword's power) together it may cause fatal error..
...and and and with new skills game is funner than first version don't
little bug fixed.
devil may cry, warcraft, lich king, vampire, eredar, death knight, dante, rpg