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The Oakwood Forest (RPG)

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Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Good work Teun, could you make 1 aswell about the forrest? I really want to see that! And got any news if i could join?

I might make another movie tomorrow.
But I have to say sorry because I don't need any GUI triggering or object editor help. I'm very good with GUI/object editor things myself but my spells can't be made GUI since they require certain things that can only happen in Jass (things that are needed for certain damage systems).

However I will keep this thread up to date for when I will need help with anything you could possibly help me with.

Thanks for the offer anyway.
Level 8
Aug 6, 2008
There is also one pretty cool camera system by Opossum in wc3c, you should try it in case you havent yet.

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Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Hey everyone. I need your opinion.

Floating city or city inside a very big tree?

This is the "entrance" to the place where the small city is going to be, but I can't decide if I should make it in the air or in a big tree...
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
How about a tree in the sky?

Would be imba:p But I think I can't make it since the world tree model I'm using has roots that are too big for it. It wouldn't really look natural then. But I will come up with something cool I promise:p
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
All of a sudden my wc3 doesn't work anymore so can't test world editor things anymore. Reinstalled wc3 and same happend again + i cant use world editor anymore because I couldnt repatch yet.
Kinda screwed there.
Going to try and fix it tomorrow to finish this treecity asap:)
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
That sucks. This was turning out pretty nicly (though I still havn't seen the ruins that have been promised). Does the game give an error or does it crash or what?

It just doesn't even give a loading screen or whatever.
Let's say I double clicked Frozen Throne icon then it just ignores my "launch" command. My mouse looks like an hourglass for 2 sec but after that nothing happens.
I had some testing issues before that. I couldn't open Wc3 but if I did test map in world editor I could however... After ~20 seconds or after mousing over the minimap, clicking the hero spell learning button or clicking any other interface button like F10 or something, it crashed.
So yesterday I reinstalled wc3 and hoped it would've gone away after a reinstal but it didn't. So I think I gotta reinstall NewGen + Wc3 at the same time and even delete the entire folder and hope that works. Haven't got the time for that now though but I will do that asap.

Edit: Ofc there will come a place with ruins in the map:p It's just that this elven city inspired me much more. Maybe I will reterrain the undead starting area into something with ruins. (note: "maybe")
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
ey, how do you make those doodads walkable? or is walkable only working for a phew doodads like those tiles? because for the normal stones it does not work....

do i have to set the pathing texture to some special thing to make it work or something?

plz help me ^^

i still love your terrain :p

I made 2 screenshots for you from which object editor things I used.
I basically made a custom bridge/ramp destructible based on the Bridge horizontal model and changed a few things. It also surprised me (since it's the first time I actually made walking doodads/destructibles) but world editor automatically recognized the edges of the model!
Be aware that I still had to make alot of pathing blockers at the edges of the destructibles since else units could just walk off and suddently 'blink' downstairs..
Take a look at this and I think you understand that it's pretty easy.:grin:


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Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
that i know. i guess that you have to base walkable doodads on bridges or elevators since they use a special pathing. so i think about first removing the pathing and then recreating it to have more possibilities to place them.

thx! ^^

Good luck!:D
Level 3
Jul 2, 2009
Wow so many awesome RPG's coming out, I'm gonna be busy when this comes out!
Love the terrain, good terrain = a good map, even if the rest of the map is shit, if
it has good terrain, it's ok lol.
Looking forward to it.
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
This stuff looks pretty sweet.

I know!!!:grin:

Wow so many awesome RPG's coming out, I'm gonna be busy when this comes out!
Love the terrain, good terrain = a good map, even if the rest of the map is shit, if
it has good terrain, it's ok lol.
Looking forward to it.

Haha thanks alot.:wink:
And what's a map with good terrain AND good "the rest"?:grin: THat's my goal!:D
Level 19
Oct 12, 2007

RaiN has been added to the team as our 2nd triggerer!
From now on he will focus on the spells while Ciebron will focus on the systems.

After a while of terraining I made some youtube movies of the gameplay of the Ranger class, Rune Warrior class and the PvE event Sistra the Forestwatcher. Take a look at the Oakwoodforest youtube account: www.youtube.com/oakwoodforestrpg

Check out this thread to read more about PvE events!
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