• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Techtree Contest Poll

Which Techtree is the best?

  • [URL="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showpost.php?p=348609&postcount=372"]Kallimachos[/URL]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showpost.php?p=349148&postcount=376"]Zorga[/URL]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showpost.php?p=353362&postcount=394"]Cheesey_111[/URL]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showpost.php?p=353653&postcount=398"]Mechmap[/URL]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showpost.php?p=353455&postcount=406"]Meteor_demon[/URL]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [URL="http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showpost.php?p=354433&postcount=418"]NoNZealot[/URL]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
The Hive Workshop


Techtree Contest Poll

Congratulations to the brave arena gladiators who participated the Techtree Contest.

[rainbow]Well done all![/rainbow]

Eleven valid maps were submitted for our consideration. (In order of submission) they are:

Well, here it is, the, for the time being, finnalized, version.

So without further ado, my techtree.
The Skeletal Amalgamation

This is my final submission so I'm gonna give all the information:

The Magical Union

A forest race, based on the Night Elf tech tree.

Ok guys here is my complete techtree proudly given :grin:

I proudly present The Burning Legion

This is my final version of my races the Underground and here’s my techtree (replaces Humans):
The Underground

The Resistance:
The creeps of warcraft have decided that no longer shall they be killed for items or experience, the main races shall taste their wrath as the orcs did when they wiped them out of existanse.

Umm... yah, my bad guys i found some serious bugs in my map after looking through it a litte more thouroughly (mostly stupid mistakes) but im 99.9% sure everything is fixed now so ya, heres the updated version.


Well heres my entry. I hope you will like it.

Okay here is my final Entry!:

The Golden Saints

The Judging and Voting Process:

  • This public poll has opened on 30 October and will close on 21 November, 2007.

  • No one should rely on descriptions alone to make thier decision. Please follow the hyperlinks in the poll or the quotes from the contestants to download, test and analyze each of the entries.

  • 40% of the final vote shall be determined by appointed judges. Judges' ballots will not be revealed until the completion of the public balloting and polling.

  • 20% of the final vote shall be determined by the total accumulated votes of the above public poll. Judges may not vote in that poll. Contestants and all other users may vote once in the poll: contestants can not vote for their own submissions.

  • 40% of the final vote shall be determined by the tally of users who vote in this thread using the included ballot form below.

    1. Copy the form in its entirety and paste it as a new post (Reply) in this thread.
    2. All Judges, contestants and users may cast ONE ballot for one contestant.
      • Everyone is free to critique more than one submission in their ballot but may vote for only one contestant.
      • Arena gladiators can not cast their ballots for their own submissions.
      • Improperly cast ballots will be invalid.

  • Judging considerations (for judges and voters alike):

    • Does the submission adhere closely to the contest's rules?
    • How complete is the techtree; how many abilities, items and units have been edited?
    • Does the race balance well with the other existing races in the template map?
    • How creative and original is the race?
    • How well has a contestant used the resources available in the .mpq files?
    • How descriptive are the tooltips?
    • No other considerations should be taken into account: loading screens, terrain, or any other editing of the map that might take place!

Copy and paste the ballot below to vote in this thread.


[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Techtree Contest[/SIZE]


[B]I officially cast my ballot for:[/B]

[B]Based on the following considerations:[/B]

[B]Comments on other entries:[/B]

<===< END COPY
Level 10
Sep 6, 2007
Techtree Contest


I officially cast my ballot for: Matyko's Tide
I voted because I loved how he made an undead with very good imagination. I'm just confused on the tide unit ability totally creative. Also overall it was my favorite.

Based on the following considerations ( positive, negative ):
*Creative, specific, strategic skill creations.
*Good design on techtree image
-Kinda easily defeated if carriers are dead
-Hero skills could be done better

Comments on other entries:
They were good too but I liked matykos better. Anyway gl to other contestants!

By the way where are the maps?:p For public to try...

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.

