Spell Reviewer
- Joined
- May 9, 2006
- Messages
- 3,575
Yes, suggestion: Use T&S Section
LOL?I think the entire API is flawed.
I'm not an active member of this community anymore.
Feel free to edit my posts and resources however you want.
bae don't lie you can't leave. we always come back eventually
native in the entire API. force bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS = null
force array bj_FORCE_PLAYER
if IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), audience) then
call SetSoundVolume(media[this], DEFAULT_SOUND_VOLUME)
* SoundTools
* v4.0
* By -
* (Special Thanks to Rising_Dusk, Magtheridon96)
* - Allows you to play sounds immediately after creating them.
* - Uses a sound recycler to increase efficiency and save RAM.
* Requirements:
* -------------
* - Table by Bribe
* -
* - TimerUtils by Vexorian
* -
* API:
* ----
* constant integer DEFAULT_SOUND_FADE_IN_RATE
* constant integer DEFAULT_SOUND_FADE_OUT_RATE
* constant integer DEFAULT_SOUND_VOLUME
* constant integer DEFAULT_SOUND_PITCH
* struct Sound extends array
* readonly string file
* readonly integer duration
* readonly boolean looping
* readonly boolean is3D
* readonly boolean stopOnLeaveRange
* readonly integer fadeIn
* readonly integer fadeOut
* readonly string eaxSetting
* static method create takes string fileName, integer duration, boolean looping, boolean is3D returns thistype
* - Creates a sound struct given the filepath, the duration in milliseconds, whether it is looping or not, and whether it is 3D or not.
* static method createEx takes string fileName, integer duration, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopOnExitRange, integer fadeIn, integer fadeOut, string eaxSetting returns thistype
* - In addition to static method create, this allows you to specificy whether the sound stops when the player leaves range, the fadeIn/fadeOut rates and the EAX Setting.
* static method release takes sound s returns boolean
* - Releases a sound and throws it into the recycler. Also stops the sound.
* method run takes nothing returns sound
* - Plays the sound.
* method runUnit takes unit whichUnit returns sound
* - Plays the sound on a unit.
* method runPoint takes real x, real y, real z returns sound
* - Plays the sound at a point.
* method runPlayer takes player whichPlayer returns sound
* - Plays the sound for a player.
* method runEx takes integer volume, integer pitch returns sound
* - Plays the sound. This function allows you to pass in extra arguments.
* method runUnitEx takes unit whichUnit, integer volume, integer pitch returns sound
* - Plays the sound on a unit. This function allows you to pass in extra arguments.
* method runPointEx takes real x, real y, real z, integer volume, integer pitch returns sound
* - Plays the sound at a point. This function allows you to pass in extra arguments.
* method runPlayerEx takes player whichPlayer, integer volume, integer pitch returns sound
* - Plays the sound for a player. This function allows you to pass in extra arguments.
* function NewSound takes string fileName, integer duration, boolean looping, boolean is3D returns Sound
* - Creates a sound struct given the filepath, the duration in milliseconds, whether it is looping or not, and whether it is 3D or not.
* function NewSoundEx takes string fileName, integer duration, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stop, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string eax returns Sound
* - In addition to static method create, this allows you to specificy whether the sound stops when the player leaves range, the fadeIn/fadeOut rates and the EAX Setting.
* function ReleaseSound takes sound s returns boolean
* - Releases a sound and throws it into the recycler. Also stops the sound.
* function RunSound takes Sound this returns sound
* - Plays the sound.
* function RunSoundEx takes Sound this, integer volume, integer pitch returns sound
* - Plays the sound. This function allows you to pass in extra arguments.
* function RunSoundOnUnit takes Sound this, unit whichUnit returns sound
* - Plays the sound on a unit.
* function RunSoundAtPoint takes Sound this, real x, real y, real z returns sound
* - Plays the sound at a point.
* function RunSoundForPlayer takes Sound this, player p returns sound
* - Plays the sound for a player.
* function RunSoundOnUnitEx takes Sound this, unit whichUnit, integer volume, real pitch returns sound
* - Plays the sound on a unit. This function allows you to pass in extra arguments.
