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Stacraft 2 : Join the petition for linux playability

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Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
Greetings everyone.

Starcraft 2, blizzard's upcoming game is going to be released soon (or late) in this year, and I'd like to see it on another thing than windows & mac, named Linux.

Some people under us might know or even use Linux, although, I started to use it and I think it is great.
But I am a gamer too, and if you didn't knew : Linux makes it hard to install some games.

For this, there is a long petition running to get starcraft 2 installable on linux too.
I hope people will join the petition and sign for the support of Linux gamers.
With more luck, Blizzard Entertainment might add on all their new games a Linux game installer.

The link : http://new.petitiononline.com/ibpfl/petition.html

I hope some people under you support it.

~- Heero
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Greetings everyone.

Starcraft 2, blizzard's upcoming game is going to be released soon (or late) in this year, and I'd like to see it on another thing than windows & mac, named Linux.

Some people under us might know or even use Linux, although, I started to use it and I think it is great.
But I am a gamer too, and if you didn't knew : Linux makes it hard to install some games.

For this, there is a long petition running to get starcraft 2 installable on linux too.
I hope people will join the petition and sign for the support of Linux gamers.
With more luck, Blizzard Entertainment might add on all their new games a Linux game installer.

The link : http://new.petitiononline.com/ibpfl/petition.html

I hope some people under you support it.

~- Heero

They have already stated that they WONT! And will NOT! Make it for any console nor anything else than Windows and Apple... which will be awesome... lol...
Offtopic: Why don't people want to use Windows operative system? They are a lot more versatile though a bit buggy but who gives a shit.(They usually update them so they won't be so buggy)

On the other hand if they want it to work for linux I guess they have to modifiy it to their needs which may not be legal/allowed by Blizzard.
BTW what is Linux anyway? What kind of an operative system is it?(Only heard bad stuff about it not being reliable as microsoft)
Microsoft should conquer the operative system industry!
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Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
So soory all those linux users got the short end of the stick due to them choosing a system developed outside the major brand names and with a terrible compatability record (though admittedly not as bad as vista) with little going for it. Really I am, im totaly not being sarcastic here.
Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
Starcraft 2 could possibly run under Linux too,
BUT, it is just harder to install (I may know how to do it at that period).
Maybe Blizzard could create a FAQ about how to install Starcraft 2 on a linux system (Linux beginners would need it).
Level 14
Nov 20, 2005
If the game is Mac-playable, it will have to have a different rendering option than just DirectX. Normally it would be DirectX option and OpenGL option, which seems to be the case.

Now, Linux is much better for doing stuff when you know what you're doing. However, it has terrible game compatability - due to DirectX's prevalence, and also due to game companies not making it for Linux.

Given that, if you know what you're doing, having a dual Linux/XP boot is simple (and, let's be honest, if you're too stingy to pay for XP, getting a pirate version isn't hard). If you like to play games and use linux, then really you need such a dual boot, and if you use linux, you should be able to manage that easily. In addition, given the OpenGL support, making it run in Linux with some compatability software shouldn't be too hard.

All of this basically makes the market for gamers who use linux and don't have a Windows XP/Vista boot very, very small.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
It's not as if a linux version would suddenly cut down the amount of models in the game...

But not that I care about linux. If you want to game, get windows. Why? Because any game runs on windows. It sounds easier to me to just get windows than to complain to 90% of all game developers that they didn't make a linux compatible version...
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Yeah, Mac sure as hell doesn't use DirectX, so it's most likely that an OpenGL graphics option is available, so why not just make a Linux port using said OpenGL graphics? They don't even have to have technical support for it, and it would probably still run better than it's Vista brother.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
This is totally pointless.

Rather than linux support, they should plug in tons of models and extra content. That way the people who can use it will be even more happy rather than everyone having a slightly worse and more bug filled game.
In addition to:
It's not as if a linux version would suddenly cut down the amount of models in the game...
Blizzard is a business. They do not care how much fun you have, as long as you buy the game. Supporting Linux would sell more. Unfortunately, it might not sell enough extra for them to invest time in it.
Level 2
Apr 27, 2008
In addition to:

Blizzard is a business. They do not care how much fun you have, as long as you buy the game. Supporting Linux would sell more. Unfortunately, it might not sell enough extra for them to invest time in it.

However, in order for the game to sell, it must be a fun game. Sure some people will buy it the day it hits the shelves, but if the news spreads that it's not a great game, more people won't buy it. Moreover, people may lose faith in Blizzard as a game-making company, which will carry over to their next games' sales. It's a lot easier to earn a bad rep than a good one. So I'd say Blizzard is under huge pressure to make a great game that's very fun, otherwise their company stands a great chance of failing altogether. After all, WoW can't last forever.
Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
does that means you'd want everything made for microsoft (which is happening anyway)?

