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hello i have made a system for stat manipulation of heroes since i was getting annoyed w doing the math every time and trying to keep track of abilities that stacked. i think it is done but as i expect it may need improvements. it is an easy system to implement. it keeps track of all the stat manipulations u want it to. it is easy to reset the stats back after the ability has ended.
it can keep track of custom stat reductions like when unit enters region just give the abiID integer ur own custom integer ( be careful w overwriting doing it this way ). you can set a variable so when a unit is killed it can remove all stat modifications automatically. i may add some features to this but as it is its a nice simple system. this will not be affected by lvls gained, tomes, items added or dropped, or anything of tht sort. you can make the system be affected by items if u want to trigger the item stats. ( although i do not see this ever being done)
if anyone finds any bugs / improvements plz tell me.
it can keep track of custom stat reductions like when unit enters region just give the abiID integer ur own custom integer ( be careful w overwriting doing it this way ). you can set a variable so when a unit is killed it can remove all stat modifications automatically. i may add some features to this but as it is its a nice simple system. this will not be affected by lvls gained, tomes, items added or dropped, or anything of tht sort. you can make the system be affected by items if u want to trigger the item stats. ( although i do not see this ever being done)
if anyone finds any bugs / improvements plz tell me.
library StatManipulationSystem /* version
================================ Requirements =================================
Requires JNGP
*/uses Table /* [url]http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-new-table-188084/[/url] by bribe
* Alloc * [url]http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-alloc-alternative-221493/[/url] by nestharus
* Used to keep track of all buffs / debuffs that affect heroes attributes
* Installing
* STEP 1: Install JNGP first if you dont have JNGP.
* STEP 2: Install Table by bribe the link is above.
* STEP 3: Install Alloc by nestharus the link is above. You may be able to use some other alloc systems.
* STEP 4: Copy and paste this library to your map.
* struct UnitStatsManipulation extends array
* Description
* -----------------------
* You can use this system to keep track of all your buffs and debuffs that get added to a hero.
* This is MUI and allows for stacks on basis of ability 1 + ability 2 and so on.
* This does not allow stacks on basis of ability 1 + ability 1.
* You do not have to do the math for every spell with this system.
* If you use hashtables to keep track of stat manipulation in each of ur abilities then this will also save on hashtable space
* Capabilities
* -----------------------
* This will keep track of up to 8191 heroes with 1 ability buff / debuff each
* or This will keep track of 1 hero with 8191 ability buffs / debuffs
* Heres a number that is more suited to what will be able to happen in a map w 50 heroes
* - keeping track of 50 heroes with a max of 163 buffs / debuffs added to each hero
* Creators/Destructors
* -----------------------
* static method open takes string mapName, string fileName, integer flag returns File
* - Used to open a file. Pass read/write flag in to open file for reading or writing.
* method close takes nothing returns nothing
* Fields
* -----------------------
* private constant boolean REMOVE_STATS_ON_DEATH
* - This boolean allows you to remove all buffs / debuffs from unit on death
* Methods
* -----------------------
* static method resetStats takes unit u returns nothing
* - removes all bonus stats given to the unit by the use of triggers
* - linked with this system of the unit tht it takes
* static method removeStats takes unit u, integer abiID returns nothing
* - when ability is ended call this method and it will remove the bonus stats given to the unit
* static method addStatsInteger takes unit u, integer abiID, integer agi, integer intel, integer str returns nothing
* - adds stats to unit with the use of integers.
* - ex: 25 agi, 20 intel, 0 str = will add 25 agi, 20 intel and 0 str to ur unit
* static method addStatsPercent takes unit u, integer abiID, real agi, real intel, real str returns nothing
* - adds stats to unit with the use of percents given in reals. 100% is 100.00
* - ex: 100.00 agi, 20.00 intel, 1.25 str = will add 100% agi, 20% intel and 1.25% str to ur unit
* static method addStatsByLvlInteger takes unit u, integer abiID, integer agi, integer intel, integer str returns nothing
* - adds stats to unit with the use of integers determined by hero lvl.
