Spell Request - Sword Effects

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Level 3
Apr 23, 2009
Hi, everyone.

So, I have a Spell Request to do and I hope someone could do it. :cute:

First, the hero that will use those spells is a Meele Unit.And I don't know if is possible a melee hero cast a spell made for a range hero. (if isn't, someone please tell me)

Second, I don't know if is possible to Turn On two Auto-Cast spells at the same time.(if isn't, someone please tell me)

Sword Effects(Passive)

Level 1 - Permanently adds 2 agility and 2 Strenght to the Hero.
Level 2 - Permanently adds 4 agility and 4 Strenght to the Hero.
Level 3 - Permanently adds 6 agility and 6 Strenght to the Hero.
Level 4 - Permanently adds 8 agility and 8 Strenght to the Hero.

Button Position - Normal (X): 2
Button Position - Normal (Y): 2
Button Position - Research (X): 2
Button Position - Research (Y): 0

When the hero learn this spell, two other spells appears for him:
Ice Sword and Fire Sword.

(The level of the two spells will always be in accordance with the level of the "Sword Effects", in other words, if "Sword Effects" is level 1, the Ice Sword and Fire Sword Spells are level 1. If "Sword Effects" is level 2, the Ice Sword and Fire Sword Spells are level 2...)

Ice Sword(auto-cast)

Level 1 - The meele hero atack becomes frozen, reducing him target movement speed by 20% and atack speed by 10%. No extra damage.

Level 2 -The meele hero atack becomes frozen, reducing him target movement speed by 30% and atack speed by 20%. No extra damage.

Level 3 -The meele hero atack becomes frozen, reducing him target movement speed by 40% and atack speed by 30%. No extra damage.

Level 4 -The meele hero atack becomes frozen, reducing him target movement speed by 50% and atack speed by 40%. No extra damage.

Manacost- 11/12/13/14
Cooldown- 6/4/2/0

Button Position - Normal (X): 2
Button Position - Normal (Y): 1
Button Position - Turn Off (X): 2
Button Position - Turn Off (Y): 1

Fire Sword(auto-cast)

Level 1 - The meele hero atack burn, doing 10 extra damage to the target.

Level 2 - The meele hero atack burn, doing 20 extra damage to the target.

Level 3 - The meele hero atack burn, doing 30 extra damage to the target.

Level 4 - The meele hero atack burn, doing 40 extra damage to the target.

Manacost- 11/12/13/14
Cooldown- 6/4/2/0

Button Position - Normal (X): 1
Button Position - Normal (Y): 1
Button Position - Turn Off (X): 1
Button Position - Turn Off (Y): 1

It works like this:

When the hero learns the "Sword and Effects" spell, the other two spells are added to the hero.

These spells are Fire Sword and Ice Sword.

The Fire Sword is an Auto-Cast Spell and adds extra damage to the attack of the hero, who is a melee unit (A kind of Searing Arrows, but for a melee unit).

The Ice Sword, who is also an Auto-Cast Spell, turns the hero's melee attack on an "ice attack" that slows the movement and attacks the target, however, does not cause extra damage (A kind of Frost Arrow, but for a melee unit).

Hope somebody coud do it. :)
If there is something strange, tell me.

Thanks :D
Level 9
Aug 2, 2008
I could try to make something like this, but it will probably take some time. I Need to find the right abilities and do some tests with the auto casts. Having two active autocasts spells in the way you´re planning is probably not possible, but i´ll see what i can do.

About the damage and slow effects...Do you want them to be over time or happen directly on hit ? (the slow effect should work over time else it would be stupid to slow the unit permamently or just in the moment when it´s hit.)

Do you have any preferred scripting langaue (GUI,Jass or vJAss) ? I usually do just Jass or vJass but in this case i could also use GUI.
Level 3
Apr 23, 2009
I could try to make something like this, but it will probably take some time. I Need to find the right abilities and do some tests with the auto casts. Having two active autocasts spells in the way you´re planning is probably not possible, but i´ll see what i can do.

About the damage and slow effects...Do you want them to be over time or happen directly on hit ? (the slow effect should work over time else it would be stupid to slow the unit permamently or just in the moment when it´s hit.)

Do you have any preferred scripting langaue (GUI,Jass or vJAss) ? I usually do just Jass or vJass but in this case i could also use GUI.

