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- Dec 12, 2008
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This system allows to you to create game commands and modes.
You can assign a function callback for whenever this command/mode is used.
For a player to use a certain command/mode, you must authorize him.
This also allows you to give a certain player the ability to select a game mode.
You can also lock a player rendering him unable to use anything.
This makes the system faster, because then it won't have to go
through the loop for nothing.
Each mode has a boolean 'flag'.
This boolean can be used any way you desire.
For example, you could use it to indicate an activated mode.
This system allows several mode strings to be accepted in the same string.
Here's the Demo:
Contructive critisism will be accepted and is highly appreciated = )
Please give credits if used.
You can assign a function callback for whenever this command/mode is used.
For a player to use a certain command/mode, you must authorize him.
This also allows you to give a certain player the ability to select a game mode.
You can also lock a player rendering him unable to use anything.
This makes the system faster, because then it won't have to go
through the loop for nothing.
Each mode has a boolean 'flag'.
This boolean can be used any way you desire.
For example, you could use it to indicate an activated mode.
This system allows several mode strings to be accepted in the same string.
* Mode Manager
* v6.0.0.1
* By Magtheridon96
* - Allows you to create game modes and commands.
* - Max Modes/Commands: 682 (<9000)
* * If you require a higher mode cap, contact me.
* Requires:
* ---------
* - StringIndexer by Magtheridon96
* - hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-stringindexer-208187/
* API:
* ----
* - struct GameMode extends array
* - static boolean enabled
* - Enables/Disables System.
* - method operator flag takes nothing returns boolean
* - method operator flag= takes boolean b returns nothing
* - For users to store a boolean in an instance of GameMode
* - method authorize takes integer id returns nothing
* - method unauthorize takes integer id returns nothing
* - method isPlayerAuthorized takes integer id returns boolean
* - Used to manage Player Authorization for certain modes/commands.
* - static method lockPlayer takes integer id returns nothing
* - static method unlockPlayer takes integer id returns nothing
* - static method isPlayerLocked takes integer id returns boolean
* - Used to manage Player Authentication. If a player is authorized
* for a few modes and you lock him, he will be rendered unable to use
* anything. When you unlock him, he will be able to use all of the
* modes you authorized him for.
* - static method create takes string cd, boolean m, boolexpr b returns thistype
* - Creates a new mode/command.
* - function CreateGameMode takes string modeString, code func returns GameMode
* - function CreateGameCommand takes string commandString, code func returns GameMode
* - function AuthorizePlayerForGameModeById takes GameMode m, integer i returns nothing
* - function AuthorizePlayerForGameMode takes GameMode m, player p returns nothing
* - function UnauthorizePlayerForGameModeById takes GameMode m, integer i returns nothing
* - function UnauthorizePlayerForGameMode takes GameMode m, player p returns nothing
* - function IsPlayerAuthorizedForGameModeById takes GameMode m, integer i returns boolean
* - function IsPlayerAuthorizedForGameMode takes GameMode m, player p returns boolean
* - function LockPlayerFromGameModesById takes integer i returns nothing
* - function LockPlayerFromGameModes takes player p returns nothing
* - function UnlockPlayerFromGameModesById takes integer i returns nothing
* - function UnlockPlayerFromGameModes takes player p returns nothing
* - function IsPlayerLockedFromGameModesById takes integer i returns boolean
* - function IsPlayerLockedFromGameModes takes player p returns boolean
* - function SetGameModeData takes GameMode m, boolean b returns nothing
* - function GetGameModeData takes GameMode m returns boolean
* - function EnableGameModes takes nothing returns nothing
* - function DisableGameModes takes nothing returns nothing
* - function GameModesEnabled takes nothing return boolean
library ModeManager requires StringIndexer
// **** Configuration ****
private constant string MODE_CHAR = "-" // This character will be used to indicate a command/mode.
private constant integer MODE_CHAR_LENGTH = 1 // This is the length of the MODE_CHARACTER
private constant integer MODE_LENGTH = 2 // This is the length of each command/mode string
// **** End Configuration ****
struct GameMode extends array
private static trigger TRIGGER = CreateTrigger()
private static boolean e = true
private static boolexpr array func
private static boolean array mode
private static boolean array authorized
private static boolean array locked
private static boolean array data
private static boolean array allocated
static method enable takes nothing returns nothing
set e = true
static method disable takes nothing returns nothing
set e = false
static method operator enabled takes nothing returns boolean
return e
method operator flag takes nothing returns boolean
return data[this]
method operator flag= takes boolean b returns nothing
set data[this] = b
method authorize takes integer id returns nothing
debug if 0 > id or 15 < id then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Attempted to authorize an invalid player!")