* - ex: 25 agi, 20 intel, 0 str =
* will add 25 agi, 20 intel and 0 str to ur unit for lvl 1
* will add 50 agi, 40 intel and 0 str to ur unit for lvl 2 and so on
* static method addStatsByLvlPercent takes unit u, integer abiID, real agi, real intel, real str returns nothing
* - adds stats to unit with the use of percents given in reals determined by hero lvl. 100% is 100.00
* - ex: 100.00 agi, 20.00 intel, 1.25 str =
* will add 100% agi, 20% intel and 1.25% str to ur unit for lvl 1 and it
* will add 200% agi, 40% intel and 2.5% str to ur unit for lvl 2 and so on
private constant boolean REMOVE_STATS_ON_DEATH = true // change this to false if u do not want this to happen
private Table unitTable
private Table abilityTable
private struct bonuses extends array
implement Alloc
integer bAgi
integer bStr
integer bInt
static method create takes unit u, integer id, integer agi, integer intel, integer str returns thistype
local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
set abilityTable[ GetHandleId( u)][ id] = this
set this.bAgi = agi
set this.bInt = intel
set this.bStr = str
return this
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
call this.deallocate()
struct UnitStatsManipulation extends array
implement Alloc
private integer uAgi
private integer uStr
private integer uInt
private integer uID
private integer abilityCounter
private unit u
private integer allBonusesAgi
private integer allBonusesStr
private integer allBonusesInt
private boolean statRemovalCheck
static method resetStats takes unit u returns nothing
local thistype this = unitTable[ GetHandleId( u)]
set this.statRemovalCheck = false
call SetHeroAgi( this.u, GetHeroAgi( this.u, true) - allBonusesAgi, true)
call SetHeroInt( this.u, GetHeroInt( this.u, true) - allBonusesInt, true)
call SetHeroStr( this.u, GetHeroStr( this.u, true) - allBonusesStr, true)
set this.u = null
static method removeStats takes unit u, integer id returns nothing
local bonuses data = abilityTable[ GetHandleId( u)][ id]
local thistype this = unitTable[ GetHandleId( u)]
if this.statRemovalCheck == true then
call SetHeroAgi( this.u, GetHeroAgi( this.u, true) - data.bAgi, true)
call SetHeroInt( this.u, GetHeroInt( this.u, true) - data.bInt, true)
call SetHeroStr( this.u, GetHeroStr( this.u, true) - data.bStr, true)
set this.abilityCounter = this.abilityCounter - 1
call data.destroy()
call abilityTable.remove( GetHandleId( u))
call abilityTable.remove( id)
if this.abilityCounter == 0 then
call this.destroy()
static method addStatsInteger takes unit u, integer id, integer agi, integer intel, integer str returns nothing
local thistype this = unitTable[ GetHandleId( u)]
if not abilityTable.has( id) then
call addStats( agi, intel, str)
call bonuses.create( u, id, agi, intel, str)
static method addStatsPercent takes unit u, integer id, real agi, real intel, real str returns nothing
local thistype this = unitTable[ GetHandleId( u)]
local integer a = R2I(this.uAgi * ( agi/100))
local integer i = R2I(this.uAgi * ( intel/100))
local integer s = R2I(this.uAgi * ( str/100))
if not abilityTable.has( id) then
call addStats( a, i, s)
call bonuses.create( u, id, a, i, s)
static method addStatsByLvlInteger takes unit u, integer id, integer agi, integer intel, integer str returns nothing
local thistype this = unitTable[ GetHandleId( u)]
local integer lvl = GetHeroLevel( u)
if not abilityTable.has( id) then
set agi = agi*lvl
set intel = intel*lvl
set str = str*lvl
call addStats( agi, intel, str)
call bonuses.create( u, id, agi, intel, str)
static method addStatsByLvlPercent takes unit u, integer id, real agi, real intel, real str returns nothing
local thistype this = unitTable[ GetHandleId( u)]
local integer lvl = GetHeroLevel( u)
local integer a = lvl*R2I(this.uAgi * ( agi/100))
local integer i = lvl*R2I(this.uAgi * ( intel/100))
local integer s = lvl*R2I(this.uAgi * ( str/100))
if not abilityTable.has( id) then
call addStats( a, i, s)
call bonuses.create( u, id, a, i, s)
private method addStats takes integer a, integer i, integer s returns nothing
set this.statRemovalCheck = true
set this.allBonusesAgi = this.allBonusesAgi + a
set this.allBonusesStr = this.allBonusesInt + i
set this.allBonusesInt = this.allBonusesStr + s
set this.abilityCounter = this.abilityCounter + 1
call SetHeroAgi( this.u, GetHeroAgi( this.u, true) + a, true)
call SetHeroInt( this.u, GetHeroInt( this.u, true) + i, true)
call SetHeroStr( this.u, GetHeroStr( this.u, true) + s, true)
static method create takes unit u returns thistype
local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
local integer id = GetHandleId( u)
set this.uID = id
set this.u = u
set unitTable[ id] = this
return this
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
call unitTable.remove( this.uID)
set this.u = null
call this.deallocate()
private static method remove takes nothing returns boolean
local thistype this = unitTable[ GetHandleId( GetTriggerUnit())]
set this.statRemovalCheck = false
call SetHeroAgi( this.u, GetHeroAgi( this.u, true) - allBonusesAgi, true)
call SetHeroInt( this.u, GetHeroInt( this.u, true) - allBonusesInt, true)
call SetHeroStr( this.u, GetHeroStr( this.u, true) - allBonusesStr, true)
set this.u = null
call this.destroy()
return false
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( t, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH)
call TriggerAddCondition( t, function thistype.remove)
set unitTable = Table.create()
set abilityTable = TableArray[0x2000]
fixed indentation
version API for better readability
forgot to remove values from Table
version to remove values from Table
fixed small bug w removing stats
made the code a little neater
version the code a little neater
first version released
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