The maps are physically attached to each contestant's original submission. Follow the links in the poll or the participants' quotes. Examples:


Well heres my entry. I hope you will like it.
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Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
Techtree Contest


I officially cast my ballot for: Martin Barbov

Based on the following considerations:
Though not the most balanced race, the Magical Union reveals an entirely new type of gameplay. The strong focus on spells, micromanagement and strategy branches make this race unique.
+ New spellcaster systems interconnected with buildings.
+ A large variety of units promising interesting combinations and diverse strategies.
- Balance lacks in some places but it still passes my criteria.
- Some game-crashing bugs appear from time to time, but can be easily avoided without any arduous effort.

Comments on other entries:
Well... wow, I never knew so many people would actually submit their races. I say good job to all of you, for going through this contest and sticking to your ideas. I wish a bright future in modding as well as good luck in the next techtree compos ;)
Level 10
Feb 8, 2006
Techtree Contest

Techtree Contest


I officially cast my ballot for:
Red Baron's Golden Army

Based on the following considerations:

I think Red-Baron has invested a lot of work in his map, and, in my eyes, his and the magical army, but in the end, because of the infamus crash bug, RED-BARON was my choosen one :)
+ A well thought race, with its own balanced weaknesess and strengths.
+ The making of a soldier (Buy-Smelt-Form) is a genious idea...
-..But a few more units would have been nice by this method...
- When you're inexperienced with the race, you'll be defeated, no other option
- A few smaller gliches (Flying Hero attacked by melee units,ect) that might have already been fixed...

Comments on other entries:
This was a very fun contest, and I hope people will have as much fun playing with it as I (and hopefully the others) had making it ^^
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Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
Techtree Contest


I officially cast my ballot for: Red Baron

Based on the following considerations: The race was funny to play with though they were to weak at the beggining and to strong at the end. I think that the Golden Saints are the most originall techtree this contest have had.

Other Comments: Who made the bandit techtree? cause when i donwloaded the map and started it i had all units, buildings and heroes placed out in the center of the map.
Level 6
Jul 7, 2006
Other Comments: Who made the bandit techtree? cause when i donwloaded the map and started it i had all units, buildings and heroes placed out in the center of the map.

Crappers and milk! Are you serious?! That probably means I posted the wrong version of the map. They all had the same file name... boy was that stupid. C'est la vie.... c'est la vie.
Level 9
Aug 28, 2005
Techtree Contest


I officially cast my ballot for: Matyko's Rotting Tide

Based on the following considerations:
His race is the most original and creative race in the contest. Well it's not perfectly balanced but even the accomplished is more than enough for such a different from the others race. The unit production system is ingenious. And it's the only race I think is better than mine.

Comments on other entries:

Most of them are very good but the races I liked most are The Golden Saints and the Bandits. Frostwhisper's Demons also have some very good ideas(The Food system and the shielding - but why would demons shield their buildings). The thing I dislike is that some of the races weren't finished although the extended deadline.
Level 6
Jul 7, 2006
Techtree Contest


I officially cast my ballot for: Matyko's Rotting tide

Based on the following considerations:
It's unit creation is the most unique. It can make allot of units and I like lots of units. It's play style is original and it's somewhat balanced.

Comments on other entries:
I think all of them that were summited were pretty good to very good and it would be interesting if all the races were on the same map so you could compare easily.
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
Techtree Contest


I officially cast my ballot for:Martin Barbov

Based on the following considerations: There is something indescribably awesome about the Magical Union that I cannot shake. I always play the Caster and this is just my type of race.

Comments on other entries: They were all quite awesome, but I find the Magical Union most impressive. I would have entered my Draconic Warmongers, but I got way too many bugs. If I could vote twice, I would pick Red Baron for his Golden Saints. They are an interesting race to play and I like the Morrowind reference, whether intended or not.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Techtree Contest


I officially cast my ballot for:
Matyko's Rotting Tide

Based on the following considerations:
I personally believe it to be very orginal idea, as the use of already made units is brilliant (like the skeletons) also had soem very nice uses of the already exsisting ability's.

