Spell Idea gather Thread

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Level 1
Apr 13, 2004
How about a whirlpool thingy for brine, creates a whirlpool that sucks units in a spiral, but doesn't stop their movement (only slows it) they swirl around slowly at first, but faster as they get nearer. and when they get to the center they disappear and either appear in a random place or die or something like that.
:wink: or a geyser
Level 3
Aug 30, 2004
For Axey,Choppy or Brine
Multi-Strike:Hero teleports next to the targeted unit,attacks him,teleports another place next to him and attacks him again.This continues on for duration of your choice.Duration increases with level.if the unit dies before all the attacks are made the hero teleports back to where he was.hero is invunrable during the duration
Level 3
Sep 4, 2004

1.Fishing Pole(switch)_Changes Brines Weopen to a fishing pole, taking away the blunt attack but giving a more magical effect.
2.Sabre(switch)_ changes Brines weopen to a sabre that has a feirce attack.

1.Summon Bog Elemntal(Fishing Pole)_Creates a powerful bog elemental with the Parasite ability.
2.Coat Weopen(sabre)_ coats a Freindly Heroes weopen in burning Tar or poisonus murloc blood.
3.Disect(sabre)_cuts the head off o a dead creep, Brine eats the skull of his enemy and temporarely takes the form of it.
4.Dwarven Alliance(Fishing Pole)Summons a Dwarven Giant To fight for brine.
Level 3
Feb 10, 2004
well these will be hard but you said you want unuique...i hope i couldn't do it but im sure darky could mabey...i hope...oh well!

It's for angry the rifledwarf.


2 crosshairs appear on the screen and float around a bit (while he channles and aims) they then lock on to two units within the target area and then he shoots both of them with supreme accuracy

At level 2 3 crosshairs, a bit stronger
At level 3 4 crosshairs, a bit more stronger

for choppy the sword dwarf. Has a slight oriental theme to it (which should be a funny tiwst lol)

BLOSSOM DANCE (cherry blossoms are regarded mystical and powerf ul BTW...and a little poncey which shoudl be funny)

Blossom showers down on choppy and his blades begin to glow and he then begins to spin (getting a little interactive here) during the...lets say 30 sec spell effect (im not too good at balancing so that can be changed) you need to tap the W, A, S, D keys in that order as fast as you can to keep him spinning the more you do it the faster and stronger he spins! Basically its a bit like an interactive bladestorm.
best for an ultimate
This one is for mortar big and will require a new animation most probobaly


(works on the basis of devour) takes an enemy creep and puts them in his cannon (it will have to have a level cap mabey ect ect..) Using the ability again will fire the creature out at the new target, they stronger the creature in the cannon was the better the blast. NOTE: the creature is returned to play when you do this but they are damaged also. And i dunno if you dont use it in a certain time it wil lexplode and deal a little damage to you and free the creep.
Level 9
Oct 28, 2004
Ok im not sure if this has been done or not, or wether this is feasible but here it goes.
Brine's Ult. Whirlpool: Slowly brings enimeis closer and when they are in a certain range of brine it does 100 damage to each, BUT if brine's in shalow water this does 200 and if he's in deep it does 400.
(ty modeler)
Level 9
Aug 27, 2004

AAshark i think you mean 400?

My spell idea:

DIE DIE DIE missiels:

Fires three missiels each missiel deals damage equal to 20X the damage of 'motar dwarf' - 20x the damage of main target, the missiels will vary off course and sway back and fourth until it hits something, if a missiel lasts more than seven seconds it explodes dealing its damage x .50.

Leap brine:

Brine splits into three brines, the original is in last, the original hops over one of the two copies, when he lands a small amount of aoe is delt, then the one he jumped over jumps over him. So on so fourth (lasts 3 jumps (level 1) lasts 5 jumps(level 2) lasts 7 jumps(level 3) and so on.


