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- Nov 1, 2006
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If you have any ideas to replace existing Hero spells in Against the Darkness, post them here! I will not use already existing spells and only original spells will have a chance to be implemented in the map.
It would be a big spell, and it would give a lot of work. But it is not impossible to achieve (I can do it if you need). Besides wouldn't it be awesome !?Nite said:I like the idea of Nature Bound but that would be a huge spell and a different effect would have to be made for every unit on the map? That would be very hard. I may just decide one effect (perhaps per level it would change).
Bah vanish !? It is wind walk !!! No point .... want a cool spell ?? well, the Ranger in my map has this aura: When an allied unit reaches 20% of its hp, he has 40% to hide and get invisible. You get invis power as well... and allies can benefit from it !Nite said:Frozen Archer Iced Arrow tweak is a great idea and I will probably use something like it. Vanish will stay though. It is basically the reason that people get the Frozen Archer. I may change Celestial Shield into a Mana Shield based Ability, because the shield is as well a main reason why people pick the Nature Mage. I'll think about it though.
.... Hã !? What is "fret" !??! Is it getting angry ??
Anyway, np. It's your map, you are the boss. Check out my suggestion to your movie problem =).
Also, i suggest you the use of JASS, GUI leaks like hell, and is way much slower.
function AgiArrow_Conds takes nothing returns boolean
local integer level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetAttacker(),'A019')
local integer chance
if level == 1 then
set chance = 5
elseif level == 2 then
set chance = 7
elseif level == 3 then
set chance = 10
return level > 0 and GetRandomInt(1, 100) <= chance
function AgiArrow_Acts takes nothing returns nothing
local unit attacker = GetAttacker()
local unit victim = GetTriggerUnit()
local effect e = AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\AIsm\\AIsmTarget.mdl", victim, "origin")
local integer level = GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetAttacker(),'A019')
local texttag Bonus = CreateTextTag()
call SetTextTagText(Bonus, "+" + R2S(0.5*GetHeroAgi(attacker, false)), .023 )
call SetTextTagPosUnit( Bonus, victim, 0 )
call SetTextTagColor( Bonus, 255, 255, 0, 255 )
call UnitDamageTarget(attacker, victim, GetHeroAgi(attacker, true)*0.5, true, true, ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS, DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL, null)
call SetTextTagPermanent(Bonus, false)
call SetTextTagVelocity( Bonus, 0, .0277 )
call TriggerSleepAction(2.00)
call DestroyTextTag(Bonus)
call DestroyEffect(e)
set attacker = null
set victim = null
set e = null
set Bonus = null
function InitTrig_Agi_Arrow takes nothing returns nothing
local integer index = 0
local trigger AgiArrow = CreateTrigger()
exitwhen index == 16
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(AgiArrow, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED, null)
set index = index +1
call TriggerAddCondition( AgiArrow, Condition( function AgiArrow_Conds ) )
call TriggerAddAction( AgiArrow, function AgiArrow_Acts )
set AgiArrow = null
I just took all time i have today making that AgiArrow ability lol ... tomorrow i will give a better look to your problem. Sorry again for my mistake =S
so, in gui i would do it like this:
1. just delete your event.
2. after the map init, where you created all creeps units (enemys of the archer) add a "pick every unit of .. player and do", the action would be "add (picked unit) takes damage as event to swift shot" then, after it just
3. delete/remove/destroy the unit group as u surely know
___edit: oh yeah, u would need to add a new event for each new created or just entering (by summuning) enemy unit as well then.
- call of nature: [ultimate] [active]I want to have a new ultimate for the Hunter (focused on animals/nature)
- max output: [active], a new ability for the Scientist (focused on technology)
- robe of healing: [active] [able to turn off], and a new ability for the Medicine Doctor (focused on protection/healing - not an aura).
Lol, i haven't found that yet lol, have to test your new version again =)
Okay, spell ideas... Maybe you could have an ability that makes the death knight explode into ten bats, flying in all directions for about a range of 500, then turn into "Nebula" (Dark Wisps). Once that happens, they can suicide themselves to damage their enemies. But, there will also be one wisp, made in the middle, that must survive or the Death Knight loses 100 HP after 30 seconds when the spell is done. The center wisp could be the "Puppet Master" or something. Levels would probably increase time and damage. This is a pretty scrappy idea though...
Oh, basic? You mean you wouldn't have the bat special effects? That'd be pretty easy to do actually. All you need to do is make a transparent Dread Lord and then kill it.
well i made a working demo?
in GUI
so will that help?