eubz said:
I already posted the suggestions. Anything new here?
Ah, I see. No, aside from this conversation (which can continue to take place), I think that's plenty of options for a Poll (more than enough). I might add "Limited Import" as an option in there (as I rather like "No Imports" for stimulating creativity, but fear that there are only so many options for such a race; could be wrong. "Limited Import", like maybe 1, might allow just the bit of 'stretch' needed to really boost the potential choices). I've got my internship starting in 2.5 weeks, so let's get this started!
There is a problem with Mini-race idea besides it already been done. Last time people simply made full races just removed tier research from buildings and used different ways to restrict more powerful units. The only real benefit is that you need to make less heroes but everything else stays.
"Already been done", true... But quite some time ago (years, IIRC?). More importantly, I disagree with the idea that each contest has to be "some big new idea"; maybe in a Modelling Contest, because tapping artists out for "steampunk" and then "mech" and then "futuristic" might be a little draining on them... But these contests are infrequent enough (and more importantly, the Theme being proposed is
de-limiting enough; every race is still available, it's just a matter of size & presentation) that I think it's more than OK.
Also, not sure what you mean here by "full races with removed tier research". The whole "using different ways to restrict more powerful units" makes sense, though, and resolves your concern in the next question I think.
VeljkoM said:
...And Naga campaign race is bad example anyway as it completely unbalanced compared to other races as they can make top tier units at tier 1 which made the weaker units pointless. Naga just looks ugly and unfinished.
I'll concede that the Naga aren't the
ideal example (due to the, yes, overpowered nature of the race (I believe Blizzard did that to compensate for having a "miniature race", however), and the Royal Guard in general), but they are the best we have and, in my opinion, more than good enough. The general idea is all there.
And I would argue otherwise; by what metric do the Naga look 'ugly'? I think they are a fascinating & colorful addition to the game, really well-built in their theme of "coral/sunken ruins/scales/fins/tridents/etc", and do almost everything the bigger races do (attack, defense, siege, magic, flying, etc).
VeljkoM said:
Anyway I think contests were usually judged by race appearance, gameplay mechanics, balance, legion (your army) and originality. So while appearance of race does mater it is 1/5th of the score.
I see your point, but I'm not sure where I was even debating the issue of "race appearance". :<
VeljkoM said:
Yeah easy theme would benefit by attracting more contestants and hopefully have more then 4 final entries unlike last contest. But we shouldn't change the point of contest in the first place and that is to make a full race. Yes it takes time but people have been doing it for the past several years.
The "point" of the contest is up for debate, and to me, it's never been that we 'have' to make a full race. It's to design an interesting, creative & cohesive techtree that shows good Design principles & is fun to play. Or whatever, I may add to that later.
Anyway, it's to make a techtree, and truncating the task to a more doable "mini-race" not only makes it easier & more approachable, but easier to test & judge, more cohesive... Overall better. Any good mini-race can be successfully expanded to a good full-race, I should think.
And on the topic of 'having more entries'... I will simply say that "by their fruits ye shall know them". If anyone wants to see what kind of contest is more successful & more productive, one need only look to
this (poll found
here) as well as
this, to see the fruits of such a contest. 143 pages, 14 entries (out of an initial, what, 20-30?); it was one of the
single-most productive & exciting contests that site ever featured (next to the awexome Hero Contests).