Brine grabs a unit and tosses him into water (must be in 500 of water) if the water is shallow the unit is stunned and takes X damage, if its deep water the unit sowly sinks and takes periodic damage.

x=(100,125,150, so on)
Level 1
Nov 7, 2004
for the fish dude he should have an attack called catch of the day he kills an enemy lvl 5 or less and then he can summon him the rest of the game. :)
Level 2
Nov 8, 2004
omm maybe this :

I dont know a good spell name for this one ....

the hero goes to a nearly sea or river . and then he drink some water from the sea/reaver . a lot of the water disapear . now the hero can haunt the water to the anamy unit .

when the hero drink water he regenerates himself but he is slow ....

when he haunt the water the enamy unit take dmg ...

sry... my english is bad

@ darky when u like this spell i have more ideas
Level 3
Apr 26, 2004
Hey darky I was thinking mabye you could make this spell:wild rider
Levle 1:you can find a certain animal (level one say just a quill beast)your speed is incresed while riding.if possible make a separte helth for the creature and rider.there should be a dismount ability(cuz if the animal dies while your riding it you suffer 5% damage.
as the levels progress more animals should be able to be ridden(eg level 3 might be the rams from wow).make animal speed,health,damage grow with level.eg quill beast is small and slow say 500 hp than you get a baby kodo or something with slight increase in speed but 750 hp and finally rams with 1000 hp and good damge.

riders may be able to just fire while moving.instead of the animals attacking.

Its just an idea hope you like it.
Level 3
Aug 30, 2004
For Anybody

Luck Charm:the first few hits will do no damage to the hero.Amount of hits that can be doged increases with level
level1:3 hits
level2:5 hits
level3:6 hits

Mad Hydra:A hydra appears,Poisons a baddie,damages any nearby baddies and vanishes
level1:average damage
level2:above average damage
level3:High damage

Rain of Rocks:rocks come down and stun any baddies in the target location.
level1:2 second stun
level2:5 second stun,5 damage
level3:7 second stun,10 damage

(heck why am I giving out ideas?darky only takes good ones.my ideas are S*** with a capital S)
Level 2
Mar 25, 2004
Here it goes....


Furry Blades

Choppy gives his inner power to his blades and attacks with a high speed.

Level 1: Choppy attacks 30% faster with a tripel attack that deals 3 times normal damage. Mana Cost: 90. Coldown 8 seconds. Lasts 6 seconds.

Level 2: Choppy attacks 50% faster with a tripel attack that deals 4 times normal damage. Mana Cost: 90. Coldown 9 seconds. Lasts 7 seconds.

Level 3: Choppy attacks 70% faster with a tripel attack that deals 5 times normal damage. Mana Cost 90. Coldown 10 seconds. Lasts 8 seconds.

Sonic Wave

Choppy scratches his two blades together and makes a high louded sonic wave that he sends out with a furry jump.

Level 1: The Sonic wave deals 120 damage in a straight line. The enemie units that are hit by the sonic wave gets confused for 3 seconds. Mana cost: 120. Coldown 9 seconds.

Level 2: The sonic wave deals 190 damage in a straight line. The enemie units that are hit by the sonic wave gets confused for 5 seconds. Mana cost: 120. Coldown 9 seconds.

Level 3: The sonic wave deals 250 damage in a straight line. The enemie units that are hit by the sonic wave gets confused for 5 seconds. Mana cost: 120. Coldown 9 seconds.

Confused (Buff for Sonic Wave)

The units under this buff will not be controle able for the owner for a certain amount of time, with means thay can attack anyone close.

Buff: This unit is confused and attacks anyone close.
Level 5
Oct 5, 2004

Tide Slash
Shoots three lines or streeks of blueish icy water that does 500 danmage and cosst 150 mana
1:three lines 500 damage 150 mana
2:five lines 700 damage 250 mana
3:six lines 800 damage 350 mana

Coral Snatch three pieces of coral come from the ground growing supremely fast and catches the enemy and holds him for and does a bash like effect and some damage
1:3 coral holds for 20 seconds 15 damage per second and costs 100 mana
2:5 coral holds for a minute does 50 damage per second and costs 150 mana
3:6 coral holds for a minute and a half and does 100 damage per second and costs 300 mana.