Well, directly on hit, if possible :D

I don't realy know how to use Jass or vJass, so if you can do GUI.. :)

I'll try to make 1 tomorrow.

Really tired now.

Edit: Hmm i see now they are 3 spells in one. Just don't have the time, sorry. Seems like Thanathos is gonna make them tho.

oh ;/

ok, no problem

thanks :D
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Level 9
Aug 2, 2008
Sorry i diden´t response earlier. Anyway i did some tests with autocasts abilities and stuff and the results are not really optimal. You cannot have two active autocast abilities which fire on attack, so the hero can only have Fire or Ice sword active at the same time. Using autocast abilities like Searing or Frost arrow on meele units is a bad idea, because triggers somehow do not detect when those abilities are casted automatically. Furthermore the effects of the dummy abilities do also not work correctly (special effects are not shown).

However a solution to solve these problems would be to make the hero a ranged attacker with a small attack range, yeah the hero is then rally a ranged hero but when he attacks it will look like he´s a meele attacker. But there is still a compromise by using that solution: The fake meele hero can´t use abilities which were explicitly made for real meele heros (something like Vampire aura).

If you´re okay with these conditions i can make you that spell (in GUI).
Oh and besides pls no double posting Ramzor :p

Level 13
Mar 6, 2008
The first spell I guess can be made by using "Bonus point" spell. You know, the one with the yellow cross...

Also, (as Thanathos said) it's impossible to have two auto-cast spell at the same time.

A way could be making one of them as the immolation of the dh, and check with triggers if it's active or not, then make him pay mana on each attack (and the effect of the spell, too).

My mind don't find any other solution.
Level 9
Aug 2, 2008
Alright then i finally got this working. The spell should follow the spell section rules. I used the method pippo mentioned, you can activate and deactivate the spells like immolation, if the are activated they trigger their effects. Then you have to wait for the "cooldown".

Sword Effects

Passively adds 2 Strength and Agility points to the hero. Also lends the hero the Firesword and Frost Sword abilities. Firesword and Frost Sword alway in accoradance with Sword Effects.
Fire Sword

Enhances the attacks of the hero with the power of the Fire dealing bonus damage to them.
Level 1Level 2Level 2
Bonus Damage: 10
Mana Cost: 11
Cooldown: 6
Bonus Damage: 20
Mana Cost: 12
Cooldown: 4
Bonus Damage: 30
Mana Cost: 13
Cooldown: 2
Frost Sword
Enhances the attacks of the hero with the power of the Ice decreasing the movement and attack speed of his enemies.
Level 1Level 2Level 2
MS-Reduction: 20%
AS-Reduction: 10%
Mana Cost: 11
Cooldown: 6
MS-Reduction: 30%
AS-Reduction: 20%
Mana Cost: 12
Cooldown: 4
MS-Reduction: 40%
AS-Reduction: 30%
Mana Cost: 13
Cooldown: 2




  • Sword_Effects_Fire_Frost.w3x
    87 KB · Views: 48
Level 3
Apr 23, 2009
Alright then i finally got this working. The spell should follow the spell section rules. I used the method pippo mentioned, you can activate and deactivate the spells like immolation, if the are activated they trigger their effects. Then you have to wait for the "cooldown".

Sword Effects

Passively adds 2 Strength and Agility points to the hero. Also lends the hero the Firesword and Frost Sword abilities. Firesword and Frost Sword alway in accoradance with Sword Effects.
Fire Sword

Enhances the attacks of the hero with the power of the Fire dealing bonus damage to them.
Level 1Level 2Level 2
Bonus Damage: 10
Mana Cost: 11
Cooldown: 6
Bonus Damage: 20
Mana Cost: 12
Cooldown: 4
Bonus Damage: 30
Mana Cost: 13
Cooldown: 2
Frost Sword
Enhances the attacks of the hero with the power of the Ice decreasing the movement and attack speed of his enemies.
Level 1Level 2Level 2
MS-Reduction: 20%
AS-Reduction: 10%
Mana Cost: 11
Cooldown: 6
MS-Reduction: 30%
AS-Reduction: 20%
Mana Cost: 12
Cooldown: 4
MS-Reduction: 40%
AS-Reduction: 30%
Mana Cost: 13
Cooldown: 2



WOW! THANKS, man! :D
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