The Return of the Black Rock
>Some description of the campaign at the custom campaign menu
>Change the campaign Screen
>"Battle of the village" not vilage
1.....Loading screen has typo
2.....In what time have you placed your campaign?
3.....The initial cinematic takes time before the starting of dialogue
4.....The main Quest says Cave North but it is South
5.....The pig farms do not give me any food. It is 19/0
6.....The mirror image is bad. I can easily tell which one is the image & which is my true hero
7.....No way to heal units. Only waiting. Not needed much
8.....The story is not clear
9.....MAJOR: Mazaru died but the game did not end. Maybe because of his mirror image.
10.....The guard tower does not attack
11......In the beginning the blademaster is at level2. Why not at level1
12......Near the cannon tower where did that small army came from?
13......The terrain is too simple. Fully plain & single path only
14......The second map does not start after the first map ends by itself. I can do that in the campaign menu but it should take place by itself.
My Rating : 1/5
Single path, lack of proper storyline, bad terrain, one major bug
The map is fit for rejection
1.....The camera angle is too odd.
2.....The cinematic cannot be skipped
3.....Typing mistakes
4.....I took a look at the terrain by using issedeadpeople. Greenery in the midst of ice? Plain terrain? Need much work
Seeing the quality of the first map & this map i do not think it will need more review till
an update.
Will you be working on this campaign or is it a test?
If you need help with terrain or anything with this map try to start a thread on