03:57, 31st Jul 2010
ap0calypse: Approved
ap0calypse: Approved
Places Like: | |
Coruscant | Mustafar |
Mandalore | Kashyyyk |
Hoth | Cloud City |
Kamino | Mechis III |
Utapau | Naboo |
Dagobah | Tatooine |
Geonosis | Mon Calamari |
Endor |
Units Like: | |
Quarren | Wookies |
Tusken Raiders | Jawas |
Wampas | Jedi |
Mynocks | HK-47’s |
Battle Droids | Sith |
Mandalorians | AT-AT’s |
Heroes Like: | |
OOM-9 | Chewbacca |
Admiral Ackbar | Starkiller |
Lord Sidious | Darth Vader |
Darth Yoda | Jar Jar |
*added bridge between Endor/Hoth
*added more water to Kamino
*made LVD mode only have 11 chooseable places
*created 8 heroes with 25 custome abilities
*created the Maw Installation
*fixed the Maw
*credited more sources
*nerfed hero hp but beefed hp regen.
*some text stuff
*possibly fixed randomizing bug
*if a player leaves all their units die
-==1.5 & 1.6==-
*nerfed arcs, i might have accidently nerfed them 2 times in a row because i was confused, my bad haha
*seriously fixed player leave scenario
*nerfed heroes
*fixed text when orange leaves
*created hyperspace routs
*added Darth Vader/Luke Skywalker
*tweaked some unit stats/sounds/icon
*minor terrain changes
*tweaked alot of stats, particulry with heroes
*units bobbing up and down at death should stop
*minor terrain editing
*name changed to Star Wars Galactic Risk
*added hero cap of 1
*tweaked mandalorians
*hero xp comes slower now
*added tips that come every so often
*abilities adjusted
*3 heroes added, clone commander, IG-88, sidious
*at-at = the real beast as it should be
*boba/grievous mana doesnt suck now
*players informed if someone made a hero
*New Mode: Faction
*some text stuff fixed/added
*That nuetral region bug should be fixed completly, thanks risk_fan2
*added 6 heroes: Darth Yoda, OOM-9 (AAT), General Veers (AT-AT), Darth Revan, Chewbacca, Galen Marek
*added/modified abunch of abilities
*qui gon now on tatooine, luke at cloud city, naboo plains now build just droids/OOM-9
*redid the user intferface since it was obliterated by a fault hiveworkshop tutorial -_-
*changed up some terrain/doodads on Coruscant
*Fixed Faction bug... i think
*some icon/text shifting
*Priwin Risk System 1.4 Implimented
*added -name system
*tooltips re-made... all 100+ of them..
*units tweaked
*some text changes all around
*slight region changes
*text additions/changes
*pathing blockers added to certain places
*doodads added to pretty up bland terrain
*increased unit spawns to 2-4 golds worth, instead of 1-2
*region spawn model changed
*created like 7 or so new units
*added previously unused units into races
*terrain completly re organized
*space is now playable
*units completly redone
*heroes completly redone
*now 140 cities opposed to 90
*16 planets instead of 20ish
*race mode temporarily innoperative
*Race Mode Fixed
*Bounty Fixed
*Added Tusken Raiders Race Faction
*Spaced out planets
*Replaced Imperial Shuttle with V-wing
*New minimap image ^^
*Text/information changes/additions
*Space Unit Sounds added
*Fixed -=THE=- bug with unit captureing! yayyy
*switched v-wing with new model (hopefully this one doesnt have bugs)
*Re-did Space Units, now has fighter, transport, frigate
*New skin to engineer, now is set to automaticlly repair
*Added hot keys to space units
*Added Medical Droid to space ports
*Select New Defender hot key changed [Z] (before Q)
*Minor text edits throughout the game
Inspired By: Middle Earth Risk 6.23 (N)
Risk Triggers By: Priwin aka risk_fan2
Huge Thanks to: Wookiepedia & The Hive Workshop
Appreciation to: ISRAELI, Hell_Lord, HELL_YA, Scarlet_Flames, bxbmilk & bleek75
Olofmoleman: Hoth Blaster/Gungan/Ewok/Horsetail/Treefern/ araucaria/ AAT/Droideka/Clones/techno union/at-st/Tusken Raider /Boba Fett
Mr. Bob:Scout Droid/Factory/Outpost/chinatown3/greek temple/Tusken Tent/Catapult
Illidan(Evil)X: Naboo buildings/Lasers/Skiff/lightsaber
General Frank: Crossbowman/FTF Light Infantry
Kofi_Banan: 5 Robot Squad/BuildingNew
AT-AT By Klarnetist
Space Tile by wertyn
Green Gride Tile By supermj
Prototank V1 By Kitabatake
Walls/Doors By Pyramidhe@d
COP Thing By killst4r
Consoles By Trollschnitzel
Oinker Cube By Goldwolf
Ruined Head/Hand By Buster
Tatooine Home By super_pole
SniperLaser By Ergius
Demon Bolt By Sopho
Space Marine skin By Tomura
Cyborg Spider By iristle
Robot Illiden By Juice_F
Junkyard By donut3.5
Jedi (with robe) By l0w_kwaliti
Darth Reven By Nasrudin