debug return
debug endif
set authorized[this * 12 + id] = true
method unauthorize takes integer id returns nothing
debug if 0 > id or 15 < id then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Attempted to unauthorize an invalid player!")
debug return
debug endif
set authorized[this * 12 + id] = false
method isPlayerAuthorized takes integer id returns boolean
debug if 0 > id or 15 < id then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Attempted to evaluate an invalid player!")
debug return false
debug endif
return authorized[this * 12 + id]
static method lockPlayer takes integer id returns nothing
debug if 0 > id or 15 < id then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Attempted to lock a null player.")
debug return
debug endif
set locked[id] = true
static method unlockPlayer takes integer id returns nothing
debug if 0 > id or 15 < id then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Attempted to unlock a null player.")
debug return
debug endif
set locked[id] = false
static method isPlayerLocked takes integer id returns boolean
debug if 0 > id or 15 < id then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Attempted to evaluate a null player!")
debug return false
debug endif
return locked[id]
static method create takes string text, boolean isMode, code c returns thistype
local thistype this = IndexString(text)
debug if allocated[this] then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Warning: Attempted to overwrite mode data for an existing mode!")
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Registeration Terminated!")
debug return 0
debug endif
debug if MODE_LENGTH != StringLength(text) then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Failed to register " + text + "!")
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Invalid String Length!")
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Registeration Terminated!")
debug return 0
debug endif
debug if c == null then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Invalid boolexpr!")
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Registeration Terminated!")
debug return 0
debug endif
// Data storage
set mode[this] = isMode
set func[this] = Filter(c)
// Safety
set allocated[this] = true
return this
private static method filterSpace takes string s returns string
local string new = ""
local string tmp = ""
local integer index = 0
local integer length = StringLength(s)
exitwhen index >= length
set tmp = SubString(s, index, index + 1)
if " " != tmp then
set new = new + tmp
set index = index + 1
return new
private static method run takes nothing returns boolean
local thistype this
local integer index = MODE_CHAR_LENGTH
local integer id = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
local integer length
local string str
// If you disabled the system, it won't run
if e and not locked[id] then
call TriggerClearConditions(TRIGGER)
// Remove all spaces from chat string
set str = filterSpace(StringCase(GetEventPlayerChatString(), false))
set length = StringLength(str)
// Loop through all the substrings in the chat string that have a length of MODE_LENGTH
// We will start after the MODE_CHAR
exitwhen index >= length
// Get current instance through pointer Table
set this = GetStringId(SubString(str, index, index + MODE_LENGTH))
// Check if the instance is not null and
// the player is authorized
if authorized[this * 12 + id] and allocated[this] then
// Check if it's a mode string
if mode[this] then
// Add function to trigger
call TriggerAddCondition(TRIGGER, func[this])
// Check if it's a command string and it's the first one encountered
elseif not mode[this] and index == MODE_CHAR_LENGTH then
// Add function to trigger
call TriggerAddCondition(TRIGGER, func[this])
exitwhen true
// Increase index to get next string
set index = index + MODE_LENGTH
return TriggerEvaluate(TRIGGER)
return false
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local integer i = 11
local player p
debug if MODE_CHAR_LENGTH != StringLength(MODE_CHAR) then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: System Terminated!")
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Invalid integer (MODE_CHAR_LENGTH)")
debug return
debug endif
debug if 0 >= MODE_LENGTH then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: System Terminated!")
