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- May 9, 2014
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A simple unit event generalizing library that uses UnitDex (by TriggerHappy) for leak clean-up. It can be used for creating generic versions of unit events which do not have a corresponding player unit event and either perfecting the behavior of the event to be detectable or be used for further insight on certain unit events.
This utilizes a naive bucket method, wherein the distribution of units to their own buckets is done procedurally, analogous to filling up 10 buckets with water, one bucket at a time.
This could be used to unearth possible exploits which have not been seen before or add a twist to existing ones.
library GenericUnitEvent /*
*/ requires /*
*/ UnitDex /*
#? GroupUtils
#? WorldBounds
By TriggerHappy:
link: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/system-unitdex-unit-indexer.248209/
*/ Table /*
By Bribe:
link: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/snippet-new-table.188084/
*/ ListT /*
## Table
# Alloc
By Bannar:
link: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/containers-list-t.249011/page-2#post-3271599
| |
| GenericUnitEvent |
| - MyPad |
| |
| Restrictions:
| - Units cannot be manually deindexed, as the system treats such an event
| as a unit removal event.
| Description:
| - A library which makes unitevent exclusive events easy to register and
| listen to. Essentially extends unitevent to pseudo-playerunitevent.
| - Makes damage detection a breeze, as well as target acquisition
| and target in range events.
| API:
| struct GenericUnitEvent:
| static method listen(unitevent whichEvent) -> StubUnitEvent
| - Enables the system to listen to that specified unitevent.
| static method registerUnit(unit whichUnit) -> boolean
| - Registers a unit to the list of listened unitevents.
| This is automatically called on unit creation
| if REGISTER_ON_STARTUP is set to true. (Default)
| struct StubUnitEvent:
| method addHandler(code callback) -> triggercondition
| - Adds a callback function to be invoked upon the execution
| of a certain event.
| method removeHandler(triggercondition cond)
| - Removes a callback function from a certain event.
| Functions:
| function RegisterUnitEvent(unitevent whichEvent, code callback) -> triggercondition
| - Executes a condensed version of the code, without having to deal too much
| with structs.
| function RegisterAnyUnitEvent(unitevent uv, code c) -> triggercondition
| - A deprecated function that invokes RegisterUnitEvent.
| function RegisterUnitEventById(integer id, code callback) -> trggercondition
| - Internally calls RegisterUnitEvent
| function GetUnitEventId() -> unitevent
| - Returns the triggering event in parallel with GetTriggerEventId()
| Can also persist where GetTriggerEventId might fail.
| Changelogs:
| v.1.1 - Rewritten the entire library.
| - Removed SetUnitBucketSize.
| v.1.0 - Release
| Programmer notes:
| In the previous version, the following would compile:
| local integer i
| call GenericUnitEvent(i).addHandler(code callback)
| Now, the lines above would no longer compile. Instead, try this:
| call GenericUnitEvent.listen(yourUnitEvent).addHandler(code callback)
| Credits:
| - AGD for the inputs on this system.
| - Nestharus for the ideal management
| of the linked list structure
| (Which the rewrite was guided on)
| - Bribe for Table (The HIVE one)
| - Bannar for ListT
native UnitAlive takes unit id returns Boolean
private constant boolean REGISTER_ON_STARTUP = true
private constant boolean ADVANCED_DEBUG = false
private constant integer MAX_BUCKET_SIZE = 5
private constant integer REFRESH_AMOUNT = 3
private function DuplicateList takes IntegerList whichList returns IntegerList
local IntegerList newList = IntegerList.create()
local IntegerListItem iter = whichList.first
exitwhen iter == 0
call newList.push(iter.data)
set iter = iter.next
return newList
private module Initializer
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
call thistype.init()
private struct StubUnitEvent extends array
implement Alloc
private static Table eventMap = 0
readonly unitevent event
