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[Role Playing Game] The Legend of Van Eastmore

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Level 28
Oct 28, 2011

-Ability based combat system
-Interactive Objects
-Stats have custom effects(e.g. Coordination increases
chances of opening a locked chest, door etc.)
-Custom Stats
-Custom Equipment Upgrade
-Detailed terrain
-Custom story
-Different looks for the sword you're holding
-And many more

-Watch the vid on youtube.
-There is no need to mention the Kick ability tooltip error.
-Strength, Agility and Intelligence wasn't edited to be
Fitness, Coordination and Spirit yet.
-The light was gone for some reason around Van Eastmore.
-Credits to: Whitewolf8 for playing the map and for making
and uploading the vid to his channel.

What is this about?
Why the remake?
The Legend of Van Eastmore or TLoVE is the third attempt of creating my second oldest
project for Warcraft 3.

It follows the story of James Van Eastmore who had a tragic past with his Father
and both brother died in a war, his Mother died due to depression and his Sister missing.
Always wanted to finish this old work, I learn quite a lot here with the
two previous attempts. After a long break on this project and learning more stuffs
I think I can finally pull this one now.
What can we expect on this one?
It will be a mix of old and new ideas with emphasis on the latter. Partial lore
of the story like the War between the Gourlan Empire and Dehouthar Empire,
the Devantia taking over after the war and Helving being the King after his father died
will remain.

The new thing is that instead of being a Sand-box type and the character being
a lowly being slowly climbing to the top of the hill, TLoVE will focus on James Van Eastmore's
struggle on finding clues to find her sister. The climax of the story was also change
from being focus on the struggle of helping Helvin to seize the
Kingdom to the more mysterious, mythological story of dark magic and
necromancy and what it really is for the world of Vexta.

The story will be darker, bolder full of lies and conspiracy. James Van Eastmore
will be on a one tough hellish road to find his Sister.

Meh, you might not finish it again
Don't care, I do what I want. But if you'll ask if I dropped
Darkness Call ORPG, no I didn't.

Special Thanks To:
  • Whitewolf8 - For creating the vid and for uploading to his youtube channel
  • APproject - For giving me advice concerning puzzles

Images(Open in new tab)

Following the Progress
  • SonofJay's Playable Terrain- Terrain WIPs will be posted here.
  • News about the project progress will be posted in the thread.
  • The thread will only be edited for layout changes or
    adding important information about the project
  • My Profile - If you have some questions that doesn't really concern the
    project just visit my profile. I want the thread to be clean.
Last edited:
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
This definitely looks darker and better than the previous version. The terrain is great, the lore seems intriguing, and the character reminds me of Van Helsing (which is badass). I'm looking forward to getting a chance to play it :psmile:

Your light problem in the video might be that Whitewolf8's light settings weren't on high, or maybe it's just Warcraft's annoying limit to how many light sources you can view on your screen at once. It would be better if the background of sword icons were black instead of white, because the white stands out too much and pulls away from the dark environment in the current screenshots and video.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
@Heinvers, Kakuzu, thanks guys.

Its been 2 years since the last post on that thread, it will be awkward specially with those 200+ messages. This way it will be easier to actually track the progress and beside I'm making the terrain, systems/triggers and everything on that utilizes the editor from scratch.


This definitely looks darker and better than the previous version. The terrain is great, the lore seems intriguing

Thanks, I hope to keep the quality that way if not better.

and the character reminds me of Van Helsing (which is badass).

I used Kitabatake's BnG Swordsman.

Your light problem in the video might be that Whitewolf8's light settings weren't on high, or maybe it's just Warcraft's annoying limit to how many light sources you can view on your screen at once.

I actually attached the light source to the character by the sphere technique. I'm switching to making a trigger for it for less possible bug like this.

It would be better if the background of sword icons were black instead of white, because the white stands out too much and pulls away from the dark environment in the current screenshots and video.

Hmm, I'm actually planning to make all the items look like that, thanks for pointing that it doesn't blend well, save me from reworking all the items if I already made them. :D

Anyway, how bout this?

Wip - 1.jpg
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
Yeah, that goes with the interface perfectly :goblin_good_job:

Something I realized recently is that importing TGA files for icons allows you to alpha out backgrounds to make the weapons look like they're actual objects placed inside the inventory. Here's an example map in case you were curious about going Diablo style.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Something I realized recently is that importing TGA files for icons allows you to alpha out backgrounds to make the weapons look like they're actual objects placed inside the inventory. Here's an example map in case you were curious about going Diablo style.

Hmm, sounds cool, it kinda look awkward without a border though so I added one on this one. What do you think? I also added this black like border to still give that dark feeling it isn't that notice-able much but it looks really different without it.