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "[Mode Manager]Error: Invalid integer (MODE_LENGTH)")
debug return
debug endif
// Loop through active players
set p = Player(i)
// If the player is available and happens to be a user (Non-computer)
if GetPlayerSlotState(p) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING and GetPlayerController(p) == MAP_CONTROL_USER then
// Register the event for this player
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t, p, MODE_CHAR, false)
exitwhen i == 0
set i = i - 1
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function thistype.run))
set t = null
set p = null
function CreateGameMode takes string modeString, code func returns GameMode
return GameMode.create(modeString, true, func)
function CreateGameCommand takes string commandString, boolean executeOnce, code func returns GameMode
return GameMode.create(commandString, false, func)
function AuthorizePlayerForGameModeById takes GameMode m, integer i returns nothing
call m.authorize(i)
function AuthorizePlayerForGameMode takes GameMode m, player p returns nothing
call m.authorize(GetPlayerId(p))
function UnauthorizePlayerForGameModeById takes GameMode m, integer i returns nothing
call m.unauthorize(i)
function UnauthorizePlayerForGameMode takes GameMode m, player p returns nothing
call m.unauthorize(GetPlayerId(p))
function IsPlayerAuthorizedForGameModeById takes GameMode m, integer i returns boolean
return m.isPlayerAuthorized(i)
function IsPlayerAuthorizedForGameMode takes GameMode m, player p returns boolean
return m.isPlayerAuthorized(GetPlayerId(p))
function LockPlayerFromGameModesById takes integer i returns nothing
call GameMode.lockPlayer(i)
function LockPlayerFromGameModes takes player p returns nothing
call GameMode.lockPlayer(GetPlayerId(p))
function UnlockPlayerFromGameModesById takes integer i returns nothing
call GameMode.unlockPlayer(i)
function UnlockPlayerFromGameModes takes player p returns nothing
call GameMode.unlockPlayer(GetPlayerId(p))
function IsPlayerLockedFromGameModesById takes integer i returns boolean
return GameMode.isPlayerLocked(i)
function IsPlayerLockedFromGameModes takes player p returns boolean
return GameMode.isPlayerLocked(GetPlayerId(p))
function SetGameModeData takes GameMode m, boolean b returns nothing
set m.flag = b
function GetGameModeData takes GameMode m returns boolean
return m.flag
function EnableGameModes takes nothing returns nothing
call GameMode.enable()
function DisableGameModes takes nothing returns nothing
call GameMode.disable()
function GameModesEnabled takes nothing returns boolean
return GameMode.enabled
Here's the Demo:
struct Demo extends array
private static GameMode Allpick
private static GameMode Allrandom
private static GameMode Onlymid
private static GameMode Fastrespawn
private static GameMode Movespeed
private static GameMode Myenemies
static method print takes string s returns nothing
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, s)
// Good examples on how to stop mode collisions and avoiding
// functions running more than once.
static method ap takes nothing returns nothing
if not Allpick.flag and not Allrandom.flag then
call print("MODE Allpick")
set Allpick.flag = true
static method ar takes nothing returns nothing
if not Allpick.flag and not Allrandom.flag then
call print("MODE Allrandom")
set Allrandom.flag = true
static method ms takes nothing returns nothing
call print("COMMAND Movespeed")
static method om takes nothing returns nothing
if not Onlymid.flag then
call print("MODE Onlymid")
set Onlymid.flag = true
static method ma takes nothing returns nothing
call print("COMMAND Myenemies")
static method fr takes nothing returns nothing
if not Fastrespawn.flag then
call print("MODE Fastrespawn")
set Fastrespawn.flag = true
private static method reset takes nothing returns boolean
set Allpick.flag = false
set Allrandom.flag = false
set Onlymid.flag = false
set Fastrespawn.flag = false
return false
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
set Allpick = GameMode.create("ap", true, function thistype.ap)
set Onlymid = GameMode.create("om", true, function thistype.om)
set Allrandom = GameMode.create("ar", true, function thistype.ar)
set Fastrespawn = GameMode.create("fr", true, function thistype.fr)
set Movespeed = GameMode.create("ms", false, function thistype.ms)
set Myenemies = GameMode.create("ma", false, function thistype.ma)
call Allpick.authorize(0)
call Allrandom.authorize(0)
call Onlymid.authorize(0)
call Fastrespawn.authorize(0)
call Movespeed.authorize(0)
call Myenemies.authorize(0)
call print("[Mode Manager]Available Mode strings: ap, ar, om, fr")
call print("[Mode Manager]Available Command strings: ms, ma")
call print("[Mode Manager]To activate a mode, type \"-\" followed by a queue of mode strings")
call print("[Mode Manager]To run a command, type \"-\" followed by a single command string")
call print("[Mode Manager]You cannot activate the same mode twice. To reset a mode, type \"-reset\"")
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(t, Player(0), "-reset", true)
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function thistype.reset))
set t = null
Contructive critisism will be accepted and is highly appreciated = )
Please give credits if used.
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