+ Idea
+ How well it is done
+ Unit use
- Tends to become to easy.. owns! :smile: But well it is funny
- Hero ability's isnt that special, but oh well

Comments on other entries:

Well as I cant remember any names I just gonan say the race or race specifics:

Magic Race Martin Barbov:

Could have gotten my vote too, but the bug kinda spoiled that, you cant realy have a race with such a bug...

+ Nice idea
+ Perfectly made
-- Bug!
- Some tooltips wasnt edited at all (some units)

Bandit Race by someone (?)

Well it didnt follow the reguirement as it wasnt integrated as a race....

+ Heroes was actualy quite funny
- All units from start except food and why not interegratet in game??

Demon race by someone (?)
Okay idea, but not excatly original

Creep Race by someone (?)
Nice idea.. would maybe have been 3 choice for vote

+ Idea
+ the orc upgrade (nicely made)
+ Heroes
- All units was known (ya know it was the idea, but a twist could have been funny, like some new tooltips with a history or similar)

Naga Race by NoNZealot

Idea isnt original...but surely improved

+ More units then original one, and new ideas for it
- nothing special
- The food thing... it realy didnt serve any purpose, know it was added as weakness but kinda made it useless...

I update with the rest.. cant remember more hehe

Matyko's was awesome, but I dont think im gonna vote it becaus it was way to hard to keep all the seletons alive and do much so it winded up not being to fun.

My race have nothing to do with naga or undead :thumbs_up:
Level 11
Aug 4, 2007
Techtree Contest


I officially cast my ballot for:Red Baron

Based on the following considerations:
+ very original idea
+ perfectly made
+ The Gold Golems Own !
+ also easy to use

Comments on other entries:
Matyko's was also very good but i wasnt very good with it ( Probably me, im noob at melee)
Level 3
Mar 1, 2007
Techtree Contest




Based on the following considerations

The techtree idea is just awesome,its original and creative,makes me think blizzard has made a new race pack available for download.also i think the the units and spells were bonuses.

Comments on other entries

I found some of the other techtrees were kind of bugged(crashes)
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Level 1
Jun 21, 2007
Techtree Contest


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:
His race seemed for me to be the most original idea altogether with Martin Barbov’s race, but due to the gamechrash bug in his I didn’t chose him. It has really been hard for me to judge these, as both Matyko’s, Barbov’s and RED BARON’s were all great to play, but I have to admit I didn’t play all of the other techtree’s.

Comments on other entries:

Matyko’s was a great gameidea, and very very funny to play, and a bit easy, which only made it more fun.

One of the other races, was preplaced in map…. :confused:

Very unlucky for Barbov having that bug…
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Thanks for a Great Contest!

Good Work everyone

(Know it first ends the 11, but proably wont write here before that)
It has been fun making this, and I actualy did learn something new.. Hope you all to enjoyed making your entries, and I hope all other had / will have some fun playing with them.

Just a small comment:
-..But a few more units would have been nice by this method...
I couldnt, as the obejct editor only allows it for a replaced shade... tried too make more :smile:

- A few smaller gliches (Flying Hero attacked by melee units,ect) that might have already been fixed...

Well actualy that was on purpose, else he would be to good I thought.

But anyway thanks for it Matyko, you might maybe have to change that ballot though.... it doesnt fit the requestet thing.... copy from the bottom of Wolverabids post
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Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Well, it seems that my race didn't get a single vote... too bad, I tried to make it look good but apparently forgot to make it fun to play with. I just hope a new Techtree contest will come cause i got some great ideas...

Ya not many got a vote... apperently not many people saw this tread....

But it has inded been fun participating.
Level 10
Feb 8, 2006
Well, it seems that my race didn't get a single vote... too bad, I tried to make it look good but apparently forgot to make it fun to play with. I just hope a new Techtree contest will come cause i got some great ideas...

Now Im filled with guilt that I voted on Red Baron :(
aanyways, if this contest will be remade, I also already have a new idea in progress, something that I haven't seen yet anywhere else ;)

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we are now waiting for the final answer to be given...

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