* function RunSoundAtPointEx takes Sound this, real x, real y, real z, integer volume, real pitch returns sound
* - Plays the sound at a point. This function allows you to pass in extra arguments.
* function RunSoundForPlayerEx takes Sound this, player p, integer volume, real pitch returns sound
* - Plays the sound for a player. This function allows you to pass in extra arguments.
* Credits:
* --------
* - Rising_Dusk (The original system)
* - Zwiebelchen (Research - He found a ton of Wc3 sound bugs and ways to fix them)
library SoundTools requires Table, TimerUtils
* Configuration
constant boolean DEFAULT_SOUND_STOPS_ON_LEAVE_RANGE = true
constant integer DEFAULT_SOUND_FADE_IN_RATE = 10
constant integer DEFAULT_SOUND_FADE_OUT_RATE = 10
constant string DEFAULT_SOUND_EAX_SETTINGS = "CombatSoundsEAX"
constant integer DEFAULT_SOUND_VOLUME = 127
constant integer DEFAULT_SOUND_PITCH = 1
private constant integer SOUND_CHANNEL = 5
private constant integer SOUND_MIN_DIST = 600
private constant integer SOUND_MAX_DIST = 10000
private constant integer SOUND_DIST_CUT = 3000
* End of Configuration
private module Inits
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
call thistype.init()
struct Sound extends array
private static Table tb = 0
private static Table pt = 0
private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
set tb = Table.create()
set pt = Table.create()
implement Inits
private static integer alloc = 0
//* Stack per instance:
//* ===================
private Table stack
private integer size
readonly string file
readonly integer duration
readonly boolean looping
readonly boolean is3D
readonly boolean stopOnLeaveRange
readonly integer fadeIn
readonly integer fadeOut
readonly string eaxSetting
private real pitch
static method createEx takes string fileName, integer dur, boolean loopng, boolean isTD, boolean stop, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string eax returns thistype
local thistype this = alloc + 1
set thistype.alloc = integer(this)
set pitch = 1
set file = fileName
set duration = dur
set looping = loopng
set is3D = isTD
set fadeIn = fadeInRate
set fadeOut = fadeOutRate
set eaxSetting = eax
set stopOnLeaveRange = stop
set stack = Table.create()
return this
static method create takes string fileName, integer dur, boolean loopng, boolean isTD returns thistype
// Credits to Zwiebelchen for this function
// He discovered a bug with sound pitches and this function was written to fix that.
method setSoundPitch takes sound s, real newPitch returns nothing
if GetSoundIsPlaying(s) or GetSoundIsLoading(s) then
call SetSoundPitch(s, 1/pitch)
call SetSoundPitch(s, newPitch)
set pitch = newPitch
elseif newPitch == 1 then
call SetSoundPitch(s, 1.0001)
set pitch = 1.0001
call SetSoundPitch(s, newPitch)
set pitch = newPitch
private static sound snd
private method get takes nothing returns sound
if (0 == size) then
* Create new sound and point it to
* Sound struct instance.
set snd = CreateSound(file, looping, is3D, stopOnLeaveRange, fadeIn, fadeOut, eaxSetting)
set pt[GetHandleId(snd)] = this
* Configure sound
call SetSoundDuration(snd, duration)
call SetSoundChannel(snd, SOUND_CHANNEL)
call SetSoundVolume(snd, 0)
call setSoundPitch(snd, DEFAULT_SOUND_PITCH)
* Proper 3D sound configuration
if is3D then
call SetSoundDistances(snd, SOUND_MIN_DIST, SOUND_MAX_DIST)
call SetSoundDistanceCutoff(snd, SOUND_DIST_CUT)
call SetSoundConeAngles(snd, 0, 0, DEFAULT_SOUND_VOLUME)
call SetSoundConeOrientation(snd, 0, 0, 0)
return snd
//* Pop:
//* ====
set size = size - 1
return stack.sound[size]
private method push takes sound s returns nothing
call SetSoundVolume(s, 0)
set stack.sound[size] = s
set size = size + 1
private static method recycle takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
local sound s = tb.sound[GetHandleId(t)]
* Stop sound and push to the
* stack.