Spiral Spin the hero spins in a tornado allowing him to hover and go to areas he could not slim or walk on*fly effect*
1:lasts for 8 seconds costs 50 mana
2: lasts for 20 seconds and costs 80 mana
3:lasts for 35 seconds and costs 125 mana

Acid Rain a ability for magic users that makes it rain acid that hurts good and friendly
1: 2 inch all around 50 damage per hit from a acid blob or sphere and lasts for 8 seconds
2: 3 inch all around 80 damage per hit from a acid blob or sphere and lasts 15 seconds
3: 5 inch all around 150 damage per hit from a acid blob or sphere and lasts for 18 seconds.
Level 8
Oct 2, 2004

Bog Breath : Brine swallows a unit whole and begins to dissolve it with stomach acids. As the acids eat away at the unit, the produces a foul gas, which Brine exhales on foes as a ranged attack.
Level x - x duration, x damage per second, x damage increasee, x range

Bloated Belly : Brine inhales a large amount of swamp gas which causes him to inflate. While inflated, he gains a bonus Hit Point regeneration rate and armor. Also, the total damage he takes while bloated, he will deal back by bursting out the swamp gas. Brine cannot attack while bloated
Level x - x duration, x armor bonus, x life regen rate, x damage multiplier

Infection Spawns : Spews out a number of small tadpoles that are infected with disease. These tadpoles can fight, but not well. Upon death, each tadpole explodes. Units within range of explosion are then infected with poison.
Level x - x tadpoles, x poison damage


Barrel Slam : Gives a x% chance that <this unit> will slam opponants with his cannon. If he does, the cannon will go off, dealing AOE damage in target area. When the cannon goes off, it blasts <this unit> into the air, making him hover in the air invulnerable for several seconds.
Level x - x % chance, x seconds airborne

Pogo Cannon : Aims the cannon at the ground and fires a blast. This blast sends <this unit> into the air. <this unit> continues to fire at the ground, with each blast sending him into the air. While using Pogo Cannon, <this unit> is uncontrollable and invulnerable. He moves in random directions, firing shots every x seconds to stay airborne. Eash blast deals X damage to units on the ground. Can be deactivated.
Level x - x duration, x seconds interval, x damage per shot

What do you think of these spells?
Level 8
Oct 2, 2004


Cannon Ride : The hero lights the fuse on his cannon and jumps on top of it. The cannonn spins around for a few seconds. While he spins on the cannon, he is invulnerable. After a random (or set) period of spinning, the cannon launches in a random direction. It stops only when it hits and enemy unit or obstacle (trees, cliffs, etc, can travel over water) and blows up. The hero and all units in AOE are stunned. Option : Units who cross the line of the cannon's blast in the next few seconds light on fire because of the scorch line.


Hustle : The big dwarf jumps on the back of the little one (for comedy) who runs around randomly. The big dwarf fires the cannon at enemy units in short bursts of many weak rockets. Rather then dealing damage, these rockets stun units for x-x seconds. This lasts until deactivated or death. When deactivated, the small dwarf faints and must rest for half the duration of the spell.

Tag Team : The small dwarf taunts a target unit while the big dwarf hides behind the cannon. When the unit attacks (with increased damage but decreased armor) the big dwarf jumps over the little one and pummels the target a lot with his cannon.


Trapped! : The hero traps target unit by slamming the open end of the cannon over its head. The hero waits for x seconds and then blasts the cannon, dealing x damage and sending the unit flying.
Level 7
Nov 26, 2004
dis is for axey:

Berserk :twisted:
axey goes into bloodlust and he cant be controlled while berserk, or somting like dat.
Level 8
Oct 2, 2004

Rumble Roulette : The hero drops his weapons and charges at target foe. He grabs the target and begins to spin faster and faster. As he spins, he moves around and bashes foes, knocking them down. When the spell is cancelled or the duration ends, the hero will hurl the target unit, knocking down more foes. The longer he spins, the longer units are stunned.
Level x - x duration, x initial stun, x bonus stun every x seconds

B-Doing B-Doing : The hero jumps in the air several times, jumping higher every jump. As the hero jumps higher, he begins to slam the ground when he lands. The damage continues to rise with each bounce. While bouncing, this hero is harder to hit.
Level x - x bounces damage delay, x initial damage, x% evasion


