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Spell request

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Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Type:Lightning/Snow Ice/Rain
Levels each:5
Hi guys it´s me NB for the people who know me ... otherwise i am NightBrowler... well i need some lightning spells (all in GUI) for my map hope someone can make them i will give +rep and credits.

About the spells:

Spell 2:Lightning/rain/snow Cloud
Create a unit(cloud)(the cloud must be controlable) (i have the model) ... that flies around
effect comes in spell 3/4/5 well ; lvl 1 creates a cloud for 60 seconds and adds 30 extra damage to spell 3/4/5 ; lvl 2 creates a cloud for 65 seconds and adds 60 extra damage to spell 3/4/5 ; lvl 3 creates a cloud for 70 seconds and adds 90 extra damage to spell 3/4/5 ; lvl 4 creates a cloud for 75 seconds and adds 120 extra damage to spell 3/4/5 ; lvl 5 creates a cloud for 80 seconds and adds 150 extra damage to spell 3/4/5 (the cloud must be in 1200 aoe of the caster if the cloud goes farer away the cloud returns to the caster)

Spell 3:Lightning
The caster creates a lightning ball with his staff(have the model of lightning ball) that flies up to the Lightning/rain/snow Cloud(Spell 2) and then creates randomly lightning strikes at the clouds position (AOE=400) for 3.5 seconds,(without the cloud the spell doesn´t work) ; lvl 1 deals 70 damage and paralyze for 0.5 seconds ; lvl 2 deals 100 damage and paralyze for 0.8 seconds ; lvl 3 deals 130 damage and paralyze for 1.2 seconds ; lvl 4 deals 160 damage and paralyze for 1.5 seconds ; lvl 5 deals 190 damage and paralyze for 0.5 seconds.(IMPORTANT: If the unit has Rain buff then adds +50 damage)

Spell 4:Rain
The caster creates a Rain ball with his staff(have the model of Rain ball) that flies up to the Lightning/rain/snow Cloud(Spell 2) and then creates rain at the clouds position (AOE=600) for 3.5 seconds,(without the cloud the spell doesn´t work) ; lvl 1 adds Rain buff to all units in the target spot(Buff remains for 20 seconds) and slows the Movement Speed of the units in the target spot 20% ; lvl 2 adds Rain buff to all units in the target spot(Buff remains for 21 seconds) and slows the Movement Speed of the units in the target spot 25% ; lvl 3 adds Rain buff to all units in the target spot(Buff remains for 22 seconds) and slows the Movement Speed of the units in the target spot 30% ; lvl 4 adds Rain buff to all units in the target spot(Buff remains for 23 seconds) and slows the Movement Speed of the units in the target spot 35% ; lvl 5 adds Rain buff to all units in the target spot(Buff remains for 24 seconds) and slows the Movement Speed of the units in the target spot 40%.

Spell 5:Snow
The caster creates a Snow ball with his staff(have the model of Snow ball) that flies up to the Lightning/rain/snow Cloud(Spell 2) and then creates Blizzards at the clouds position (AOE=400) for 8 seconds,(without the cloud the spell doesn´t work) ; lvl 1 deals 40 damage and 15% chance to freeze the unit for 2 seconds ; lvl 2 deals 70 damage and 18% chance to freeze the unit for 2.6 seconds ; lvl 3 deals 100 damage and 21% chance to freeze the unit for 3.2 seconds ; lvl 4 deals 130 damage and 24% chance to freeze the unit for 3.8 seconds ; lvl 5 deals 160 damage and 27% chance to freeze the unit for 4.4 seconds. (IMPORTANT: If the unit has Rain buff then adds +20% to freeze the enemy unit for x(spell lvl) seconds)



  • semple.JPG
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Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
got to admit.. these spells are alot to ask for.. they're rather complicated.. theres only a few people i believe that COULD make these.. (Paladon, or Niddhog) All of these are complicated and would take days... (for me) especially in GUI

i know but i realy need them well if nobody is making then then i will have to try myself but i can´t realy make spells leaksless^^
Lol leakless is rather easy.. just make sure nothing stays behind.. like if you create a unit.. make sure you get rid of the unit, if you make an effect make sure to destroy the effect.. etc.. when a spell leaks it leaves something behind and if too much is left behind it causes lag.. because of the mass amounts of things on the map left over..
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Lol leakless is rather easy.. just make sure nothing stays behind.. like if you create a unit.. make sure you get rid of the unit, if you make an effect make sure to destroy the effect.. etc.. when a spell leaks it leaves something behind and if too much is left behind it causes lag.. because of the mass amounts of things on the map left over..

ah hm okay i will try thanks +rep :thumbs_up:

EDIT:well thats how far i got heres the map.. if some one could do the rest i would give credits rep etc


  • one piece skills.w3x
    174.2 KB · Views: 45
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
I'll make it, but i'd rather not make it MUI.. since i don't bother setting up the index system

wow thanks:thumbs_up:

Seems like a nice system. And i agree to yearight that MUI is a waste cuz of the index shit also MPI is alot better. Less variables to handle. I would make this spell for you but would take a bit of time since your annoying ass Auction system has a few bugs to work out

ya sorry^^...
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