The Hobbit

「The Hobbit」

By DUTY OF RS [asermaser]

I started creating the game; The hobbit from the movie.
I mostly did create a lot of things on it, i started when the first movie was released officialy on the cinemas.
And so ofcourse i wanted to create it, but it aint just just to do such things...
But the Template and some units/Factions & custom things are mostly done.
All you need to do is to create some abilities and mayby adding some more custom units if you figure out something.

My Progress in the map:

-All units are completed [Except that i miss some Hobbits Models like Sam.]
-You might need to create some of the heros to.
-Terrain is 100% Complete and useable.
-Some abilities are done. [And some one needs re-work.]

Some one might wonder why i didnt complete this map, and here is the answear.

I dont got good enough Triggering skills to complete big things like this, i tried in months to figure things out, on test maps.
I managed to complete some of it, like a bit cinematic, but that was the really basic's of it.
And i needed to add so much triggers into stuff so i got really sick to think about it, so i layed down the project for a while. for some good years...
And now im here and writing this, i have thinked really much about it but...
Aint simple!

That was it...

Now for some cool features:

-Massive fight between the Elf's and Mordor. [They got a epic fighting place just for them.]
-Some unique races. [The Goblins are in the war!]
-The epic dwarfs, that remains on a mountain right-besides the Hobbits.







Orthane for the most of the Triggers.

UPDATE; 07.07.2014. Reworked a bit of the terrain. Have removed some trees at the easterlings basement. Have reduced the map size.
Map Description Generator 「duty of rs」

The Hobbit, Hobbit, dutyofrs, asermaser, epic war, war, dwarf, gondor, mordor, the eye, rohan, rohirrim, gnome, gnomes, smaug

The Hobbit (Map)

08:07, 5th Jul 2014 Orcnet: You did a fair/good job of making a nice risk genre map even though you stop the project for time, since this is made for as a template the idea of making shire quite near to isengard and an orcish settlement while...

Want ME to create The Hobbit Gameplayey?

  • Yes i wish DUTY OF RS can make the gameplay.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • YES, if only DUTY OF RS is reworking some of the Terrain...

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • No, i dont want DUTY OF RS to create an gameplay.

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters




08:07, 5th Jul 2014

You did a fair/good job of making a nice risk genre map even though you stop the project for time, since this is made for as a template the idea of making shire quite near to isengard and an orcish settlement while not having bree or that huge hobbit farm field is kinda out of the lane. Lore-wise the Evil team looks like to have more domination rather than the good ones. Yet its your game and idea.

Terrain is kinda simple no much strong design for the map's atmosphere, though you could atleast make it look nice as similar to the game BFME1/2.

Anyhow can be approved.
Level 12
Mar 30, 2013
''it is tamplate, but why? make some in game screens please !''

-Its a template because i didnt got the skills in triggering to finish the map. If i knew how the triggers were i could have done it. And i can give u some in-game screenshots soon.

''defiantly interesting''

-Hope you have joy of it! :goblin_good_job:
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Level 9
Sep 14, 2012
-Its a template because i didnt got the skills in triggering to finish the map. If i knew how the triggers were i could have done it. And i can give u some in-game screenshots soon.

just ask help, there are many people who will give you a hand and there is some thread where you can study triggers just search, good luck !
Level 12
Mar 30, 2013
''just ask help, there are many people who will give you a hand and there is some thread where you can study triggers just search, good luck !''

-Its over a year ago i started creating this map. My goal was to create 3 maps. like from the hobbit 1-2 & 3. But ofcourse i did search and tried find help for soooo long. But i gave up, no one in this community wanted to help me, so yeah. Its a good enough Template. :thumbs_up:
Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
All in all this template is nice, but there are some flaws, especially in the terrain.
I made some screenshots to give you some feedback.

What strikes me the most is the fact, you spam a lot of doodads. I mean you just place a lot of them on the same spot and that is bad and looks ugly. It's an expression of lazyness.
Let me show you some examples:


Sometimes more is less, do more variation and place doodads with heart and brain, so it looks more natural.

I also can't understand your choice of custom tree models. These are by far the ugliest and unfitting that I ever saw. There are so beautiful trees in UTM, with much higher quality, you should check that out.


Another problem I see is your way of doing tile variation.
Sometimes you do it, sometimes not. But if you do it, you often do it wrong.
Let me show you a bad example:


In my opinion single tile "blocks" look very unnatural and ugly.
Please make tile variation with bigger parts. I hope you know what I mean.

At other places you do no tile variation at all, which is bad, too:


Here you should also add more doodads like bushes, stones etc to make it look more like a living, natural forest.

Let's have a look at this desert / plain:


It totally lacks tile variation, there are no stones and the choice of trees doesn't fit in. Also look at the left upper corner, these trees are aranged so unnatural and for it's a pain in the eye.

