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Magic The Gathering - Arena

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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Current Team
Fulla - General Hero/Ability designer, terrain, object editor
Chainer- - Triggers, Spells

This is largely enspired by Enfo's Hero Arena.and based heavily on the card Magic The Gathering.

Enfo Hero Arena - Inspiration

It is a very old map, which did not utilize custom spells, but had a unqiue round system.
Each round the players got shuffeled randomly into 2 seperate teams. which would have to fight each other.
- The players on the winning team each round would get a point.
- The first player to get to a certain amount of points would win, (I believe it was around 10-15).

The main flaws of this map were:-
- If there was an uneven amount of players e.g. 9, the teams would become unbalanced 5v4
- As the teams were random each round, there was always a chance the winning players would fight the loosing players, which end up putting larger and larger gaps inbetween them

So I've taken this concept and a few features which I belive have improved it.

- The size of the teams are randomised as well, currently between 2 Teams // Teams of 2 // FFA
e.g. 6v6 // 2v2v2v2v2v2 // 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1
- If teams are imbalanced a computer Hero is spawned for the lesser team, to maintain balance.
- You only get a point if you survive, not if your teams wins

However when playtesting
There were 2 Big flaws I noticed
- Simply the first guy to die in a round is put at an enormous disadvatange as he gets no experience/gold whilst every1 else be put infront of him.
- In FFA, 1 guy could potentially kill steal every1, making him gain lots of exp and gold whilst the other survivors gained nothing.

Ive made it so, when a hero dies, every enemy player of that guy gains experience/gold, so its shared equally.
Also made it so at the end of each round each player gains gold/lumber so even players who lost can still buy items and abilities (more on abilities later).

Things I would like to add in the future:-

- Other size teams, such as teams of 3, teams of 4
- Instead of random teams, the winning guys and loosing guys are put together in teams to keep it more balanced.
e.g. On the point scoreboard from top to bottom 1/2/3 go with 10/11/12 vs 4/5/6/7/8/9 etc.
Or perhaps an option at start -random or -balance

Lastly, other more extreme features Ive added
- All spells can target allied/enemy as well thus any player at any time can choose to kill a current ally if he chooses or heal an enemy.
I think this makes it more exciting as everyone is aiming to win, by killing a current rival on your team you increase your chances of success, but risk loosing the current
In the same way, if you wish to prolong the round give your enemy team a chance to kill an ally, you may want to quickly heal an opponent to just make him survive long enough to kill an enemy

- As the map concept is meant to be short and brutal, I think it gave me room to go into a few spells that would be considered and simply are imbalanced.

- Spells that effect items/gold/experience/stats PERMENANTLY
Ill first go into Magic.

Magic The Gathering - Based

If you dont know what Magic The Gathering is, its a Collectable card game, where players summon creatures, cast spells and create enchanments/artifacts to destroy there opponent. Im basinc heroes on creatures from the CardGame, heroabilities from the spells/enchantments and items from the artifacts.

I decided to first start of by making heroes from Ravnica, the 10 Guild Leaders/Masters.
Which makes 1 hero for each combination of 2colours.
Then Ill move on For mono coloured Heroes

Firstly in the current system, you buy your abilities from your ability shop, which spawns when you pick you hero.
- Each Hero has their own shop with unique spells.
- With the multicoloured heroes there will be 4 abilities of each colour and then 3 multicoloured abilities (11 altogether)
Mono coloured abilities cost 1 lumber, multi coloured cost 2 lumber and are more powerful.
- Start of game each players starts with 2 lumber so can choose between
2x mono coloured abilities // 1x lvl2 mono coloured ability // 1x lvl1 multi coloured ability.

Each time a hero levels he gains 1 lumber and at the end of each round every player gains 1 lumber. This makes it so there alot of spells available for every1 even the players who arent doing so well.
Abilities max levels = 5, its costs 1lumber to level a mono coloured ability up and 2 for a multi coloured one.

Going on from earlier, following the magic concept Ive made abilities like
- Shatter, which can destroy a random item on target hero
- Steal Artifact, which can steal a random item from target hero
- Psysic Drain, can syphon - leech/drain experience from target hero
- Torture, a buff that permentantly deboosts stats over a long peroid of time

As rounds are meant to be fairly short and the game can be won/end fairly quickly the spells dont have such a traumatising effect, especially with 11 potential players being your enemy.

Items will cost gold and have 3 levels.
Players will therefore be able to buy items and upgrade them if they have the gold.
Each item will be unique with various passive effects as well as a castable spell.

I would like to eventually add some form of item system
with say 2 inventories
- First one for say, Helmet/Chest/Weapon1/Weapon2/Gloves/Boots
- Second one for misc item such as Potions/Scrolls/Amulets/Rings etc.

Current State of Map
I would like to get it to atleast 5-10 heroes before publically releasing the map.

- The round system works with randomised teams and shuffeling the players.
- There is an armor shop, staff shop and a potion shop.
Each has 11 items, but I definetly will be improving and updating them
All armor items can be upgraded to level3, staffs will also be very soon.
- 4 heroes with 8 abilities each.
- I have a fire system that slowly shrinks the arena each round preventing rounds from taking to long.

Looking For
- Spell makers
- Terrain Artists, (For simple basic Hero Arena map)

Here is a link to the current version, close to beta

thank you for your time
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