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Tauren Great Hall

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
A 3 tier Tauren Great Hall made by IIIНекромантIII of XGM.guru. He gave me his permission to upload his model here.

Tauren Great Hall (Model)

General Frank
Permission to upload the model was granted. Model works in-game.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Now this is fantastic. I really think we do ourselves a disservice by ignoring our wondrous Slavic modding brethren of the frozen tundra; their skills are pretty impressive.

If that weren't enough, this models fills a niche that has been bare since Wc3's inception; a good, 3-tier "home base" for the sagacious Tauren. I don't even have any plans to mod Tauren, and this is exciting.

I feel like this checks all the boxes for a good Tauren structure; it's got the tents, the totems, the horns, the rustic, natural feel. Heck, it even does this with all in-game textures! The 3 levels are made to feel pretty satisfying.

One issue, and two suggestions. First, there's no evidence of a "Stand Work"; I know there are no chimneys but c'mon, just open the door & have some light pouring out or something, man. Gotta have something.

Second, while I like it & feel it's definitely more than adequate, you'll notice that each of the original faction's Town Hall doesn't just grow a tower or a skull or something & call it a day. In fact, often entire sections are reconstructed, or covered in a different texture, or moved & replaced entirely. Yet for this one, all that happens is the addition of some pieces.

Personally, I feel like you missed out on a prime opportunity to have an actual-to-life, growing Totem pole. How much more Tauren can you get? Have this massive, central (or frontal, like you have it) Totem Pole that goes from T1 -> T2 -> T3:


Like so.

P.S. Also personally, I feel like the Chimera Roost-textured totem on the left is really 'off' compared to the rest; stands out weirdly. It's just the texture, man)

P.P.S. Please tell us there's more where that came from. I checked XGM.ru but I have a hard time navigating it. :<
Level 8
Mar 4, 2015
One issue, and two suggestions. First, there's no evidence of a "Stand Work"; I know there are no chimneys but c'mon, just open the door & have some light pouring out or something, man. Gotta have something.

There is already a work animation for the tier 1 and tier 2, it's a yellow light effect in the entrance of the building, you can check in the world editor or in-game.

P.P.S. Please tell us there's more where that came from. I checked XGM.ru but I have a hard time navigating it. :<

The only other Tauren building by the same author I have found is this one: Казармы минотавров - WarCraft 3 / Модмейкинг - XGM: Xtream Game Modmaking
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
There is already a work animation for the tier 1 and tier 2, it's a yellow light effect in the entrance of the building, you can check in the world editor or in-game.
Ah, I see. I rarely check in-game (pretty much just Trolls or elementals, if that), so I'll take your word for it.

Zavorakto said:
The only other Tauren building by the same author I have found is this one: Казармы минотавров - WarCraft 3 / Модмейкинг - XGM: Xtream Game Modmaking
Dang, that's cool too. Criminy, where are these guys? And where do they get their skillz??

Well, I'd love to see more cross-posting, whether it's you or them. Keep 'em coming. : ) And if you have their ear, put a bug in it for "Jungle Trolls". xD