readonly trigger handlerTrig
method removeHandler takes triggercondition cond returns nothing
call TriggerRemoveCondition(this.handlerTrig, cond)
method addHandler takes code callback returns triggercondition
return TriggerAddCondition(this.handlerTrig, Condition(callback))
static method peek takes eventid whichId returns thistype
return eventMap[GetHandleId(whichId)]
static method request takes unitevent whichEvent returns thistype
local thistype this = eventMap[GetHandleId(whichEvent)]
if this == 0 then
set this = .allocate()
set this.event = whichEvent
set this.handlerTrig = CreateTrigger()
set eventMap[GetHandleId(whichEvent)] = this
return this
private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
set thistype.eventMap = Table.create()
implement Initializer
struct GenericUnitEvent extends array
implement Alloc
private static code registerPointer = null
private static group swap = null
private static group container = null
private static group tempRegContain = null
private static Table stubMap = 0
private static IntegerList stubList = 0
private static IntegerList array reqList
private static integer removeCount = 0
// For GenericUnitEvent members
private trigger detector
private group groupHolder
private integer unitsRegistered
private integer unitsRemoved
private IntegerList reqListPointer
private IntegerListItem reqListItem
// For UnitDex members only
private static boolean array existsForIndex
private static thistype array keyGroup
// Iterate over global group
private static StubUnitEvent tempStub = 0
static if ADVANCED_DEBUG then
debug private static boolean stackTrace = false
debug private static thistype stackObject = 0
readonly static unitevent execUnitEvent = null
private static method onEventExecution takes nothing returns nothing
local StubUnitEvent object = StubUnitEvent.peek(GetTriggerEventId())
local unitevent lastEv
if object != 0 then
set lastEv = .execUnitEvent
set .execUnitEvent = object.event
if IsTriggerEnabled(object.handlerTrig) then
call TriggerEvaluate(object.handlerTrig)
set .execUnitEvent = lastEv
set lastEv = null
private method destruct takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u
local integer id
call DestroyTrigger(this.detector)
set u = FirstOfGroup(this.groupHolder)
set id = GetUnitId(u)
exitwhen u == null
set keyGroup[id] = 0
set existsForIndex[id] = false
call GroupRemoveUnit(.container, u)
call GroupRemoveUnit(this.groupHolder, u)
call GroupAddUnit(.tempRegContain, u)
call DestroyGroup(this.groupHolder)
call this.reqListPointer.erase(this.reqListItem)
static if ADVANCED_DEBUG then
debug set .stackTrace = true
debug set .stackObject = this
call ForForce(bj_FORCE_PLAYER[0], .registerPointer)
static if ADVANCED_DEBUG then
debug set .stackTrace = false
set .removeCount = .removeCount - this.unitsRemoved
set this.unitsRegistered = 0
set this.unitsRemoved = 0
set this.reqListPointer = 0
set this.reqListItem = 0
set this.groupHolder = null
set this.detector = null
call this.deallocate()
private static method construct takes nothing returns thistype
local thistype this = .allocate()
set this.detector = CreateTrigger()
set this.groupHolder = CreateGroup()
call TriggerAddCondition(this.detector, Condition(function thistype.onEventExecution))
return this
private static method onNewStubUnitEvent takes StubUnitEvent temp returns nothing
local unit u = FirstOfGroup(.container)
local group tempSwap = .swap
local integer id = GetUnitId(u)
exitwhen u == null
call GroupRemoveUnit(.container, u)
call GroupAddUnit(.swap, u)
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(keyGroup[id].detector, u, temp.event)
set u = FirstOfGroup(.container)
set id = GetUnitId(u)
set .swap = .container
set .container = tempSwap
set tempSwap = null
set u = null
private static method onListenCallback takes nothing returns nothing
call thistype.onNewStubUnitEvent(.tempStub)
static method registerUnit takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
local integer id = GetUnitId(whichUnit)
local thistype this
local IntegerListItem iter
if (id == 0) or existsForIndex[id] then
return false
// Find out if there are any instances that need to be filled up.