WIP - 1.jpg
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
If you change the inventory slot images (in UI\Console\Human\HumanUITile03) to the background you had before on the sword, items with alpha backgrounds would fit better than having the current backpack icon behind them and still appear as actual objects when dropping, moving or clicking them. The blue backpack images in the inventory are pretty ugly anyway when using such a nice ambient atmosphere.
Is that a jump ability? o.o
That would be an awesome ability to use across cliffs with the alpha tile :plol:
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
@Zunariel, thanks bro!

@Mythic, hmmm, what do you think? That really is the best that I can do. :C
With Glow - Without glow
IconwGlow.png IconwoGlow.png


I'll keep the custom UI that I have for now, would be a bummer if it go to waste but unless someone is willing to make the inventory to look like Boody's D3 interface then I'll gladly use it.

I'm using alpha time on most places but I don't want to add a Jump ability since it is not necessarily needed for the map which will revolves around puzzles and beside I don't want people saying that they can jump out to unnecessary areas like the cliffs in the castle(which is made of alpha tile so they'll be floating).
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
A little update. I finalize the item/inventory system.

Items will be fix and cannot be drop but they're upgradeable if you find the needed "fragment".

Slot1: Helmet
Slot2: Armor
Slot3: Weapon
Slot4: Special
Slot5&6: Potions

Equipment's have their own specific stat that they give example is that weapon+ 1 gives bonus physical damage and accuracy this will be the same type of stat bonus that the other upgrade will give.

WIP 1.jpg
WIP 2.jpg
WIP 3.jpg

I can't get creative to what stat the Helmet will give, I can go generic with bonus hp but that is kinda lame since armor and weapon have custom stats I can also give it the custom evasion(I'm using a custom one for the abilities but I'm also using it for the default attacking of creeps) that I'm using but it kinda doesn't make sense that you can evade because of a helmet.

This is an example of a fragment:

WIP 4.jpg
WIP 5.jpg

@Heinvers, I'll stick with the no-glow then.

@Nightmare, Me too, I hope I can finally finish this one but the progress was way better than I expected so I'm optimistic.


Oh yeah, I have a question, do you guys prefer creeps dropping health orbs(like on my Darkness Call map) or you want me to reset HP after every combat?
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
I vote health orbs. It gives a sort of realistic sense that enemies leave behind some of their life force for the taking.

The stat bonuses on equipment and rankings sound pretty cool. Maybe you could call a helmet's evasion 'block' instead? I can imagine a helmet would block a fair amount of disorienting/lethal blows to the head.
The no glow icon does look better, but I meant an outline (so if the weapon is dark it can still be seen through the bg).

I vote health orbs. It gives a sort of realistic sense that enemies leave behind some of their life force for the taking.
Great idea! I vote for this too.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Health Orbs then!


The stat bonuses on equipment and rankings sound pretty cool. Maybe you could call a helmet's evasion 'block' instead? I can imagine a helmet would block a fair amount of disorienting/lethal blows to the head.

Yeah, that will do, thanks for coming up with that one! I was actually pretty hesitant of making a block stat since there will be no shield for the map but this will do!

The no glow icon does look better, but I meant an outline (so if the weapon is dark it can still be seen through the bg).

Yeah for a second I thought that is what you meant but I'm not really good at making icons. I can just edit it at minimal rate.

Welp, next thing I'm working on is the ability system(not the one that you can see on the Hero). Info about the system will be posted when I finish making it. Meanwhile feel free to check my gallery from time to time to check if I release so new terrain wips.

Thanks guys for the support!
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Some changes on Creeps combat resulting to changes on the Custom stat. Creep's attack is now avoidable by moving out of the way of their attack. With this I removed the evasion and block stat because that will be unfair for our creeps and remove the physical defense because it seems redundant with the "Damage Reduction". In compensation with this the damage reduction was broadened to two types which are "MDR - Melee Damage Reduction" and "RDR - Range Damage Reduction".

Here is the stat board:
Tlove_update_Wip - 1.jpg
And this is me dodging the spider's attack:
Tlove_update_Wip - 2.jpg

I like the stats, it simple but it doesn't crack your brain for figuring out how the stat works.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Indeed, it's easy to comprehend now and requires more skill. Good job!


Oh wow, your terrain gives me some ideas. Really well made. :)

Really? I thought I'm the one who grabs some ideas from your Archeron's project XD. Anyway, I'm glad that you liked it!

How about a blood esence item , at 10 kills you receive a bonus ?

Doesn't need an item, I can just make a trigger for it and shouldn't be that hard but it is simple stuffs that requires balancing so I'll only consider it when I'm partly done with the project.
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