Almost every product is made for microsoft, meanwhile we forget that there are other systems too (easyer, better protected, faster, ..).
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Level 2
Apr 27, 2008
Actually it's called Dual Boot. I turn on my computer, i'm presented with a screen asking whether I'd like to boot Ubuntu or XP. I'm on my merry way.

Well, true, except in my case Ubuntu or Vista. But I was talking about playing games (ignoring Cedega) from within Linux. Sadly, since I like my games, I spend most of my time in Vista. It runs stable enough for me, and even though I use absolutely 0 security software, I've never had a problem with viruses, spyware, etc.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Neither have I. Though I am a Microsoft fanatic but there are limits on how far I would go. Microsoft products are good but sometimes(probably often) Microsoft really bullies everyone around and pushes other good free products away. Linux and OpenOffice are doing a pretty good job.
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Level 27
May 30, 2007
So if they didn't support Mac, should Mac users not complain and just dual-boot?

Okay, so maybe Linux isn't as popular as Mac, but it sure would help a bunch of people if Blizzard made it work for Linux.
Level 2
Apr 27, 2008
From what I've heard Linux is almost made just for advanced users so I probably guess that they'll figure out their own way to run the game on their Operative System(Linux) or they'll just duel boot.

Negative. It's true that Linux didn't used to be very user-friendly. A lot of stuff was done with commands and there was a lot configuring/tweaking involved. Nowadays, however, some distributions have made huge strides in making the environment much more intuitive and friendly to new-comers. One of the most popular distributions, Ubuntu, has been particularly successful in bringing Linux to the level of the common user, so much so that major vendors like Dell and HP are starting to offer it as an option for your pre-installed OS. There's lots of reasons why many users choose Linux, just as there are reasons why people choose Windows or OSX. Linux is not for everyone, but it can be for many more than Microsoft and Apple would like you to think.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Dude, Ubuntu has to be easier to use than freaking Mac.

I don't know where you get your misconceptions, but Linux is not back in the DOS-stages of old, where the whole thing is command line, etc, etc. It's actually SOOOOO easy to use, and the fact that it usually downloads stuff that you need for you, rather than you having to seek it out and download it yourself (Flash player, Java, codecs) just makes it that much easier.

The only downside AT ALL to Linux is the compatiblity. No one supports it, so we have to make our own stuff for it (Which works great except in the case of games).
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Dude, Ubuntu has to be easier to use than freaking Mac.

I don't know where you get your misconceptions, but Linux is not back in the DOS-stages of old, where the whole thing is command line, etc, etc. It's actually SOOOOO easy to use, and the fact that it usually downloads stuff that you need for you, rather than you having to seek it out and download it yourself (Flash player, Java, codecs) just makes it that much easier.

The only downside AT ALL to Linux is the compatiblity. No one supports it, so we have to make our own stuff for it (Which works great except in the case of games).

Does that mean someone could just assemble a team and begin to support it and get rich?
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
The user base is still relatively small, so you'd have to both advertise the shit out of it, AND support it, which would create hype causing other companies to jump on board and add Linux compatiblity to their software.

But, if you were good enough, yeah, you could make a shitload of money from it.

The other reason that Linux is unsupported is open source. Generally, software for Linux is free AND open source, and sadly, greedy corporations just wont role that way, hence, leaving Linux out of the mix.



Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
BTW what is Linux anyway? What kind of an operative system is it?(Only heard bad stuff about it not being reliable as microsoft)
Microsoft should conquer the operative system industry!

I hope that was a joke......

Also, I've signed up. It's about time some companies took their fingers out of their backsides and created games to be playable via Linux, certainly blizzard considering they made SC and WC3 mac playable.

Ontop of that, people who say Linux wasn't made for games, why then can people create programs (such as WINE) to play games?

Linux is, like Windows and Mac, an operating system. Windows is not just for games, yet it has the most game compatibility. Mac, well...... Thats another subject.

The bottom line is, Windows wasn't created, originally, with the intentions of gaming in mind. Remember that next time you blurt out a comment like that ;)
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Microsoft is USA company! Argh we need similiars companies battling against that Microsoft! Also I hope they are from EUROPE, RUSSIAN and CHINA. I would firstly buy Europe, then Russian, then China and lastly USA. Yeah that it should be! Now all my moneys goes to USA. Oh noes that's bad! I must soon download Linux! At least it's free and money won't go to "war provoke countries".
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Microsoft is USA company! Argh we need similiars companies battling against that Microsoft! Also I hope they are from EUROPE, RUSSIAN and CHINA. I would firstly buy Europe, then Russian, then China and lastly USA. Yeah that it should be! Now all my moneys goes to USA. Oh noes that's bad! I must soon download Linux! At least it's free and money won't go to "war provoke countries".

You can't say that it is a US corporation anymore. It is a world wide organization which drains money out of people who like their softwares. Sure it controls almost the entire US market. At the moment Microsoft Corp. are trying to eliminate the Linux threat on laptops by making their Operative Systems a lot cheaper so computer makers will buy(Presumably) their Operative Systems.
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