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]==The New World==[ 4.0e

The newest version of TNW by Kitabatake and Aeroblyctos.

The newest version includes:

  • New Skill: 'Smoke Out'
    • Assassins can now make units abandon the targeted building
  • New Skill: 'Mini Bang'
    • Boomguys can now plant small explosive barrels
  • New Building: Camouflage Tent
    • Camouflage Tents are invisible on the minimap
  • New Building: Camouflage Bunker
    • Camouflage Bunkers are invisible on the minimap
  • New Trading system
    • Lumber price based on supply and demand
    • The more players buy wood, the higher the price and vice versa
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Hint Panel completely renovated
    • Turn it on by saying -Hint on
And to those who haven't yet played any of the TNW games:

In this game, each player will start off with a transport ship, king, a few workers, some starting money and many uninhabited islands.

Players will conquer an island, establish a base, build an army, a navy and some defences. And of course start waging war against each other.
It is possible to forge alliances, but in the end, only one player can win. So don't trust your allies, since they will eventually become your enemies. In newer versions, host chooses how many players can win if allied together.

And some features that people might not always notice:

1) You can put units INSIDE buildings (just order the unit to move to building). This is a very good way to protect and hide your king.

2) Towers work ONLY when there are units inside them. Yes, towers don't cost any food and they don't shoot by themselves. You must put a unit inside the tower to make it operational (any unit that can enter the tower can use the tower).

Please comment and if you find any bugs, just PM Kitabatake or Aeroblyctos or just post the bug here and we will fix it.

== UPDATE 4.0d - Map is now UNPROTECTED and open for anyone to edit! ==

the new world, tnw, real, time, strategy, RTS, altered, melee, ship, naval, combat

]==The New World==[ 4.0e (Map)

This map had been examined by Alexis Septimus. If you think this map review is not accurate or require another review, feel free to contact Alexis Septimus. But, map would only be review again for second time and also for the last time unless under...
It doesn't show in my list either.

one problem: what is the name of the map in-game... it isnt in my list as The New World in the 12-player section, or even New World

The map has now been saved with the newest world editor version and it should now appear correctly in the custom game list
Level 3
Jul 19, 2010
I always loved this map since it was created, but what I dont like is the terrain,not the terrain work but what I mean is,sometimes ppl mass backstab, or is heavy heavily bunked and protected with towers and ships,cuz if you use all your food in ships,your cant land enough units for an assault,and if you use land units,impossible to land, and if you want balance better forget about it
Level 4
May 4, 2011
theres an easy way to land on the island just take a worker with you a build a barracks and start a small base while your ships distract the enemy elsewhere then you attack with your land units from your base while at the same time making reinforcments from said base.