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The Return Of The Evil [Unprotected]

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Story: After thousands of years mighty Death Lord returned with his evil plans. You are the only one who can stop him!!

In this map your primary mission is kill Death Lord. There are also other quests that must be completed before you can kill him. There are 3 playable heroes: Furion, Tyrande and mighty ancient Mountain King. With them lead your army to victory! But be careful, Death Lord won't give up easily and Number of his monsters are almost limitless! Enjoy and give comments :)

-Now map is unprotected so you can edit it but remember to give me some credit if you edit/use this map please :)

The Return Of The Evil rpg scenario fight death Lord Burning Legion furion tyrande map kill lol unprotected

The Return Of The Evil [Unprotected] (Map)

8:49, 16th June 2009 by bounty hunter2: Poorly made cinematics, terrain, regular spells, bad icon positioning, spelling and grammar errors, unoriginal, Rejected.




8:49, 16th June 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Poorly made cinematics, terrain, regular spells, bad icon positioning, spelling and grammar errors, unoriginal, Rejected.
Level 7
Oct 13, 2008
Just finished playing it, And i liked it! Some mistakes in subtitles but that wont matter. 4/5
Level 5
Jul 9, 2008
Very nice map, 5/5. Will you upload updated versions or this will be last? If last, could you send me an unprotected map? I shall translate this interesting RPG on my native language!

Well today I'm going to uptade this to unprotected map so everyone can edit this map but give me some credit if you edit/use this please. Have fun:wink:

EDIT: Map is now unprotected
Last edited:
Level 3
Dec 11, 2006
Ye i lost but im not a bad looser i came far but its that i like custom things i don't like maps who has bad triggering and im pretty hard with it.
Level 3
May 26, 2009
didnt like it
cinematics have to be way improved
undeads are just imba
and there is a fight between them and the creeps at the fountain of mana