call StopSound(s, false, true)
call thistype(GetTimerData(t)).push(s)
call ReleaseTimer(t)
set t = null
set s = null
private static integer array next
private static sound array media
private static method runSounds takes nothing returns nothing
local thistype this = next[0]
local timer t
call ReleaseTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
exitwhen (0 == this)
* Play the sound.
call StartSound(media[this])
* If it is not looping,
* we can recycle it when
* it finishes playing.
if not looping then
set t = NewTimerEx(this)
set tb.sound[GetHandleId(t)] = media[this]
call TimerStart(t, duration * 0.001, false, function thistype.recycle)
set media[this] = null
set this = next[this]
set next[0] = 0
set t = null
method run takes force audience returns sound
debug if (0 == this) then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[SoundTools]Error: Attempted to play null sound.")
debug return null
debug endif
if next[0] == 0 then
call TimerStart(NewTimer(), 0, false, function thistype.runSounds)
if media[this] == null then
set next[this] = next[0]
set next[0] = this
set media[this] = this.get()
debug else
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[SoundTools]Warning: Attempted to run the same sound twice.")
if IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), audience) then
call SetSoundVolume(media[this], DEFAULT_SOUND_VOLUME)
return media[this]
method runEx takes integer volume, integer newPitch, force audience returns sound
set snd =
if IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), audience) then
call SetSoundVolume(media[this], volume)
call setSoundPitch(snd, newPitch)
return snd
static method release takes sound s returns boolean
local integer id = GetHandleId(s)
if s == null then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[SoundTools]Error: Attempted to release a null sound.")
return false
elseif pt[id] == 0 then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[SoundTools]Error: Attempted to release a sound not allocated by RunSound.")
return false
* Stop the sound and push it
* to the stack.
call StopSound(s, false, true)
call thistype(pt[id]).push(s)
return true
method runUnit takes unit whichUnit, force audience returns sound
set snd = run(audience)
call AttachSoundToUnit(snd, whichUnit)
return snd
method runUnitEx takes unit whichUnit, integer volume, integer newPitch. force audience returns sound
set snd = runUnit(whichUnit)
if IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), audience) then
call SetSoundVolume(snd, volume)
call setSoundPitch(snd, newPitch)
return snd
method runPoint takes real x, real y, real z, force audience returns sound
set snd = run(audience)
call SetSoundPosition(snd, x, y, z)
return snd
method runPointEx takes real x, real y, real z, integer volume, integer newPitch, force audience returns sound
set snd = runPoint(audience, x, y, z)
if IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), audience) then
call SetSoundVolume(snd, volume)
call setSoundPitch(snd, newPitch)
return snd
function NewSoundEx takes string fileName, integer duration, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stop, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string eax returns Sound
return Sound.createEx(fileName, duration, looping, is3D, stop, fadeInRate, fadeOutRate, eax)
function NewSound takes string fileName, integer duration, boolean looping, boolean is3D returns Sound
return Sound.create(fileName, duration, looping, is3D)
function RunSound takes Sound this, force audience returns sound
function RunSoundEx takes Sound this, integer volume, integer pitch, force audience returns sound
return this.runEx(volume, pitch, audience)
function ReleaseSound takes sound s returns boolean
return Sound.release(s)
function RunSoundOnUnit takes Sound this, unit whichUnit, force audience returns sound
return this.runUnit(audience, whichUnit, audience)
function RunSoundOnUnitEx takes Sound this, unit whichUnit, integer volume, integer pitch, force audience returns sound
return this.runUnitEx(whichUnit, volume, pitch, audience)
function RunSoundAtPoint takes Sound this, real x, real y, real z, force audience returns sound
return this.runPoint(x, y, z, audience)
function RunSoundAtPointEx takes Sound this, real x, real y, real z, integer volume, integer pitch, force audience returns sound
return this.runPointEx(x, y, z, volume, pitch, audience)
ah, sad...Magtheridon96 said:I'm not an active member of this community anymore.
Feel free to edit my posts and resources however you want.