Scizzor Swords : The hero slashes different ways with his swords. The blades strike in an arc of certain degrees. The damage begins high in the middle of the arc and decreases as the arc goes outward.
Level x - x damage, x degrees arc

This is a little confusing when I read it back. He crosses his blades in front of him and swings them across, creating a scizzors before him. After the blades cross as a scizzor, he swings them further to each side, to form a "C" in front of him. The closer to the middle of the "C" takes more damage.
Level 1
Nov 14, 2004
Spell ideas

Ok ok I got a couple veiws like mabay an arua 4 one of the motar guys like focus arua:10% more like 2 hit target 10% dmg bonus and 5% speed bonus. Or 4 another guy (if any builders/miners in this) gold rush arua: makes miners get 50% more 10% faster. Um ill um post more when i get ideas.
Level 10
Apr 9, 2004
Ok, i have 2 ideas but i'm not sure how you guys will like em. I dunno maybe this can be a special one that you can only do if you target an area of water.

If will be called whirlpool. Now basically, it will pull unit's in and act as a whirl pool pulling them in and down and while down, they will look hp every second and also be stunned. This will be chanelling.

This one could be made in a few ways for any of the heroes. It will be called "toss meh!" and the name basically says it all. At any time you can start chanelling your power and any unit close enough to you get's a skill to pick your guy up and toss him into another area, this could be over the trees, or onto a fleeing enemy. Another idea is Launch where the little guy breaks off and goes into the cannon of the big mortar firing guy and that due fires the little guy at his enemies. This move will automatically initate separetion and divide the two units up. They have to simply use the rejoin ability and that will bring them back to normal. I know these aren't great, but they'd be neet to use in battle i think and i;ve always been fond of tossing dwarfs...

That's all i can think of right now.
Level 2
Nov 3, 2004
Spell for Angery: Marksmens Shot, See what it will do is he aims at the target(need a crosshair model)make sound on the unit the riflemans "I got the beast in me sights" crosshairs of his weap(in white) are one by one made in random areas around the unit 5 times 1 sec apart(being removed after .90 seconds)each one being closer to the unit then in five seconds makes a red one right under the targeted unit. Angery then says "Fire!" then fires a extremely accurate shot at the enemies head(make stampede special effect on head of unit)dealing 600 damage to the target(most of the time killing the unit). This may be too basic for your tastes but ive done it before and its quite cool.
Level 10
Apr 9, 2004
this ones for either of the ortar heroes

It's called Anticipate movement and it's a passive, or it can be targetable.actiavatble or whatever.

Anyways, it's basically a spell that fires to where the nenmy is going to be and it blows up the ground in front of them, forcing them to change direction slightly (basically check for unit speed and facing angle and then fire a shot that would just block their movement with invis unit or nice pathing blocker.

It would deal 10-20-30-40 bonus (or whatever depending on levels) damage (that's if it landed perfectly) and also the missiles would travel quicker as the spell was upgraded.

A secong one i think would be neat is a spell calls long shot which is a chaneling/ground spell which required skill to use. Badically, they create a cursor that moves up and down in front of them and every time it moves over a unit they fire a powerful shot, using up 10 mana. The cursor moves increased distances and at faster rates each level and also tracks heroes in the last 3 seconds but only a certain distance. If the heroes run out of mana, they stop casting.

Duration will be 4-5-6-7 seconds and each round will deal 50-75-100-125 damage in a small aoe (100 or so and medium aoe of 150)This would be kind of like a wave spell.

My third suggestion was inspired by ww2. It's called Bursting Shell (not a great name but hey...)

Anyways, what they do is fire a missile in the air, which bursts in the air and releases a hail of bullets onto enemies. It normally deals 25-35-45-55 damage in an area and is meant for delayed spamming (5 second cooldown) but the effects can be altered by another skill called "Runic Ammunition"

Runic ammunition: is based off of a dummy spell book, has 4 levels and can change the attack of the heroes to have 1 of 4 different side-effects. 1 would be poison, freezing, burning, and armor piercing.

Each one would give minor bonuses which would become better each level, and you'd learn poison, burning, cold and finally piercing.