And what about Saruman's tower or what it is:


The barren trees don't fit at all. There should be better some dead rotten trees with grey or black colour.
Also the red rocks and shrubs don't look good next to the black tower.

And look here, corn on concrete/stone? It's the small details that count.


I just gave you a general idea where you could improve your terraining. I can't go into every single detail.

Ah and what the hell is going on with this Ring of Power import?
The two textures are over 1 MB in filesize. You should always care about the map size and import only files with acceptable file size.
You also MUST give credits to the creators of your imported models!!

I hope this helps you and you don't feel offended, but I just say my opinion and want yoi help improving.


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Level 12
Mar 30, 2013
''What strikes me the most is the fact, you spam a lot of doodads. I mean you just place a lot of them on the same spot and that is bad and looks ugly. It's an expression of lazyness.
Let me show you some examples.''

-Yes i know i have been spammed a lot of doodas. But i haven't done it because i like spamming (wich i dont.) But if you seen in the first minute where they were at the Hobbit Village, you can see its a lot of things around there. But i can go trough it and look if its something to remove.

''Sometimes more is less, do more variation and place doodads with heart and brain, so it looks more natural.
I also can't understand your choice of custom tree models. These are by far the ugliest and unfitting that I ever saw. There are so beautiful trees in UTM, with much higher quality, you should check that out.''

-So you say i shouldnt use custom trees? if dont, the maps looks really lame with the standard boring ones. And what is UTM?

''Another problem I see is your way of doing tile variation.
Sometimes you do it, sometimes not. But if you do it, you often do it wrong.
Let me show you a bad example.''

-Yes i can fix such things. Im much better now when i were creating this map.

''in my opinion single tile "blocks" look very unnatural and ugly.
Please make tile variation with bigger parts. I hope you know what I mean.
At other places you do no tile variation at all, which is bad, too.''

-I putted it to be only normaly grass there because its like a small forrest. And i dont think it would fit if i used dirt or something there. (i thinked about the leafes, but they are so dam dark :/.)

''Here you should also add more doodads like bushes, stones etc to make it look more like a living, natural forest.
Let's have a look at this desert /plain.''

-Yeah but it will be hard, but i see what i can do (try.).

''It totally lacks tile variation, there are no stones and the choice of trees doesn't fit in. Also look at the left upper corner, these trees are aranged so unnatural and for it's a pain in the eye.
And what about Saruman's tower or what it is.''

-I did actualy like that place, because its a ruined place. I just maked that for decoration sake.

''The barren trees don't fit at all. There should be better some dead rotten trees with grey or black colour.
Also the red rocks and shrubs don't look good next to the black tower.
And look here, corn on concrete/stone? It's the small details that count.''

-The rocks and shrubs were in last comment. (because its a ruined place.) And yeah haha the corn on the stone tile thing. I will surerly fix that.

''I just gave you a general idea where you could improve your terraining. I can't go into every single detail.
Ah and what the hell is going on with this Ring of Power import?
The two textures are over 1 MB in filesize. You should always care about the map size and import only files with acceptable file size.
You also MUST give credits to the creators of your imported models!!
I hope this helps you and you don't feel offended, but I just say my opinion and want you help improving.''

-The ring of power thing dont i remember, but i will remove it. Since i dont remember why i imported it with so massivt space. The Credits will take a lot of time since i dont remember all the originaly names of the models and things like that but i will do it. And dont worry, you didnt offend me. I love that people are reviewing my maps. Its like if no ones review or something i dont know if its good or not or if its needs improvments or something like that. But since you said ''All in all this template is nice'' What were nice? just curious :).
screenshots are ugly, why dont you take a picture of in game camera ?

Out game pictures are better than in game 99% of the time unless you are showcasing the UI and if it is the only nice thing in your map.

@creator, please rename the map creator to something similar to yours.
I have seen some far worse terrain in map that got approved.

Yes, but this is a template therefore it's terrain is the most key feature and it's just not up to par. Also I doubt that the whole there are other maps that have been approved with worse terrain is a very bad argument. It was one I was thinking of using with my original High Elf map back when it was terrible (it still kind of is but less so) but then I realized that times have changed and that quality is something that must be upheld by not just the moderators but the map makers themselves.
Level 16
May 25, 2004
Yes, but this is a template therefore it's terrain is the most key feature and it's just not up to par. Also I doubt that the whole there are other maps that have been approved with worse terrain is a very bad argument. It was one I was thinking of using with my original High Elf map back when it was terrible (it still kind of is but less so) but then I realized that times have changed and that quality is something that must be upheld by not just the moderators but the map makers themselves.
OK so what your trying to say is you don;t approve of this map. I respect that, and I never said you were wrong. I merely stated the map is working, and while I have seen worse work out there approved, I see this as a map that also can be approved.

We both expressed our opinion, now it's time to move on. The map has been approved. Discussion Closed imo.