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Simple Spell Request

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Level 19
Aug 31, 2008
Going to make this quick having internet problems..


Makes all the units inside the targeted area pause for a momment.

Level - 1 = 5 seconds
Level - 2 = 10 seconds
Level - 3 = 15 seconds

-If the casting hero is inside the targeted area he will not be affected.
-If the skill is already cast, and someone goes inside that area, that unit will also be affected.
-All units will be affected except the caster, that includes allies.
-Make any kind of dummy to show where the spell has been casted.


The unit teleports near the targeted unit damaging him "x" then after 0.50 seconds all the units within 300 radius will be damaged by "y"

Level - 1 = x - 300 y - 200
Level - 2 = x - 350 y - 250
Level - 3 = x - 400 y - 300
Level - 4 = x - 450 y - 350
Level - 5 = x - 500 y - 400

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