Ammunition will also be triggered to have a cooldown after so many attacks

Now the effects are obvious but the type of ammunition set: poison makes gas appear on explosion, burning burns ground, frost freezes units in small area, and piercing increase directness of attack (lowers arc) missile speed and allows for all the damage to transfer to the target.

With the Artillery Burst, the Runic ammunition grants special properties

Poison: Poisons entire area, and also slows units and deals low damage over long period of time. Attack is increase by 5-15-25-35.

Buring: Makes the attack explode in the air, and rain napalm, which deals no instant damage but floats to the ground and then burns the ground and deals 15-25-35-45 burns damage a second and the burning field lasts 5 seconds.

Frost: Explodes into ice chucnks and freezes the ground for 1-1.25-1.5-1.75 seconds. Increases damage by 5-10-15-20 but also increases cooldown by 2.5 seconds.

Piercing, Now this is the big one. The attack cost an extra 25 mana to cast, but gains the piercing abilities. Increases damage by 10-20-30-40 and also causes units to takes severe damage from opened wounds and loss of blood as well as reduced armor. Opened wounds deals 4-5-6-7 damage per second for 15-30-45-60 seconds (up to 10-20-30-40 seconds for heroes). Units also lose 1 armor until they stop bleeding. The buff is instantly reoved by heal however.

Anyways, these are the spells i thought up of and i hope you find them origional and interesting. BTW i didn't read through all 9 pages so sorry if some are repeats.
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
This is for Bombur and Blasty:

Link Bomb Explosion

Blasty runs around Bombur laying bombs/explosions/mines in random areas, while Bomburs explodes them with throwing fire, dealing XXX damage to enemies.

These are for whoever:

Lucky Strike:
An axe is thrown, showing numbers 1-10, if the number is at least or more then 9, then the unit instantly dies, but the number is at least or lower then 2, the unit is invulnerable for 5 seconds. If they are numbers 3-5, then the axe deals 200 damage. If they are numbers 6-8, then the axe hurts the user for 200 damage(If the user has lower then 200 health, then make the spell unusable).

The unit dissolves from the inside, disabling either they're armor, attack, 2nd attack, movement speed, spells/skills, or if possible, auras.
Level 1
Jun 29, 2004
Two skills For Choppy-

Sword's of the Avatars
When activated he deals frost attack with one sword and poison attack with other sword.
-Incresees spell, and poison duration per level.

Counter Attack
Wielding his two blades Choppy has a chance to stop an enemy attack by one of his swords, and counter it with the other sword. While countering Choppy also has a chance to do multiply dammage, stun the unit, or preform a chrushing blow (throws the unit back)
-Add more chance to preform one of the attacks up there :roll:
Level 1
Jun 6, 2005
:p i was reading ur replys and came up with 1 myself for Brine
swamp trap:creates a small puddle of water at a target location and is set off like a stasis trap any1 under the the AOE takes damage and is stunned. to escape repeatedly press e. you can decide length and amount of damage.
as i sed just a thought but it might help u

Level 5
Aug 26, 2004
I posted this under Fishing Pole but I think it would be better placed here:

well Brine is a fish/amphibian right?

fishing pole is definitely a good idea I'd say...

It shows the intelligence of Murlocs, how they have become the top predators not through strength but ingenuity... :D

and any murloc who can not only slash you with a saber but hook you with a fishing pole and reel you in for the kill has skill.... :cool:

bytheway, Brine should has an ability allowing him to hook someone/thing and reel it in, the thing is stunned, and he can slash at it with his saber :twisted:
Level 2
Mar 31, 2006
A spell for Angry:
Contagious Fury(Passive): :twisted: When angry is attacked, there is a small chance an enemy will get contagious anger which hurts the enemy over time. When that enemy dies, some one of the nearby enemies also get this contagious anger.

Generic Dwarf Spell:
Pulse of the Hills: :x The Dwarf starts pummelling the ground with a rythym and a smash sound while a earthguake effect is created. Friendly units are made more powerful and huge hill-like waves of ground are sent in all directions on land knocking back enemies and hurting them while channelling.
Complicated enough?

P.S How will we know that you're picking our spells other than waiting because that seems to be a very long wait.
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