if .reqList[1].size() != 0 then
set this = .reqList[1].first.data
static if ADVANCED_DEBUG then
debug if .stackTrace then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 50000, "GenericUnitEvent::registerUnit -> Bucket retrieval type:: Node reference")
debug endif
set this = thistype.construct()
static if ADVANCED_DEBUG then
debug if .stackTrace then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 50000, "GenericUnitEvent::registerUnit -> Bucket retrieval type:: Node creation")
debug endif
call .reqList[0].push(this)
set this.reqListPointer = .reqList[1]
set this.reqListItem = .reqList[1].push(this).last
static if ADVANCED_DEBUG then
debug if .stackTrace then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 50000, "GenericUnitEvent::registerUnit -> Bucket instance identified {" + I2S(this) + "}")
debug endif
call GroupAddUnit(.container, whichUnit)
set this.unitsRegistered = this.unitsRegistered + 1
call GroupAddUnit(this.groupHolder, whichUnit)
set existsForIndex[id] = true
set keyGroup[id] = this
// Register all StubUnitEvents for the unit
set iter = .stubList.first
exitwhen iter == 0
call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(this.detector, whichUnit, StubUnitEvent(iter.data).event)
set iter = iter.next
if this.unitsRegistered >= MAX_BUCKET_SIZE then
call this.reqListPointer.erase(this.reqListItem)
set this.reqListPointer = .reqList[2]
set this.reqListItem = .reqList[2].push(this).last
return true
private static method deregisterUnit takes unit whichUnit returns boolean
local integer id = GetUnitId(whichUnit)
local thistype this
if (id == 0) or (not existsForIndex[id]) or UnitAlive(whichUnit) then
return false
set this = keyGroup[id]
// If previously belonging to a full list, move it to list that requests filling up
if this.reqListPointer == .reqList[2] then
call .reqList[2].erase(this.reqListItem)
set this.reqListPointer = .reqList[1]
set this.reqListItem = .reqList[1].unshift(this).first
call GroupRemoveUnit(.container, whichUnit)
call GroupRemoveUnit(this.groupHolder, whichUnit)
set keyGroup[id] = 0
set existsForIndex[id] = false
set this.unitsRegistered = this.unitsRegistered - 1
set this.unitsRemoved = this.unitsRemoved + 1
set .removeCount = .removeCount + 1
if (this.unitsRemoved >= REFRESH_AMOUNT) then
static if ADVANCED_DEBUG then
debug if .stackTrace then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 50000, "GenericUnitEvent::deregisterUnit -> calling .destruct() {Attribute: " + I2S(this) + "}")
debug endif
call this.destruct()
static if ADVANCED_DEBUG then
debug if .stackTrace then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 50000, "GenericUnitEvent::deregisterUnit -> .destruct() procedure finished!")
debug endif
elseif ((.reqList[0].size() > 2) and (.removeCount >= REFRESH_AMOUNT*.reqList[0].size()/2)) then
set .reqList[3] = DuplicateList(.reqList[1])
exitwhen .reqList[3].first == 0
call thistype(.reqList[3].first.data).destruct()
call .reqList[3].shift()
call .reqList[3].destroy()
set .reqList[3] = 0
return true
static method listen takes unitevent whichEvent returns StubUnitEvent
local StubUnitEvent object = StubUnitEvent.request(whichEvent)
if not .stubMap.has(object) then
set .stubMap[object] = stubList.push(object).last
set .tempStub = object
call ForForce(bj_FORCE_PLAYER[0], function thistype.onListenCallback)
return object
private static method onReRegister takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u
local integer id
set u = FirstOfGroup(.tempRegContain)
set id = GetUnitId(u)
exitwhen u == null
call thistype.registerUnit(u)
call GroupRemoveUnit(.tempRegContain, u)
private static method onUnitExit takes nothing returns nothing
call thistype.deregisterUnit(GetIndexedUnit())
static if REGISTER_ON_STARTUP then
private static method onUnitEnter takes nothing returns nothing
call thistype.registerUnit(GetIndexedUnit())
private static method initListener takes nothing returns nothing
static if REGISTER_ON_STARTUP then
call OnUnitIndex(function thistype.onUnitEnter)
call OnUnitDeindex(function thistype.onUnitExit)
private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
set thistype.swap = CreateGroup()
set thistype.container = CreateGroup()
set thistype.tempRegContain = CreateGroup()
set thistype.registerPointer = function thistype.onReRegister
set thistype.stubMap = Table.create()
set thistype.stubList = IntegerList.create()
// Holds all instances
set thistype.reqList[0] = IntegerList.create()
// Holds instances that are in need of filling up
set thistype.reqList[1] = IntegerList.create()
// Holds instances that are already filled up.
set thistype.reqList[2] = IntegerList.create()
call thistype.initListener()
implement Initializer
function RegisterUnitEvent takes unitevent whichEvent, code callback returns triggercondition
return GenericUnitEvent.listen(whichEvent).addHandler(callback)
function RegisterAnyUnitEvent takes unitevent uv, code c returns triggercondition
debug call BJDebugMsg("GenericUnitEvent::RegisterAnyUnitEvent -> This has been deprecated, please use GenericUnitEvent::RegisterUnitEvent instead.")
return RegisterUnitEvent(uv, c)
function RegisterUnitEventById takes integer id, code callback returns triggercondition
return RegisterUnitEvent(ConvertUnitEvent(id), callback)
function GetUnitEventId takes nothing returns unitevent
return GenericUnitEvent.execUnitEvent
This could be used to unearth possible exploits which have not been seen before or add a twist to existing ones.
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