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Super Smash Bros Brawl Survival!

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Level 4
May 15, 2008
mmm i have a susgestion of one spell:

kirvy souls:

efects: kirby get divide in its 4 clones (from the gba game) and each one have its own power, if one of the kirbyes surival after the spell end, kirby going to reborn! jeje based on the pandarenbrewn master

mana: 500

meltdown time: last 2 minutes (get more duration when level up)

im working on kirby swordman and each hat of atachement, also i have seen a new pikachu model, its in the videogame rpg theme by veil
Level 4
May 15, 2008
i nowk all my ideas are interesing :p but i are making the hats, also a model of kirby swordmen, it going to have defend animation whit a shield, the ice kirby like the animtion of suck all, but reverse to spit the ice, same thing whit the fire kirby, hat whit fire particles and same animation of ice, and a kirby hammer! these are the 4 parts of kirby!! also i ca make the cook hat and the ingredients to smash final!
Level 4
May 10, 2009
Just letting you know your forum is a mess at the top... It says
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